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Internal Chess Tournament Bengaluru Chess Sports Fest

Last update 17.12.2023 12:26:40, Creator/Last Upload: Ekamchess

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1Bhiyungade, AbhijeetIND0
2K.B. Shanmukha,IND0
3Kollad Birappa,IND0
4Lingraj, MailaradIND0
5Modi, SwatiIND0
6Mukkirwar, Yajit AbhaykumarIND0
7Naik, Gauresh TulsidasIND0
8Nerli, Sachin ParappaIND0
9Patil, Sachchidanad VishnuIND0
11Rai, AbhishekIND0
12Rao, AnandIND0
14Shaikh Asiya,IND0
15Veer, Dadasaheb HanumantIND0
16Vipin P.G.,IND0