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Zabasajja 2013 Blitz tournament

Last update 20.04.2013 17:34:10, Creator/Last Upload: Stephen Kisuze

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1 
1Kawuma Patrick2050UGA 28b1 22w1 21b1 4w0 12b1 6w1 2w1 3b1 5b1839,50
2Wanyama Harold2077UGA 24b1 11w1 5b1 12w1 4b1 3w½ 1b0 6w1 8b17,539,25
3Bibasa Bob2080UGA 15w1 17b1 12w0 18b1 11w1 2b½ 4w1 1w0 14b16,532,25
4Lubega Solomon1980UGA 20b1 14w1 7b1 1b1 2w0 22w1 3b0 5w0 11w+631,00
5Kamoga Rajab2000UGA 13w1 25b1 2w0 9b1 6w0 12b1 8w1 4b1 1w0629,00
6Kanaabi Aaron1980UGA 7w0 13b1 19w1 8w1 5b1 1b0 22w1 2b0 9w1628,00
7Obita Francis1900UGA 6b1 24w½ 4w0 17b0 27b0 28w1 23b1 21w1 13w15,521,50
8Buti Raphael2050UGA 9w1 12b0 15w1 6b0 21w1 10w1 5b0 11b1 2w0523,50
9Mubiru Nelson1950UGA 8b0 20w1 14b1 5w0 19w1 11b0 25w+ 10w1 6b0522,00
10Kafuko John Paul1920UGA 14b0 23w1 17w1 11b0 15w1 8b0 12w1 9b0 22w1521,50
11Nsubuga Haruna2000UGA 26w1 2b0 25w1 10w1 3b0 9w1 14b1 8w0 4b-521,00
12Akabo Mike1990UGA 30b1 8w1 3b1 2b0 1w0 5w0 10b0 20w1 18b1520,50
Kikonyogo John1920UGA 5b0 6w0 20b1 23w1 14b0 19b1 15w1 17w1 7b0520,50
14Kisuze Stephen2050UGA 10w1 4b0 9w0 26b1 13w1 25b1 11w0 22b1 3w0520,00
15Turyahabwe Christopher1980UGA 3b0 30w1 8b0 27w1 10b0 21w1 13b0 24w1 17b1516,00
16Kikabi Jefrrey1920UGA 19w0 29b1 18w0 25b0 24b1 27w1 17b0 23w½ 21b14,515,00
17Kigeni Grace2000UGA 27b1 3w0 10b0 7w1 25w0 26b1 16w1 13b0 15w0416,00
18Kalule Caxton1980UGA 21b0 27w1 16b1 3w0 22b0 23b0 19w1 25w+ 12w0415,50
19Amoko Ivy2026UGA 16b1 21w0 6b0 24w1 9b0 13w0 18b0 28w1 23b1413,00
20Ojok Patrick1900UGA 4w0 9b0 13w0 30b1 26w0 24w1 28b1 12b0 25w+410,00
21Ntambi Rogers1900UGA 18w1 19b1 1w0 22w½ 8b0 15b0 26w1 7b0 16w03,511,75
22Bagadde Daniel1980UGA 29w1 1b0 26w1 21b½ 18w1 4b0 6b0 14w0 10b03,510,75
Angolikin Goretti2050UGA -0 10b0 30w1 13b0 29b1 18w1 7w0 16b½ 19w03,510,75
24Kabengano Joy1950UGA 2w0 7b½ 28w1 19b0 16w0 20b0 27b+ 15b0 26w13,59,75
25Twongyeirwe Sharon1900UGA -1 5w0 11b0 16w1 17b1 14w0 9b- 18b- 20b-312,50
26Kalanzi David1900UGA 11b0 28w1 22b0 14w0 20b1 17w0 21b0 27w+ 24b037,50
27Baryeija Simon1900UGA 17w0 18b0 29w1 15b0 7w1 16b0 24w- 26b- 28b-28,50
28Namanya Gary1950UGA 1w0 26b0 24b0 29w0 30b1 7b0 20w0 19b0 27w+23,50
29Nabunywa Charles1900UGA 22b0 16w0 27b0 28b1 23w0 30w- 30w- 30w- 30w-11,50
30Mugyenyi Vincent1900UGA 12w0 15b0 23b0 20w0 28w0 29b- 29b- 29b- 29b-00,00

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable