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Last update 23.08.2007 07:09:53, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMSmirin Ilia2649ISR 48w1 33b1 18w1 8b½ 3w1 26b1 2w½ 6b½ 5w½70253139
2GMGeorgiev Kiril2663BUL 60b1 32w1 24b½ 3w½ 27b1 8w½ 1b½ 17w1 7b½6,50251034,5
3GMParligras Mircea2542ROU 69w1 19b1 25w1 2b½ 1b0 10w½ 36b1 12w½ 22b16,50248734
4GMMastrovasilis Dimitrios2541GRE 55b1 39w½ 52b1 13w½ 10b½ 12w½ 22b½ 16w1 30b16,50246232
5GMMalakhatko Vadim2596BEL 37b0 66w1 77b1 34w1 26b½ 24w½ 27b1 8w1 1b½6,50244631
6GMBanikas Hristos2567GRE 77b½ 50w1 39b1 27w½ 24b½ 25w1 16b1 1w½ 12b½6,50243933,5
7GMSvetushkin Dmitry2618MDA 62b½ 51w1 36b½ 16w0 37b1 31w1 11w1 9b1 2w½6,50243830,5
8GMRozentalis Eduardas2551LTU 35w1 17b1 11w1 1w½ 16b½ 2b½ 9w½ 5b0 25w160249334
9GMHalkias Stelios2580GRE 59b1 65w1 27b½ 24w½ 36b½ 20w1 8b½ 7w0 33b160247232,5
10GMGelashvili Tamaz2604GEO 40w1 20b½ 29w1 14b½ 4w½ 3b½ 18w½ 28b1 11w½60246331,5
11IMEsen Baris2441TUR 68b1 63w1 8b0 23w1 13b1 16w½ 7b0 26w1 10b½60246032,5
12GMMacieja Bartlomiej2596POL 58w1 16b0 45w1 28b½ 21w1 4b½ 29w1 3b½ 6w½60243830,5
13GMKotronias Vasilios2602GRE 51b½ 62w1 20w1 4b½ 11w0 17b½ 21w1 18b½ 32w160242429,5
14GMRomanishin Oleg M2546UKR 57b1 31w1 16b½ 10w½ 25b½ 36w½ 17b0 34w1 29b160242331
15GMMastrovasilis Athanasios2538GRE 64w1 52b½ 49w0 47b½ 40w1 19b½ 35w1 25b½ 28w160232328
16IMMoutousis Konstantinos2428GRE 54b1 12w1 14w½ 7b1 8w½ 11b½ 6w0 4b0 38w15,50247232
17IMDzagnidze Nana2404GEO 44b1 8w0 46b1 30w½ 62b1 13w½ 14w1 2b0 18w½5,50246729,5
18GMGrivas Efstratios2507GRE 66b1 37w1 1b0 53w½ 52b½ 39w1 10b½ 13w½ 17b½5,50243529,5
19IMAtakisi Umut2383TUR 56b1 3w0 63b½ 50w1 30b½ 15w½ 20b½ 27w1 26b½5,50240827
20IMManagadze Nikoloz2433GEO 61w1 10w½ 13b0 54b1 41w1 9b0 19w½ 23w½ 37b15,50239027,5
21Papadopoulos Ioannis2395GRE 50b½ 79w1 26b0 59w1 12b0 51w1 13b0 58w1 36b15,50237125,5
22WGMZawadzka Jolanta2354POL 79b½ 77w½ 78b1 36w0 63b1 32w1 4w½ 24b1 3w05,50234128
23IMKaragiannis Athanasios2349GRE 80w1 24b0 70w1 11b0 42w1 33b0 49w1 20b½ 39w15,50229326
24GMNikolaidis Ioannis2525GRE 72b1 23w1 2w½ 9b½ 6w½ 5b½ 26w½ 22w0 31b½50248030
25IMErdogdu Mert2423TUR 82w1 30w1 3b0 69b1 14w½ 6b0 38w1 15w½ 8b050244229,5
26GMChatalbashev Boris2573BUL 41w1 29b½ 21w1 49b1 5w½ 1w0 24b½ 11b0 19w½50242530,5
27GMBarsov Alexei2517UZB 75w1 45b1 9w½ 6b½ 2w0 49b1 5w0 19b0 51w150242428,5
28IMKapnisis Spyridon2412GRE 63b0 68w1 55b1 12w½ 53b½ 52w1 30b1 10w0 15b050241627,5
29Morchiashvili Bachana2415GEO 73b1 26w½ 10b0 37w½ 77b1 53w1 12b0 46w1 14w050241027
30GMGraf Alexander2595GER 71w1 25b0 40w1 17b½ 19w½ 34b1 28w0 53b1 4w050239727,5
31IMCan Emre2411TUR 81w1 14b0 69w0 75b1 58w1 7b0 45w½ 41b1 24w½50236424
32IMHaznedaroglu Kivanc2440TUR 67w1 2b0 71w1 41b½ 49w½ 22b0 62b1 47w1 13b050236026,5
33IMDanielian Elina2439ARM 46b1 1w0 37b½ 62w0 57b1 23w1 47b½ 44w1 9w050235925
34IMKrivoborodov Egor2403RUS 38w½ 43b½ 75w1 5b0 71w1 30w0 55b1 14b0 49w150233824,5
35Nikolaou Georgios2257GRE 8b0 44w½ 50b0 79w1 65b1 60w1 15b0 52b½ 53w150233221
36IMDembo Yelena2464GRE 43w½ 38b1 7w½ 22b1 9w½ 14b½ 3w0 39b½ 21w04,50242427,5
37FMLogothetis Sotirios2300GRE 5w1 18b0 33w½ 29b½ 7w0 42b½ 56w1 45b1 20w04,50240522,5
38Pavlidis Anastasios2182GRE 34b½ 36w0 57b1 52w0 59b1 48w1 25b0 62w1 16b04,50236622,5
39WGMMelia Salome2372GEO 76w1 4b½ 6w0 42b½ 69w1 18b0 71w1 36w½ 23b04,50236125
40FMGoritsas Christos2327GRE 10b0 61w1 30b0 46w1 15b0 63w1 53b0 66w1 44b½4,50235020,5
41IMSkalkotas Nikolaos2275GRE 26b0 73w1 65b1 32w½ 20b0 47w0 79b1 31w0 63b14,50233922
42WIMPapadopoulou Vera2192GRE 65b0 59w½ 51b1 39w½ 23b0 37w½ 60b½ 71b1 48w½4,50233320
43Exizoglou Dimitrios2224GRE 36b½ 34w½ 53b0 48b½ 45w0 65w0 78b1 72w1 62b14,50233217,5
44Goumas Georgios2183GRE 17w0 35b½ 58w½ 71b0 75w1 69b1 65w1 33b0 40w½4,50232320
45Chigladze Iveri2341GEO 74b1 27w0 12b0 63w½ 43b1 55w½ 31b½ 37w0 64b14,50230221,5
46Kanakaris Georgios2216GRE 33w0 48b1 17w0 40b0 80w1 74b1 52w1 29b0 47b½4,50229820,5
47FMGrigoriadis Alexandros2362GRE 70w½ 49b0 80w1 15w½ 55b½ 41b1 33w½ 32b0 46w½4,50226523
48FMKotrotsos Vasilios2337GRE 1b0 46w0 79b1 43w½ 50b½ 38b0 61w1 55w1 42b½4,50223518
49Filippas Sebastian2145GRE 53b½ 47w1 15b1 26w0 32b½ 27w0 23b0 60w1 34b040243524
50Pavlidis Antonios2175GRE 21w½ 6b0 35w1 19b0 48w½ 58b½ 57w0 65b½ 71w140235518
51WGMKadimova Ilaha2316AZE 13w½ 7b0 42w0 67b1 54w1 21b0 64w½ 70b1 27b040233919
52IMKhetsuriani Besarion2367GEO 78b1 15w½ 4w0 38b1 18w½ 28b0 46b0 35w½ 57b½40233123
53IMErturan Yakup2389TUR 49w½ 70b½ 43w1 18b½ 28w½ 29b0 40w1 30w0 35b040232824
54WGMKarlovich Anastazia2207UKR 16w0 58b½ 60b1 20w0 51b0 57w½ 72b½ 79w1 59b½40229017
55FMPountzas Hrisanthos2238GRE 4w0 76b1 28w0 74b1 47w½ 45b½ 34w0 48b0 70w140228519,5
56Makka Evanthia2107GRE 19w0 69b0 66b½ 68w1 72b1 62w0 37b0 77w1 58b½40228017
57WIMStiri Alexandra2251GRE 14w0 81b½ 38w0 73b1 33w0 54b½ 50b1 63w½ 52w½40227716,5
58FMLauridsen Jesper Morch2302DEN 12b0 54w½ 44b½ 78w1 31b0 50w½ 77b1 21b0 56w½40226819
59WIMFakhiridou Ekaterini2284GRE 9w0 42b½ 81w1 21b0 38w0 67b1 70w½ 64b½ 54w½40225118
60WIMKrivec Jana2340SLO 2w0 67b½ 54w0 70b1 64w1 35b0 42w½ 49b0 69w140224817,5
61WIMSorokina Anastasia2208AUS 20b0 40b0 64w0 -1 74w0 80b1 48b0 76w1 77w140210213
62WIMBurtasova Anna2337RUS 7w½ 13b0 67w1 33b1 17w0 56b1 32w0 38b0 43w03,50235921,5
63Dounis Alexandros2190GRE 28w1 11b0 19w½ 45b½ 22w0 40b0 69w1 57b½ 41w03,50233719,5
64Seretakis Nikolas2233GRE 15b0 78w0 61b1 65w½ 60b0 73w1 51b½ 59w½ 45w03,50230216,5
65Georgiadis Ioannis2413GRE 42w1 9b0 41w0 64b½ 35w0 43b1 44b0 50w½ 66b½3,50226117,5
66Parginos Vassilios2226GRE 18w0 5b0 56w½ 76b½ 70w0 81b1 74w1 40b0 65w½3,50225614
67Delithanasis Dimitrios2217GRE 32b0 60w½ 62b0 51w0 68b1 59w0 81b½ 80w½ 78b13,50224712,5
68Kokolias Konstantinos2224GRE 11w0 28b0 76w½ 56b0 67w0 -1 73b½ 78w½ 80b13,50208511
69Petritaj Fotjon2250ALB 3b0 56w1 31b1 25w0 39b0 44w0 63b0 73w1 60b030230817
70WFMPetraki Maria2069GRE 47b½ 53w½ 23b0 60w0 66b1 77w½ 59b½ 51w0 55b030230817
71Gogolis Alexandros2289GRE 30b0 82w1 32b0 44w1 34b0 78w1 39b0 42w0 50b030229318
72Sioris Georgios2229GRE 24w0 80b0 73w½ 81b½ 56w0 76b1 54w½ 43b0 74w½30217512,5
73Zografos Achileas2201GRE 29w0 41b0 72b½ 57w0 -1 64b0 68w½ 69b0 79w130212311
74Iordanidou Zoi2005GRE 45w0 75b0 -1 55w0 61b1 46w0 66b0 81w½ 72b½30211913,5
75Draci Robert2228ALB 27b0 74w1 34b0 31w0 44b0 79w0 76b0 -1 81w130211411
76Stefanidi Maria-Anna2092GRE 39b0 55w0 68b½ 66w½ 79b0 72w0 75w1 61b0 -130210610,5
77WGMMakropoulou Marina2266GRE 6w½ 22b½ 5w0 80b1 29w0 70b½ 58w0 56b0 61b02,50229316,5
78Grapsa Georgia2076GRE 52w0 64b1 22w0 58b0 81w1 71b0 43w0 68b½ 67w02,50226614
79Ikonomopoulou Maria2029GRE 22w½ 21b0 48w0 35b0 76w1 75b1 41w0 54b0 73b02,50226113,5
80Georgieva Emilia2023BUL 23b0 72w1 47b0 77w0 46b0 61w0 -1 67b½ 68w02,50214112
81WIMMakka Ioulia2187GRE 31b0 57w½ 59b0 72w½ 78b0 66w0 67w½ 74b½ 75b02022149,5
82Spirakopoulos Ioannis2204GRE 25b0 71b0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -00023560

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: rating average of the opponents (variabel with parameters)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break