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OLIMPIADA NAŢIONALA A SPORTULUI ŞCOLAR-2013 Etapa Naţională-învăţământ liceal-Baieti

Last update 21.04.2013 15:20:32, Creator/Last Upload: Romanian Chess Federation (Licence 9)

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1CMPop Alexandru2252ROU 16w1 8b0 12w1 20b1 7w1 4w1 3b16031,527,00
2CMMalureanu Costin-George2122ROU 19w1 31b1 5w½ 8b1 9w1 3b½ 10w1603024,75
3CMGheorghiu Calin2096ROU 17b1 15w1 13b1 6w1 10b1 2w½ 1w05,5033,524,50
4CMManole Stefan2091ROU 32w1 7b1 8w½ 5b1 6w1 1b0 9w15,5032,524,25
5IDelgado-Vlaic Adrian1979ROU 24b1 36w1 2b½ 4w0 14b½ 21w1 12w15028,518,00
6ICordea David2068ROU 35w1 20b1 25w1 3b0 4b0 13w1 14b15027,516,50
7IGalateanu Calin1857ROU 40b1 4w0 23b1 13w1 1b0 27w1 22b15026,515,00
8IBunta Andrei1911ROU 26b1 1w1 4b½ 2w0 19b0 23w1 21b14,503118,75
9CMBida Mihai-Eugen2222ROU 27b1 11w1 10b½ 21w1 2b0 19w1 4b04,5030,516,75
10IVrencian Lehel2019ROU 29b1 14w1 9w½ 31b1 3w0 11b1 2b04,503016,25
11IFulger Ionut1935ROU 41w1 9b0 32w1 25b1 12w½ 10w0 19b14,5022,511,50
12IPavel Sebastian-Ionut2087ROU 23b1 21w½ 1b0 15w1 11b½ 20w1 5b0403015,00
13IToth Botond-Artur1756ROU 38w1 16b1 3w0 7b0 32w1 6b0 27w14026,511,00
14ILazin Robert-Tamas1832ROU 33w1 10b0 38w1 19b½ 5w½ 25b1 6w04025,511,75
15IDeliman Antonio-Emil1894ROU 30w1 3b0 33w½ 12b0 29b1 26w1 20b½4024,512,00
16IUntu Marius-Catalin1685ROU 1b0 13w0 26b0 -1 38w1 33b1 28w1402211,00
17IISalgau Eusebiu1562ROU 3w0 30b1 31w0 37b1 20w0 39b1 25w14021,510,00
18Rus Darius1001ROU 20w0 28b1 19w0 35b1 25w0 32b1 31b1402010,00
19IIvan Cosmin1655ROU 2b0 26w1 18b1 14w½ 8w1 9b0 11w03,5030,513,50
20IVrajitoru Vlad-Laurentiu-Flor1815ROU 18b1 6w0 36b1 1w0 17b1 12b0 15w½3,502912,00
21IDeaconu Mihai-Ionut1857ROU 34w1 12b½ 22w1 9b0 33w1 5b0 8w03,502610,00
22IDan Silviu-Aurelian2010ROU 28w1 25b0 21b0 26w½ 24b1 31w1 7w03,5023,510,50
23ILeonte Dan1302ROU 12w0 34b1 7w0 38b1 31w½ 8b0 33w13,5022,57,75
24Cser Istvan1001ROU 5w0 38b0 30w½ 41b1 22w0 35b1 34b13,50186,00
25INegru Alecsandru-George1714ROU 39b1 22w1 6b0 11w0 18b1 14w0 17b03026,59,00
26Giurgi Dorin1001ROU 8w0 19b0 16w1 22b½ 30w1 15b0 32w½3024,59,50
27IBacila Mihai1668ROU 9w0 41b1 39w1 33b0 28w1 7b0 13b030215,00
28IIIAdamache George1021ROU 22b0 18w0 40b1 36w1 27b0 29w1 16b030206,00
29IIKorcsek Daniel-Cristian1173ROU 10w0 33b0 35w1 39b1 15w0 28b0 38w13019,55,50
30Manta Laurentiu Dan Tudor1001ROU 15b0 17w0 24b½ 40w1 26b0 34w½ 39w130195,25
31INastac Tudor-Andrei1874ROU 37b1 2w0 17b1 10w0 23b½ 22b0 18w02,50288,25
32IIRus Calin-Ioan1506ROU 4b0 37w1 11b0 34w1 13b0 18w0 26b½2,5025,56,00
33Negoescu Valentin Marian1001ROU 14b0 29w1 15b½ 27w1 21b0 16w0 23b02,5024,58,00
34Murvai Robert David1001ROU 21b0 23w0 -1 32b0 37w1 30b½ 24w02,5020,56,00
35IIPrelipceanu George-Ciprian1221ROU 6b0 40w½ 29b0 18w0 36b1 24w0 -12,50204,50
36Tudoreci Claudiu1001ROU -1 5b0 20w0 28b0 35w0 37w½ 41b12,5019,53,75
37Mema Serban Costin1001ROU 31w0 32b0 41w1 17w0 34b0 36b½ 40w12,5014,52,50
38Rusu Cosmin-George1001ROU 13b0 24w1 14b0 23w0 16b0 41w1 29b020224,00
39Suvac Nicolae1001ROU 25w0 -1 27b0 29w0 40b1 17w0 30b02019,52,50
40Muscalau Alin Constantin1001ROU 7w0 35b½ 28w0 30b0 39w0 -1 37b01,50182,00
41Cucu Alexandru Ionut1001ROU 11b0 27w0 37b0 24w0 -1 38b0 36w01018,50,50

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable