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40th Bury St Edmunds Congress Inter (U1700)

Last update 08.10.2023 18:15:46, Creator/Last Upload:

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Round 3 on 2023/10/07 at 18:30

Bo.No.WhiteRtgPts. ResultPts. BlackRtgNo.
127Bellano, Harry14572 0 - 12 Paez, Alonso160113
226Finch, Daniel1485 0 - 1 Newton, Peter17102
38Kent, Rowan1646 ½ - ½ Richmond, Charles J159914
418Davis, Joshua1580 ½ - ½ Harrison, Danny163910
517Ferris, Oliver15811 1 - 01 Starodubcevs, Sergejs16754
65Husband, Eugene16671 0 - 11 Homer, Neil S162811
77Skelton, Jason16501 ½ - ½1 Connor, Barry161112
822Ashworth, Steven M15011 1 - 0½ May, David C149825
915De Block, Gert1595½ 0 - 1½ Jones, Robert L17111
103Cload, Adrian16780 0 - 1½ Movilla Miangolarra, Ander16506
1128Dickinson, Richard13720 1 bye 
129Payne, Colin R16411 ½ not paired 
1316Weston, John F15850 ½ not paired 
1419Oakden, Mark15590 0 not paired 
1520Bradshaw, Craig15132 ½ not paired 
1621Hornagold, John15081 ½ not paired 
1723Harrington, David1500½ ½ not paired 
1824Klepikovska, Larysa1500½ ½ not paired