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65e Open Mensuel d'Echecs de Lomé (OMEL 65)

Darrera actualització30.04.2023 13:11:23, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Togo Chess Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1Egbe, Kossi Thierry21201510TOG1765
2Amewounou, Komlan Kouessan21200017TOG1694
3Semeko, Lumen Paco21204160TOG1668
4Botsoe, Koffi21200025TOG1550
5Domingo, Siloe Nicalas Comlan21204411TOG1409
6Assagba, Kodjo Mawuli21200211TOG1403
7Adjetey, Cristelle21204934TOG0
8Andriamanelisoa, Louis Orivah21204551TOG0
9Botsoe, Daniel Xolali Faith21201501TOG0
10Botsoe, Jean-Philippe Bryan Xolasse21202494TOG0
11Botsoe, Praise Holadem Ketsia21204870TOG0
12Botsoe, Sitsofe Clever-Bright21204853TOG0
13Kabiya, Aklesso Richard21204217TOG0
14Ndjelle-Abby, Loic Gnimdou21204888TOG0
15Pedanou, Yao Esenam Samuel21204969TOG0
16Tuyizere, Benoit21204845TOG0