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Sossmeistrid 8

Last update 30.10.2012 19:24:29, Creator/Last Upload: Eesti Maleliit

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Final Ranking crosstable after 11 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.RdPts. TB1 
1Lott Toomas1170EST 15b1 8w1 6b1 12w½ 3b½ 9w1 4w0 5b1 2b1 7w1 10b1949,25
2Peebo Kalle1060EST 13b1 5w½ 12b0 3b0 7w1 6w1 9b1 4b1 1w0 10w1 11b17,539,75
3Metsalu Tauno2300EST 10b1 12w½ 5b½ 2w1 1w½ 4b0 7w0 9b1 11b1 15w1 13w17,537,75
4Kasela Sten2448EST 8b0 15w1 14b1 6w1 12b1 3w1 1b1 2w0 7b0 9w1 5w0737,50
5Kuusk Indrek2304EST 14w1 2b½ 3w½ 9b0 8w1 12b+ 11b0 1w0 10w0 13b1 4b1632,00
6Muru Moorits-Mihkel0EST 7b1 10w1 1w0 4b0 9w0 2b0 8b1 11w1 13w0 14b1 15w1625,50
7Kuusk Andres2098EST 6w0 9b0 13w1 10b1 2b0 11w½ 3b1 14w1 4w1 1b0 8b05,528,25
8Kolk Marek1051EST 4w1 1b0 9w0 15b1 5b0 -0 6w0 13b1 14b1 11w½ 7w15,522,25
9Reima Heigo0EST 12b0 7w1 8b1 5w1 6b1 1b0 2w0 3w0 15b1 4b0 14w0524,50
10Karba Andres0EST 3w0 6b0 11b1 7w0 -0 14b1 13w1 15w1 5b1 2b0 1w0517,50
11Viikmaa Karmen0EST -0 14b0 10w0 13b1 15w1 7b½ 5w1 6b0 3w0 8b½ 2w0416,25
12Vorobjov Pavel1150EST 9w1 3b½ 2w1 1b½ 4w0 5w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0320,75
13Sirp Karl Aleksander0EST 2w0 -0 7b0 11w0 14w1 15b1 10b0 8w0 6b1 5w0 3b0310,00
14Kaldjarv Ergo0EST 5b0 11w1 4w0 -0 13b0 10w0 15b0 7b0 8w0 6w0 9b129,50
15Okas Andrus0EST 1w0 4b0 -0 8w0 11b0 13w0 14w1 10b0 9w0 3b0 6b012,50

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable