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Šaha Ceturtdiena -2022-XVI 02.06.2022.

Last update 02.06.2022 20:08:17, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1MKLaizans Aivars1971LAT 11w1 5b1 6w½ 8b0 10w1 3b1 7w1 2b½636,5412003
2MKTenis Girts1869LAT 21w1 16b1 10w0 11b1 5w½ 6b1 4b1 1w½635381850
3MKGudovskis Konstantins1912LAT 13b1 9w1 7b1 10b1 4w½ 1w0 5b½ 6b½5,536,540,51863
4MKPavlucenko Aleksejs1720LAT 12b1 15w1 6b1 3b½ 7w1 2w0 5b½5,535391869
5IJaroshs Maksims1778LAT 23b1 1w0 21b1 18w1 2b½ 10b1 3w½ 4w½5,534,5371729
6IPaikens Reinis1822LAT 19b1 17w1 1b½ 4w0 15b1 2w0 9b1 3w½536401700
7NMTer-Avetisjana Agnesa Stepania1809LAT 20w1 18b1 3w0 16b1 8w1 4b0 1b0 14w153437,51708
8MKPakula Aleksej2132LAT 14b1 10w0 13b1 1w1 7b0 9w0 16b1 17w1532,536,51699
9IBeniosev Daniel1521LAT 22w1 3b0 20w0 19b1 11w1 8b1 6w0 12b1531,5341660
10WFMPriedite Ingrida1750LAT 24w1 8b1 2b1 3w0 1b0 5w0 11w½ 20b14,53638,51728
11WMKZalcmane Vija1404LAT 1b0 23w1 27b1 2w0 9b0 22w1 10b½ 13w14,530,531,51512
12MKAfanasjevs Aleksandrs1671LAT 15b½ 4w0 14b0 24w1 18b1 21w1 13b½ 9w0429,5321330
13IILisovskis Dmitrijs1403LAT 3w0 24b1 8w0 26b1 16w1 17b½ 12w½ 11b0429,5311537
14IPavlovs Ostins1410LAT 8w0 20b0 12w1 22w1 21b½ 15w1 17b½ 7b0428,5311475
15IIPodgornijs Bogdans1119LAT 12w½ 25b1 4b0 20w1 6w0 14b0 23w1 19b½428,530,51468
16IAzarkevics Aleksejs1509LAT 26b1 2w0 22b1 7w0 13b0 18w1 8w0 25b1428,5301468
17IKalinin Oleg1457LAT 27w1 6b0 18w0 23b1 20b1 13w½ 14w½ 8b0428291399
18IIBrilovs Ilja0LAT 25w1 7w0 17b1 5b0 12w0 16b0 26w1 22b142728,51469
19IIGeidans Vilnis1270LAT 6w0 22b0 24w1 9w0 26b1 20b½ 21w1 15w½425,5271286
20IIPucinskis Mihails1251LAT 7b0 14w1 9b1 15b0 17w0 19w½ 25b1 10w03,530,532,51427
21IIDundurs Edgars1303LAT 2b0 26w1 5w0 27b1 14w½ 12b0 19b0 -13,527,528,51333
22IIIFreimanis Emils1057LAT 9b0 19w1 16w0 14b0 23w1 11b0 -1 18w032830,51169
23IIIOrlovskis Jaroslavs1177LAT 5w0 11b0 25w1 17w0 22b0 -1 15b0 27w1324,525,51162
24INevickis Sergejs1166LAT 10b0 13w0 19b0 12b0 -1 25w0 27w1 26b1321,522,51208
25IStankevics Roberts1424LAT 18b0 15w0 23b0 -1 27w½ 24b1 20w0 16w02,522,523,5945
26IIPodgornijs Makars1046LAT 16w0 21b0 -1 13w0 19w0 27b1 18b0 24w022425927
27IIBaumanis Zigurds0LAT 17b0 -1 11w0 21w0 25b½ 26w0 24b0 23b01,521,523860

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)