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1st Matsumoto Open

Last update 21.06.2024 09:03:58, Creator/Last Upload: Matsumoto Chess Club

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Starting rank

1IMKojima, Shinya2454
2Nakamura, Naohiro2091
3Manabe, Hiroshi1989
4Kinoshita, Akira1882
5Abe, Yuta1649
6WCMKojima, Natsumi1643
7Takayasu, Melody1606
8Kanda, Daigo1588
9Akagiri, Yuma1517R1 bye
10Moriyasu, Yuichiro1501
11Sawamura, Tetsushi1489
12Takayasu, Nobuyuki1411
13Sharma, Sameer1306
14Ryu, Chanyue1124
15Ahmadarfa, Eidasfa0
16Arai, Hiromi0
17Miura, Yoshito0