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2024 National Age Group Chess Championships Grand Finals U14 Girls Standard Event

Last update 28.06.2024 13:26:10, Creator/Last Upload: Philippines Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

5Mendoza, Jemaicah Yap5262062PHI1655
4Sotaridona, Iana Angela5262178PHI1599
1Nicolas, Nika Juris115110834PHI1579
12ACMPaquinol, Ashzley Aya Nicole5261724PHI1553
3Serina, Lila Alyssa5262186PHI1546
7ACMCruz, Daniella Bianca5232139PHI1540
8Dimatangihan, Anica Shey5258235PHI1512
10Capilitan, Zhaoyu5246130PHI1496
11Otod, Mary Ai Sitti5285534PHI1485
2Trani, Maria Andrea5271533PHI1485
13Ambuang, ChristinePHI0
9Embodo, Caitlin YllenPHI0
6Rubin, Apple5262798PHI0