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Last update 09.11.2023 03:07:38, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (2)

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Starting rank

1NMGuerrero, Alvaro3000478URU20332244
2NMSaralegui, Mario3000419URU20172175
3Ramos Correa, Gabriel3009939URU19292085
4Avedisian, Alexander3005011URU18812039
5Ramos, Matias3009920URU17561752
6Arriola, Adrian3009815URU16981809
7Lanzilotta, Filippo3009394URU16311695
8Pelaez, Diego3006476URU16111764
9Nunez, Hiber3003078URU15621622
10Lejtreger, Ernesto3014126URU15481651
11Castagnet, Carlos3010805URU15411599
12Olivera, Omar3011127URU13841473
13Mott, Juan3014193URU13461481
14Roman, Enrique3008231URU12371368
15Souto, Andres3007634URU12241251
16Piriz, Facundo3019608URU00