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Rejtingovani rapid turnir u 7 kola
Najvise 25 igraca , Upisnina 300 din
Prijava Zoltan Helenji 063 8575255 (+viber)

Rapid Subotica 4.juni 2022

Last update 04.06.2022 13:47:51, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

Player overview for ukr

12AFMBespalov Ivan1806UKR½01½011462033,60

Results of the last round for ukr

Rd.Bo.No.NameBdldTypFEDRtgPts. ResultPts. NameBdldTypFEDRtgNo.
7412AFMBespalov IvanS50UKR18063 1 - 03 FMSirotanovic ObradS50SRB22132

Player details for ukr

AFM Bespalov Ivan 1806 UKR Rp:2013 Pts. 4
15FMScepanovic Labud2165SRB3w ½207,80
28Vlahovic Ljubo2095SRB3,5s 020-3,20
313Jelovac Ivko1797SRB3w 1209,80
411Mandic Goran1815SRB3s ½200,20
51FMTancik Kristijan2299SRB4w 020-2,20
614Takac Stevan1360SRB0s 1202,20
72FMSirotanovic Obrad2213SRB3w 12017,80