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German Masters der Frauen 2023

Last update 27.12.2023 14:41:19, Creator/Last Upload: OneWayStreet

Starting rank list of players

10WGMWagner, Dinara24157570GER24522510SC Viernheim 1934
8WGMHeinemann, Josefine12900460GER23602310SC Viernheim 1934
6IMSchleining, Zoya4671660GER23382332SV Letmathe 1933
3WGMPapp, Sarah24606812GER23092276HSK von 1830
4FMSchulze, Lara12956830GER22992305SAbt SV Werder Bremen
9WGMSieber, Fiona12902373GER22742294SV Hockenheim
7WGMLubbe, Melanie4690745GER22572278HSK von 1830
2WGMSchneider, Jana12924997GER22552302SC Bavaria Regensburg von 1881
5WGMKlek, Hanna Marie24670057GER22362340SC Erlangen 48/88
1WFMBashylina, Luisa12983292GER21792183SG Solingen