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18. Pojedinacno prvenstvo Srbije za 2024

Last update 25.06.2024 14:01:31, Creator/Last Upload: SRB Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

5GMSarana, Alexey24133795SRB2712
10GMIndjic, Aleksandar911925SRB2602
9GMMarkus, Robert921637SRB2587
8GMIvanisevic, Ivan912417SRB2536
1GMPerunovic, Milos921629SRB2531
2GMMuratovic, Alija921661SRB2513
3GMPopovic, Dusan927031SRB2486
6GMKovacevic, Aleksandar903124SRB2482
4GMAtalik, Suat14401487SRB2450
7IMRadovanovic, Nikola900087SRB2441