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Pairings are ready!

Budapest One Week IM B

Last update 20.08.2024 14:02:26, Creator/Last Upload: kristof.deli

Starting rank list of players

2IMHorvath, David704890HUN2337
8IMTo, Nhat Minh729019HUN2321
1IMKustar, Sandor702900HUN2309
7FMRahman, Masruri7101163INA2295
10Wang, Yukun8607966CHN2276
9CMBallotti, Luca2816429ITA2261
6FMRatsma, Midas1032283NED2235
5WIMMihok-Juhasz, Barbara743585HUN2203
4Cong, Dingzhou8633444CHN2074
3WIMLatifah, Laysa7111541INA2072