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CZECH OPEN 2012 "CHLADEK A TINTERA OPEN" - turnaj D Open European Amateurs Championship with ELO FIDE < 2000 with rating for FIDE

Die Seite wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 28.07.2012 20:22:38, Ersteller/Letzter Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

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Endtabelle nach 9 Runden

Rg.NameLand1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPkt. Wtg1  Wtg2  Wtg3 
1Kurbansky RustemRUS129s1 29w1139s1 4w½ 5s½ 6w1 32s1 10w1 2s½7,543546
2Schoenbeck StephanGER 48s1 66w1 34w1 18s½ 11w1 21s½ 38w1 19s1 1w½7,54153,56
3Tereschenko ValerijRUS127w1 15s0 22w1106s½ 52w1 51s1 42w1 31s1 4s17,537487
4Semenova AnastasiaRUS164w1152s1 32w1 1s½ 31w½ 82s1 16w1 18s1 3w073949,56
5Kornaukhov PavelRUS155w1 64s½114w1 52s1 1w½ 30s1 10s0 36w1 20s1737,5486
6Kirste OlafGER130w1137s0155w1 37s1 63w1 1s0 17w1 33s1 16w1736,5477
7Sautkin SergeyRUS 56s½ 50w0171s1 73w1 64s1108w1 25s½ 23w1 10s1735,544,56
8Fencl PavelCZE 47w1 17s0140w1 85s½106w½ 80s1 35w1 54s1 15w173544,56
9Wagner VojtechCZE134s0177w1109s1 43w1 62w½ 28s½ 82w1 38s1 21w1734,543,56
10Zelenka JaroslavCZE140w1 44s1 63w1 54s1 16w½ 18s1 5w1 1s0 7w06,541,552,56
11Turecek VaclavCZE173s1132w1 81s½ 83w1 2s0 27w0 57s1 89w1 39s16,534446
12Pesotsky AlexandrUKR156w1 37s0 84w1137s1 54w0113s1 15w½ 81s1 19w16,534436
13Sebesta JanCZE175w1107s½106w½ 23s½111w1 15s0 52w1 58s1 34w16,53442,55
14Jarolim JanCZE107w0175s1118w½127s1138w1 42s0106w1 74s1 31w16,530,538,56
15Shuvalova PolinaRUS125s1 3w1 33s1 16w0 60s½ 13w1 12s½ 32w1 8s064253,55
16Loiseau JeanFRA144w1100s1 37w1 15s1 10s½ 20w½ 4s0 50w1 6s0640,5515
17Nespurek PetrCZE 76s1 8w1 61s1 20w½ 36s½ 32w0 6s0 90w1 53s163950,55
18Kranjec ToniSLO122s1113w1 59s1 2w½108s1 10w0 36s1 4w0 27s½63849,55
19Gagarin VasilyRUS180s½ 45w1 70s1 81w½ 67w1 60s1 20s1 2w0 12s0637,547,55
20Klemm DavidGER178w1116s1137w1 17s½ 51w1 16s½ 19w0 26s1 5w0637,5475
21Kellner PetrCZE 22s0 99w1122s1180w1 41s1 2w½ 50s½ 53w1 9s0637475
22Pavlova NataliaRUS 21w1 33w0 3s0149s1 71w1 81w½108s1 24s½ 69w1636,547,55
23Galchenko VadimRUS120s1 81w0 87s1 13w½ 83s1 33w½ 67w1 7s0 54w1635,546,55
24Seele HartmutGER111w1 58s½ 64w-112w1 56s1 53w½ 39s½ 22w½ 50s1635,545,54
25Aharon AviadISR 87s1 83w½ 41s½120w1 65w½ 93s1 7w½ 28s½ 38w½635463
26Mikes JaroslavCZE101w1 71s1 51w½ 34s1 82w½ 38s0 65w1 20w0 61s163545,55
27Chulevich AlinaRUS165w1 84s½107w0 47s1 92w1 11s1 31w0 60s1 18w½63544,55
28Voelz StephanGER 35s1110w½180s½151w1 50s½ 9w½ 40s1 25w½ 29s½634,5443
29Galchenko MatveiRUS 78w1 1s0147w½101s1 95w½ 63s½114w1 51s1 28w½634454
30Horyna JosefCZE171s½117w1151s½139w1 55s1 5w0 53s0 86w1 56s163039,55
31Svub JanCZE 50s½ 56w1141s½ 57w1 4s½ 59w1 27s1 3w0 14s05,539,550,54
32Fuchs FrantisekCZE133s1157w1 4s0 40w1 88w1 17s1 1w0 15s0 35w½5,53848,55
33Braun MichaelGER 99w1 22s1 15w0111s½ 85w1 23s½ 66w1 6w0 40s½5,537,548,54
34Ganiev TakhirRUS 74s1 98w1 2s0 26w0180s1 57w½ 64s1 59w1 13s05,537475
35Schirra FelixGER 28w0124s1 71w1 62s0181w+ 41w1 8s0 70w1 32s½5,536475
36Zotin VladimirGER118w1115s1 52w½107s1 17w½ 54s1 18w0 5s0 49w½5,536474
37Andreev ArtemRUS148s1 12w1 16s0 6w0151s1 55w½ 43s½ 66w½ 91s15,536464
38Turcheniak YuryRUS103s1141w½110s1108w½ 81s1 26w1 2s0 9w0 25s½5,535,546,54
39Mai RobinGER 61s0 89w½ 77s1 96w½132s1 98w1 24w½ 93s1 11w05,535,5464
40Oshionwu NeloGER 91s½ 43w½ 69w1 32s0 70w1120s1 28w0 65s1 33w½5,535,545,54
41Praczukowski StanislawPOL 55w½186s1 25w½ 79s1 21w0 35s0121w1 46s½ 82w15,53541,54
42Buchholz RalfGER141s0103w1113s1 59w½ 97s1 14w1 3s0 61w½ 60w½5,534454
43Jaklin DamirCRO 86w½ 40s½144w1 9s0116w1106s½ 37w½ 55w1 45s½5,53444,53
44Samarin LeonidISR105w1 10w0 53s½138s0131w1 92s1 62w½ 82s½ 93w15,532424
45Mraz PavelCZE136w½ 19s0142w1 75s½168w1 67s0109w1 62s1 43w½5,531,5404
46Galishnikov YuryRUS128w1 51s0 57w0116s0161w1156s1102w1 41w½ 89s15,530,5395
47Langr JiriCZE 8s0 76w½160s1 27w0176s½154w1 91s½108w1 83s15,53039,54
48Grachev YuriRUS 2w0181s0124w0170s1128w½165s1135w1147s1 81w15,52737,55
49Zhdanova DianaRUS137s0130s½156w½173w½157s½180w1 97s1 87w1 36s½5,526343
50Cesenek JanCZE 31w½ 7s1 72w1 65s½ 28w½ 62s1 21w½ 16s0 24w054051,53
51Michlian StefanCZE158s1 46w1 26s½ 90w1 20s0 3w0115s1 29w0 58w½538484
52Muratova SaltanatKAZ169s1 60w1 36s½ 5w0 3s0117w1 13s0 94w1 72w½537,5484
53Yusyuk AnatoliyUKR114w½ 93s½ 44w½147s1 78w1 24s½ 30w1 21s0 17w0537473
54Jacquot AdrienFRA183s1153w1 68s1 10w0 12s1 36w0 90s1 8w0 23s0537465
55Mendelboim NirISR 41s½ 96w½132s1 61w1 30w0 37s½ 63w1 43s0 71w½536,546,53
56Gheng ChirstanGER 7w½ 31s0186w1 72s1 24w0102s½126w1 67s1 30w0536,5444
57Zotova NataliaRUS145w1 68w0 46s1 31s0 84w1 34s½ 11w0 79s½109w1535454
58Held MartinGER154s1 24w½ 65s- 84s½109w½ 72s1 95w1 13w0 51s½53544,53
59Hon JiriCZE146s1 75w1 18w0 42s½107w1 31s0110w1 34s0 74w½534,5444
60Schilling FlorianGER161w1 52s0123w1141s1 15w½ 19w0137s1 27w0 42s½534,543,54
Schabel EberhardGER 39w1121s1 17w0 55s0155w1110s½101w1 42s½ 26w0534,543,54
62Polovnikov ArtemRUS163s1 88w1108s0 35w1 9s½ 50w0 44s½ 45w0110s1533,5434
Kaluzny JiriCZE174s1109w1 10s0153w1 6s0 29w½ 55s0122w1 68s½533,5434
64Boettger ChristianGER185s1 5w½ 24s+ 82s0 7w0138s1 34w0 84s½121w1533,542,54
65Voelz MichaelGER119w½182s1 58w+ 50w½ 25s½ 90w½ 26s0 40w0107s1533,541,53
66Padikov DenisRUS181w1 2s0 85w0156s1141w1 87w1 33s0 37s½ 78w½53242,54
67Weiss PetrCZE151s0167w1133s1 94w1 19s0 45w1 23s0 56w0117s1532415
68Bandt JochenGER123w1 57s1 54w0 88s0104w½ 74s0111w1143s1 63w½532414
69Dvorak EduardCZE 94s1139w0 40s0152w1115s½104w1 86s½107w1 22s0531,5414
Rudolph JuergenGER138w½142s1 19w0 86w½ 40s0118s1 99w1 35s0 92w1531,5414
71Kljueva MariyaRUS162s1 26w0 35s0133w1 22s0151w1112s½ 88w1 55s½531,540,54
72Mezlik StanislavCZE159s1112w½ 50s0 56w0154s1 58w0119s1 73w1 52s½53139,54
73Leonhardt RobertGER143w½ 85s½116w1 7s0 80w0103s1113w1 72s0106w1530,5414
74Vancura DanielCZE 34w0166s½168w-169w1160s1 68w1 83s1 14w0 59s½530,5404
75Gromovs LeonidsLAT102w1 59s0100w½ 45w½113s0155s1143w½106s½128w+529,5383
76Tiktin DorISR 17w0 47s½126w0161s½167w½127s1116w1 85s½114w1529383
77Kjaer ThomasDEN182w½119s0 39w0124s½158w1140s1123w1 80s1 -0528,536,54
78Janko JanCZE 29s0129w1163s½172w1 53s0115w0159s1112w1 66s½52836,54
79Koppelmann Jan-PhillipGER112s0159w1157s1 41w0110s0173w1 96s½ 57w½113s1528364
80Janecek FrantisekCZE109s0174w½162s½158w1 73s1 8w0139s1 77w0120s1527,5374
81Chan NarunaRUS179w1 23s1 11w½ 19s½ 38w0 22s½100w1 12w0 48s04,540493
82Zacharias MiroslavCZE117s½171w1112s1 64w1 26s½ 4w0 9s0 44w½ 41s04,536,5463
83Papacek MilosCZE131w1 25s½119w1 11s0 23w0111s1 74w0100s1 47w04,535,5464
84Karasik DannyISR135s1 27w½ 12s0 58w½ 57s0157w1 98s½ 64w½ 87s½4,53443,52
85Svida RostislavCZE160s½ 73w½ 66s1 8w½ 33s0 94w0125s1 76w½105s½4,533,543,52
86Chapman NigelSCO 43s½ 91w½ 93w½ 70s½126w1 89s½ 69w½ 30s0 95w½4,533,543,51
87Samarin AnatoliiRUS 25w0131s1 23w0144s1119w1 66s0145w1 49s0 84w½4,532,5424
88Lysukha NikitaRUS124w1 62s0134w1 68w1 32s0 95s½ 93w0 71s0138w14,532414
89Lasek FrantisekCZE121w0 39s½182w1118s½123w1 86w½ 94s1 11s0 46w04,53240,53
90Schuffenhauer RobertGER106w½143s1 95w1 51s0114w1 65s½ 54w0 17s0102w½4,531,5413
91Freiman MarkISR 40w½ 86s½111w0140s0129w1144s1 47w½101s1 37w04,531,540,53
92Zahalka JanCZE110s0178s1115w1 97w½ 27s0 44w0181s1 98w1 70s04,531,5404
93Franke HelmutGER172s½ 53w½ 86s½163w1125s1 25w0 88s1 39w0 44s04,531,5403
94Cach JakubCZE 69w0126s1181w1 67s0137w½ 85s1 89w0 52s0143w14,53139,54
95Perik AloisCZE167s1151w½ 90s0117w1 29s½ 88w½ 58s0110w½ 86s½4,530392
96Rehurek JiriCZE186w½ 55s½152w½ 39s½153w½109s½ 79w½138s1 -04,530361
97Wesener LorenzGER142w½138s½121w1 92s½ 42w0107s½ 49w0129s1103w½4,529,538,52
98Hofmann HelgeGER166w1 34s0138w½119s½118w1 39s0 84w½ 92s0140w14,529,5383
99Svitil RadekCZE 33s0 21s0149w0136s1166w1181w1 70s0126s½147w14,529384
100Zoubek DavidCZE150s1 16w0 75s½125w0146s1152w1 81s0 83w0148s14,528,5384
101Vochozka JindrichCZE 26s0162w½174s1 29w0172s1125w1 61s0 91w0139s14,528,5374
102Grigorieva YuliaRUS 75s0146w½158s½183w1139s½ 56w½ 46s0131w1 90s½4,527,5352
103Colic TamiCRO 38w0 42s0177s+154w0162s1 73w0160s1168w1 97s½4,527354
104Krejci JanCZE152s0164w1153s0162w1 68s½ 69s0138w0174w1145s14,52532,54
105Hercik PetrCZE 44s0140s0175w½131s0177w1161s½173w1123s1 85w½4,524,532,53
106Tiktin AmirISR 90s½160w1 13s½ 3w½ 8s½ 43w½ 14s0 75w½ 73s0439,5501
107Weis OlgaGER 14s1 13w½ 27s1 36w0 59s0 97w½120w1 69s0 65w043747,53
108Hradsky-Jun. AlesCZE177w1134s1 62w1 38s½ 18w0 7s0 22w0 47s0130w½436463
109Dechant GeorgGER 80w1 63s0 9w0130s1 58s½ 96w½ 45s0118w1 57s0435463
110Velina ValeriaGER 92w1 28s½ 38w0168s½ 79w1 61w½ 59s0 95s½ 62w0434,5432
111Pranizina AlinaRUS 24s0154w1 91s1 33w½ 13s0 83w0 68s0125w½160s143342,53
112Vander TatyanaRUS 79w1 72s½ 82w0 24s0121w½168s1 71w½ 78s0126w½432,541,52
113Pulpan MatejCZE170w1 18s0 42w0165s1 75w1 12w0 73s0164s1 79w043241,54
114Hermes FrankGER 53s½172w1 5s0146w1 90s0122w1 29s0117w½ 76s043241,53
115Doskar MiloslavCZE184w1 36w0 92s0166s1 69w½ 78s1 51w0128s½ -043239,53
116Von Keyserlingk ChandaGER176s1 20w0 73s0 46w1 43s0148w½ 76s0162w1124s½431,5403
117Tumasov AlexanderISR 82w½ 30s0136w1 95s0135w1 52s0124w1114s½ 67w0431413
118Rodriguez Navarro Francisco JavierESP 36s0176w1 14s½ 89w½ 98s0 70w0132s1109s0153w1430,539,53
119Range FelixGER 65s½ 77w1 83s0 98w½ 87s0141w½ 72w0134s½170w1430,5392
120Kosina VladimirCZE 23w0179s1165w1 25s0140w1 40w0107s0167s1 80w043038,54
121Egorov VladislavRUS 89s1 61w0 97s0157w½112s½132w1 41s0141w1 64s043038,53
122Kormann GaetanFRA 18w0170s1 21w0145s½124w1114s0153w1 63s0135w½429,538,53
123Reznicek DominikCZE 68s0145w1 60s0134w1 89s0176w1 77s0105w0169s1429,537,54
124Tran Huyen LinhCZE 88s0 35w0 48s1 77w½122s0172w1117s0171w1116w½429,537,53
125Aloni NitzanISR 15w0127s½161w1100s1 93w0101s0 85w0111s½163w142937,53
126Burgermeister MichalCZE139s0 94w0 76s1159w1 86s0163w1 56s0 99w½112s½42936,53
127Maly PetrCZE 3s0125w½169s1 14w0152s0 76w0176s1154w½168s1428383
128Nad BorisCZE 46s0158w½172s0142w½ 48s½146w1148s1115w½ 75s-428362
129Kamarad FrantisekCZE 1w0 78s0150w1181s0 91s0166w1180s1 97w0154s1427374
130Vacek JaroslavCZE 6s0 49w½148s½109w0183s½174w1152s½139w½108s½427361
131Semjonovs IljaLAT 83s0 87w0176s½105w1 44s0171w1141s½102s0156w1427353
132Bohac VlastimilCZE168w1 11s0 55w0178s1 39w0121s0118w0158s1164w1426,535,54
133Jaeckel WolfgangGER 32w0149s1 67w0 71s0165w½145s0183w1142s½166w1426,5343
134Krobot JanCZE 9w1108w0 88s0123s0175w0142s½182s1119w½159s1425,534,53
135Frantsuzova LyudmilaRUS 84w0165s0164s½174w1117s0183w1 48s0136w1122s½42532,53
136Martin RaphaelGER 45s½180w0117s0 99w0164s½179w1163s1135s0167w1423,531,53
137Maliszewski JaroslawPOL 49w1 6w1 20s0 12w0 94s½153s1 60w0 -0 -03,537473
138Semjonovs VsevolodsLAT 70s½ 97w½ 98s½ 44w1 14s0 64w0104s1 96w0 88s03,533,544,52
139Steinthorsson FelixISL126w1 69s1 1w0 30s0102w½143s½ 80w0130s½101w03,533442
140Stolcz BiancaGER 10s0105w1 8s0 91w1120s0 77w0149s1145w½ 98s03,53343,53
141Lorenc JosefCZE 42w1 38s½ 31w½ 60w0 66s0119s½131w½121s0142w½3,533421
142Kolasa PjotrsLAT 97s½ 70w0 45s0128s½144w0134w½172s1133w½141s½3,529371
143Orhan EdaGER 73s½ 90w0146s0164w1171s1139w½ 75s½ 68w0 94s03,528,5362
144Mallon GunnarENG 16s0150w1 43s0 87w0142s1 91w0154s½148w0176s13,52836,53
145Hansmann MatthieuFRA 57s0123s0167w1122w½173s½133w1 87s0140s½104w03,527,5352
146Kolka Dawid PawelISL 59w0102s½143w1114s0100w0128s0161w½155s½173w13,52734,52
147Matzner RadomilCZE153s0183w1 29s½ 53w0163s½159w½169s1 48w0 99s03,526,534,52
Andreeva AnastasiaRUS 37w0156s½130w½155s0178w1116s½128w0144s1100w03,526,534,52
149Nuerenberg MariusGER157s0133w0 99s1 22w0159s0158s1140w0151w½171s13,523,5323
150Mikulenka TomasCZE100w0144s0129s0179w0185s1182w0177s½172w1175s13,52026,53

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Wtg1: Buchholz (variabel)
Wtg2: Buchholz (variabel)
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