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Juegos Deportivos Estatales Escolares de la Educación Básica Etapa Estatal Individual Varonil Secundarias

Last update 13.03.2024 20:41:46, Creator/Last Upload: IA Tizoc Haro

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Starting rank

1Nunez Chavez, Bryan OswaldoMEX1326
2Castro Castro, Trigo AlexisMEX1202
3Gonzalez Perez, Diego EmmanuelMEX0
4Juarez Bernal, Ever AntonioMEX0
5Lopez, SaulMEX0
6Medina Herrera, Karol UrielMEX0
7Ramirez Delgado, Vicente JosefMEX0
8Ruiz Martinez, Daniel AlexanderMEX0