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8th Asian Schools Under 11 Girls Chess Championship 2012 New Delhi

Last update 19.12.2012 09:26:29, Creator/Last Upload: All India Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Potluri Supreetha1593IND 17w1 12b1 8w1 2b½ 6w1 7b1 3w0 4b1 5w17,544,54038,25
2Zhang Yuxuan0CHN -1 7b1 4w1 1w½ 3b½ 10w1 6b1 5b0 12w1745,54136,75
3WFMBidhar Rutumbara1683IND 15w1 5b½ 9w1 4b1 2w½ 12b½ 1b1 8w½ 6b1744,54037,75
4WFMTarini Goyal1693IND 13b1 10w1 2b0 3w0 16b1 8w1 7b1 1w0 14b164540,527,50
5Vantika Agrawal1581IND 21b1 3w½ 6b0 13w½ 9b1 11w1 14b½ 2w1 1b05,544,54027,50
6WCMTeh De Zen1624MAS 16w1 8b0 5w1 12b1 1b0 13w1 2w0 9b1 3w054540,522,50
7Priyanka N1603IND 20b1 2w0 11b1 21w1 8b1 1w0 4w0 12b½ 10w½54339,521,25
8Makhija Aashna1448IND 23w1 6w1 1b0 16b1 7w0 4b0 18w1 3b½ 13w½54238,518,25
9Tatiya Neeti1485IND 22b½ 11w1 3b0 14b1 5w0 20b1 12w½ 6w0 17b+538,535,520,00
10Harshini A1504IND 18w1 4b0 16w0 23b1 17w1 2b0 13w1 14w½ 7b½537,53417,25
11Surana Khushi Shailendra1343IND 14w1 9b0 7w0 18b½ 23w1 5b0 22w½ 19b1 20b153229,514,50
12Archi Agrawal1415IND 19b1 1w0 23b1 6w0 21b1 3w½ 9b½ 7w½ 2b04,542,53915,75
13Kaur Palkin1398IND 4w0 17b1 14w½ 5b½ 18w1 6b0 10b0 22w1 8b½4,538,53517,50
14Salimova Asal1683UZB 11b0 22w1 13b½ 9w0 15b1 16w1 5w½ 10b½ 4w04,53834,517,50
15Al-Shamsi Ousha1388UAE 3b0 21w0 19b0 -1 14w0 23b1 20w½ 18b1 22b14,53027,510,50
16Ashmitha Kiran Raju1302IND 6b0 19w1 10b1 8w0 4w0 14b0 -1 17w0 21b1436,53315,00
17Saanya Mahesh1196IND 1b0 13w0 -1 19w1 10b0 18b0 23w1 16b1 9w-435,532,510,50
18Jayasekera Himasha Dulanji0SRI 10b0 20w½ 22b1 11w½ 13b0 17w1 8b0 15w0 -1433,530,513,50
19Yuti Mayur Patel0IND 12w0 16b0 15w1 17b0 20w0 -1 21b1 11w0 23w143027,510,50
20Wijesuriya G P Y1234SRI 7w0 18b½ 21b0 22w½ 19b1 9w0 15b½ -1 11w03,5322911,50
21Shruti Kakar1191IND 5w0 15b1 20w1 7b0 12w0 22b½ 19w0 23b1 16w03,531,5298,75
22Mairambekova Aiperi0KGZ 9w½ 14b0 18w0 20b½ -1 21w½ 11b½ 13b0 15w0332,529,511,00
23Sravani Battula0IND 8b0 -1 12w0 10w0 11b0 15w0 17b0 21w0 19b0134,5313,50

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable