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Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival 2013 - Amateur B

Last update 30.01.2013 13:52:43, Creator/Last Upload: Stephen Boyd ffe

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1 
1Rujan Rodel-Marinel1759ROU 29w1 9b1 8w1 15w1 2b½4,52038
2Portillo Castellon Javier1890ESP 38w1 43b1 11w1 13b1 1w½4,51986
3Othman Mustapha1878NGR 11w0 19b1 22w1 33b1 7w141904
4Dimitrijevic Dragan1896ITA 22w1 17b1 13w0 6w1 15b141860
5Cardenas Romo Alejandro1865ESP 44w1 11b0 38w1 31b1 13w141766
6Ramdewar Ishan1658ENG 50w½ 30b1 10w1 4b0 26w13,51890
7Lam Minh Chau1732VIE 24w1 8b½ 16w1 25w1 3b03,51829
8George Lolomari Erekosima1869NGR 14b1 7w½ 1b0 44w1 25b13,51818
9Garcia Valer Jesus1883ESP 23b1 1w0 39b½ 12w1 11w13,51759
10Wright Jonathan1800ENG 12b½ 36w1 6b0 23w1 20b13,51674
11Kuenitz Klaus1643GER 3b1 5w1 2b0 28w1 9b031928
12Berggren Klas1523SWE 10w½ 50b1 33w½ 9b0 31w131784
13Kang Leo1814USA 37b1 20w1 4b1 2w0 5b031771
14Williamson Ian1602ENG 8w0 46b1 17w½ 18b½ 33w131762
15Rashleigh Jonathan1826ENG 19w1 35b1 26w1 1b0 4w031735
16Gonzalvez Tamarit Ruben1531ESP 27b1 25w½ 7b0 17w½ 39b131734
17Gunn Michael J1772ENG 45w1 4w0 14b½ 16b½ 35w131626
18Chidi Lovinia Sylvia1820GER 20b0 49w1 23b½ 14w½ 21b131571
19Poggio Freddie1586GIB 15b0 3w0 51b1 36w1 34w131522
20White Gary1578ENG 18w1 13b0 43w1 26b½ 10w02,51680
21Moss Stephen1674ENG 34w1 33b½ 25b0 39w1 18w02,51674
22Hansen Klaus Bjerre1678DEN 4b0 42w1 3b0 30w1 27b½2,51629
23Yarur Elsaca Daniel1644CHI 9w0 24b1 18w½ 10b0 38w12,51598
24Pinto Carmona Angel0ESP 7b0 23w0 41b1 49w1 28b½2,51586
25Colompar Ladislau-Alexandru1790ROU 32w1 16b½ 21w1 7b0 8w02,51582
26Iglesias Fernandez Luis1862ESP 49b1 39w1 15b0 20w½ 6b02,51527
27Bauer Dieter1816GER 16w0 32b½ 30w½ 45b1 22w½2,51491
28Scholl Alois1765GER 30w½ 31b½ 35w1 11b0 24w½2,51468
29Naldrett Geoffrey1634ENG 1b0 37w½ 49b½ 35b0 44w121566
30Izzard Brian J1834ENG 28b½ 6w0 27b½ 22b0 46w121551
31Bonnello Chris J1746ENG 36b½ 28w½ 44b1 5w0 12b021517
32Koreywo Witold1522ENG 25b0 27w½ 36b½ 34b0 42w121484
33Longdin Michael1787ENG 41b1 21w½ 12b½ 3w0 14b021440
34Kearsley Raymond J1772ENG 21b0 41w1 37b0 32w1 19b021355
Viana Eduardo Escudeiro1600POR 42b1 15w0 28b0 29w1 17b021355
36Oliva Parra Ernesto0ESP 31w½ 10b0 32w½ 19b0 45w121248
37Garcia Lechugo Francisco1645ESP 13w0 29b½ 34w1 -0 -01,51421
38Reci Nadja1658SUI 2b0 45w1 5b0 42w½ 23b01,51411
39Ocana Jeremy1689ESP 46w1 26b0 9w½ 21b0 16w01,51386
40Rueda Alameda Francisco Javie0ESP 43w0 44b0 42b0 41w½ 49b11,51311
41Cramling Bellon Ana1130ESP 33w0 34b0 24w0 40b½ 51w11,51283
42Lapsevskis Roberts0LAT 35w0 22b0 40w1 38b½ 32b01,51227
43Candano Gonzalez Alvaro1717ESP 40b1 2w0 20b0 -0 -011383
44Gonzalvez Tamarit Ivan1594ESP 5b0 40w1 31w0 8b0 29b011227
45Mcleod Paul0GIB 17b0 38b0 46w1 27w0 36b011198
46Yarur Rescaglio Maria Jose0CHI 39b0 14w0 45b0 51w1 30b01960
47Haddock Paul1674ENG -0 51w1 -0 -0 -010
Welch David1617ENG 51b1 -0 -0 -0 -010
49Manetto Luis1590ENG 26w0 18b0 29w½ 24b0 40w00,51090
50Ruiz Manrique Joaquin1891ESP 6b½ 12w0 -0 -0 -00,50
51Robinson Chris0ENG 48w0 47b0 19w0 46b0 41b00578

Tie Break1: Performance (variable with parameter)