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2024 Welsh Seniors (Over 65)

Last update 18.08.2024 20:22:58, Creator/Last Upload: Kevin

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Starting rank list

1Fletcher, John1800620WLS2026
2Binks, Michael1800957WLS1988
3Saunders, Walter N. R.1800442WLS1969
4AGMVan Kemenade, Rudy410942WLS1946
5Davis, Lee1801325WLS1944
6Havard, Gwyn1805428WLS1887
7Phillips, William414344WLS1879
8Van Kemenade, Julie402796WLS1815
9Thomas, Roy1803190WLS1805
10Quinn, Peter1805460WLS1758
11Probert, Malcolm1802305WLS1741
12Hurn, Robert Aj1801929WLS1724
13Morgan, David154023318WLS1686
14Williams, Stephen1803140WLS1674