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Liechtensteiner Landesmeisterschaft 2022 Kategorie A

Senast uppdaterad18.12.2022 17:41:26, Creator/Last Upload: Liechtensteiner Schachverband

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1Neuberger Guido4642112SUI2186
2Karnaukh Anatolij14107171SUI2053
3Frick Renato12000027LIE1921
4Baotic Daniel1344170SUI1873
5Schädler Martin12000019LIE1851
6Klauser Andreas1337432SUI1821
7Vogt Alexander12000132LIE1765
8Lusti Reto1325299SUI1762
9Heron Andrew12000213LIE1761
10Sele Timea1343424LIE1602