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Last update 29.04.2023 14:33:32, Creator/Last Upload: Caissa Eventos

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1medrado FERNANDO MEDRADO2233BRA 12w1 21b1 14w1 2b1 4w1 3b1 7w170257
2nogueira16 Jose Nogueira2094BRA 6b1 4w½ 9b1 1w0 19b1 5w1 10b½50304
3atlas21 Wagner Jose Da Silva Moreira2047BRA 14w- 18b1 19w1 14b1 16w1 1w0 4b15024,55
4jhabermas WILLIAN NASCIMENTO SILVA1773BRA 13b+ 2b½ 5w1 7w1 1b0 15b1 3w04,5032,54
5thr2020 TIAGO HUPPES2037BRA 23b½ 24w1 4b0 9w1 10b1 2b0 13w14,5024,54
6reipantaneiro ERICO MENDONÇA1873BRA 2w0 15b0 18w1 22b1 14w1 13b½ 17w14,5021,54
7mapadriano MARCOS ADRIANO PEREIRA ALVES2036BRA 20w½ 22b1 16w1 4b0 15w½ 8b1 1b04026,53
8nostradamus2000 ERIVALDO ADÃO1819BRA 11b1 14w- 15w0 17b1 20w+ 7w0 16w14025,54
9daviramos EDSON DAVI OLIVEIRA RAMOS1927BRA 22w½ 20b1 2w0 5b0 12w1 16b1 11w½40253
10calipso1962 OSCAR ARROYO1765ARG 18w1 16b0 12w1 15b½ 5w0 14b1 2w½4023,53
11ricardollopes RICARDO HENRIQUE SIPIÃO LOPES2021BRA 8w0 12b½ 20w1 19b- 22b1 19w1 9b½40223
12raulassis75 RAUL MARCELO GOMES DE ASSIS1885BRA 1b0 11w½ 10b0 24w1 9b0 20w+ 15w13,50273
13denisgov DENILSON DA SILVA BEZERRA1995BRA 4w- 17w0 24b1 23w1 21b1 6w½ 5b03,50213
14stupid-move LUCIANO DE ALMEIDA SANTOS1859BRA 3b+ 8b+ 1b0 3w0 6b0 10w0 19b13029,53
15mrjuninhochess Marcelino Siqueira Alves Junio2025BRA 21b- 6w1 8b1 10w½ 7b½ 4w0 12b03027,52
16carlosmaia CARLOS ALBERTO PIRES MAIA2005BRA 17b1 10w1 7b0 21w1 3b0 9w0 8b030263
17eduardoluciano Eduardo Luciano Torres De Melo1810BRA 16w0 13b1 21w- 8w0 24b+ 21w1 6b030233
18xerifechess WANDER MACHADO JUNIOR1956BRA 10b0 3w0 6b0 20b0 23w1 22w1 21b+3022,53
19antoniocalvesjc ANTONIO CARLOS ALVES1913BRA 24b½ 23w1 3b0 11w+ 2w0 11b0 14w02,5023,52
20erasmudoporto ERASMO MARCIO FALCAO1839BRA 7b½ 9w0 11b0 18w1 8b- 12b- 23b12,50232
21massaf4 MARCO ANTONIO DOS SANTOS SANTA1825BRA 15w+ 1w0 17b+ 16b0 13w0 17b0 18w-20262
22ivansmuniz Ivan De Souza Muniz1661BRA 9b½ 7w0 23b1 6w0 11w0 18b0 24b01,51231
23mardelods MARCELO DIOGO DOS SANTOS1843BRA 5w½ 19b0 22w0 13b0 18b0 24w1 20w01,51201
24beto764 Carlos Alberto Akamine1654BRA 19w½ 5b0 13w0 12b0 17w- 23b0 22w11,51191

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories (variable)