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Japan Youth Chess Championship 2023 ユース

Last update 02.04.2023 11:40:59, Creator/Last Upload: NCS

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1Okabe YumaJPN 15w1 13b1 25w1 4b1 2w1 6b16192121,006818
2Hashimoto ShunjiJPN 11w1 14b1 7w1 21b1 1b0 4w1520,52317,007223
3Kihara KotaroJPN 23w1 26b1 4w0 14b1 7w½ 12b14,5171913,006046
4Muto YuhiroJPN 29b1 6w1 3b1 1w0 9b1 2b0423,52514,007408
5Okayama RyotaJPN 12b½ 16w1 8b½ 10w1 6b0 19w1418,521,513,755942
6Tatsumi KaiJPN 22w1 4b0 28w1 25b1 5w1 1w0418,520,510,506269
7Yamada MisakiJPN 30b1 27w1 2b0 22w1 3b½ 8w½418199,754311
8Mitsuyama RikkaJPN 17b0 19w1 5w½ 16b1 21w1 7b½41719,512,506180
9Tochikubo JinJPN 26w0 24b1 23w1 13b1 4w0 14b14151711,005809
10Agarwal AviralJPN 20w1 28b1 21w0 5b0 23w1 13b14151710,504979
11Kawashima TesshuJPN 2b0 18w1 27b1 12w0 15b13,517,519,59,503728
12Ishikawa EiichiroJPN 5w½ 21b0 24w1 11b1 25w1 3w03,5171910,006680
13Hamanoue HaruyaJPN 18b1 1w0 26b1 9w0 17b1 10w0320228,006450
14Morioka AoiJPN 32b+ 2w0 17b1 3w0 22b1 9w0319195,505286
15Iwasaki MasateruJPN 1b0 30w1 22b0 18w1 26b1 11w0317186,003954
16Bopalkar VedJPN 24w½ 5b0 20w1 8w0 29b½ 21b131617,57,505436
17Nagatsuma TomoyaJPN 8w1 25b0 14w0 20b1 13w0 27b1315179,005007
18Lioubimova AnastasiaJPN 13w0 11b0 -1 15b0 28w1 25b1314,516,57,004674
19Kobayashi KeinosukeJPN 25w0 8b0 31b1 29w1 24w1 5b0314155,006635
20Kawakami ErikJPN 10b0 29w1 16b0 17w0 30b1 26w1313,514,54,505365
21Mizuma RyoJPN 12w1 10b1 2w0 8b0 16w02,519,522,59,005297
22Maeda KotaroJPN 6b0 -1 15w1 7b0 14w0 23b½2,51719,57,254641
23Hamanoue DaikiJPN 3b0 31w1 9b0 27w1 10b0 22w½2,517184,255347
24Nakashima YujinJPN 16b½ 9w0 12b0 31w1 19b0 29w12,515164,006072
25Yamada AtsushiJPN 19b1 17w1 1b0 6w0 12b0 18w0219,522,56,005699
26Mandhadi HavishJPN 9b1 3w0 13w0 28b1 15w0 20b0217,519,56,005114
27Ozaki SoraJPN -1 7b0 11w0 23b0 31w1 17w0216174,004500
28Goto RyoJPN 31b1 10w0 6b0 26w0 18b0 30w1214152,004715
29Garg ShivenJPN 4w0 20b0 30w1 19b0 16w½ 24b01,515,516,52,503488
30Haranaka João PedroJPN 7w0 15b0 29b0 -1 20w0 28b011516,53,003452
31Shimabuku Isabeli Hikari NishimotoBRA 28w0 23b0 19w0 24b0 27b0 -1113153,001634
32Maeda RafaelJPN 14w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0015180,000

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break4: Sum Of the ratings Of the opponents (whithout one result)