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Tripura State Level Chess Competition 2023 Under 17 Girls

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony11.11.2023 08:25:05, Creator/Last Upload: Nirmal_Tripura

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1Adrija Debnath,25153390IND1137South
2Baishali Debnath,25757784IND1009South
3Anjana Nath,IND0North
4Mondira Debnath,IND0Khowai
5Pheli Debnath,IND0Sepahijala
6Prachi Saha,IND0Unokoti
7Risha Das,IND0Unokati
8Rupasmita Biswas,IND0Khowai
9Sayantika Paul,IND0Gomati
10Sristi Nath,IND0North
11Trisha Das,IND0West