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2024 National Age Group Chess Championships Grand Finals U14 Boys Standard Event

Last update 28.06.2024 13:16:53, Creator/Last Upload: Philippines Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

7Carredo, Mar Aviel5230152PHI1829
5Segara, Nathan5288380PHI1828
8AFMPiel, Jaymiel5261031PHI1782
6Ilar, Keith Adriane I.5231744PHI1770
10Aton, Aaron5231728PHI1768
2AFMCabales, John Peter Allen5267722PHI1762
4Lacorte, Rafiel Irvin5262607PHI1687
11Azuela, David Leonard5249031PHI1685
9Vera Cruz, Quarl Maverick5252156PHI1570
13Paulo, Efren Castino5257417PHI1423
1Ladista, Chrys ErilPHI0
14Sapigao, Yorhy Gabriel521026920PHI0
3Tubio, Jed Axcel5281261PHI0
12AFMYoung, Lord Yofiel5292972PHI0