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Latvijas 2022. gada čempionāts blicā Mežezers 03.07.

Last update 03.07.2022 12:58:58, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 13 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.Rd13.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMGolubovskis Maksims2163LAT 14w1 20b1 10w1 3b0 9b1 2w1 4b½ 5w½ 7w1 8b1 13w1 15b1 6b½10,595,51022272
2IGermanovs Georgijs1891LAT 33w1 6b0 14w1 13b1 12w1 1b0 19w1 4w1 3b1 5w1 11b1 10b1 8w0109598,52245
3FMMustaps Matiss2282LAT 15w1 13b1 6w½ 1w1 5b0 8b1 11w1 7b1 2w0 4b½ 10w½ 16b1 9w½997,5104,52205
4IMAntoms Guntars2177LAT 22w1 16b1 9w½ 12b½ 20b1 5w½ 1w½ 2b0 18b1 3w½ 6w½ 7b½ 13w18,595,5101,52114
5FMKlimakovs Sergejs2163LAT 23b1 21w½ 19b1 18w1 3w1 4b½ 7w0 1b½ 10w1 2b0 9b½ 14w½ 11b½8951012048
6FMLavendelis Egons2177LAT 27b1 2w1 3b½ 9w½ 7b0 29w1 12b0 18w0 21b1 17w1 4b½ 19b1 1w½893981990
7IKuznecova Marija1754LAT 11b0 30w1 35b1 16b1 6w1 21w1 5b1 3w0 1b0 10b0 8w½ 4w½ 14b1892,5932056
8IMReimanis Ritvars2281LAT 19b½ 17w0 22b1 25w1 18b½ 3w0 29b1 9w1 12b1 1w0 7b½ 11w½ 2b1892971946
9CMJazdanovs Aleksandrs2003LAT 34w1 11w1 4b½ 6b½ 1w0 15b1 10w0 8b0 19w1 20b1 5w½ 13b½ 3b½7,59495,52111
10MKBatashevs Arsens2182LAT 26b1 18w½ 1b0 19w1 29b½ 14w1 9b1 12w½ 5b0 7w1 3b½ 2w0 17w½7,593,598,51945
11WGMRogule Laura2200LAT 7w1 9b0 17b1 20w0 27b1 18w1 3b0 13w½ 30b1 12w1 2w0 8b½ 5w½7,590,595,51961
12WGMBerzina Ilze2027LAT 28w1 25b½ 21w1 4w½ 2b0 20b1 6w1 10b½ 8w0 11b0 15w0 22b1 18w17,58893,51972
13MKLaizans Aivars2022LAT 30b1 3w0 26b1 2w0 21b0 27w1 14b1 11b½ 22w1 18w1 1b0 9w½ 4b0790,595,51934
14IKrastins Arturs1612LAT 1b0 32w1 2b0 35w1 16w1 10b0 13w0 15b½ 25w1 22b1 20w1 5b½ 7w078888,51817
15MKSumskis Rimvydas1828LTU 3b0 28w½ 31b½ 32w1 24b1 9w0 18b0 14w½ 29b1 30w1 12b1 1w0 16w½78286,51823
16MKBabrauskas Darius1990LTU 31b1 4w0 27b1 7w0 14b0 24w0 32b1 26w1 17b½ 23b1 19w1 3w0 15b½78286,51725
17IPetrovs Renars1263LAT 29w½ 8b1 11w0 21b0 22w1 19w0 27b1 23b1 16w½ 6b0 18w½ 24w1 10b½781,586,51933
18MKKrilovs Nikolajs1971LAT 24w1 10b½ 25w1 5b0 8w½ 11b0 15w1 6b1 4w0 13b0 17b½ 21w1 12b06,589951907
19MKMelderis Uldis1826LAT 8w½ 29b1 5w0 10b0 28w1 17b1 2b0 21w1 9b0 31w1 16b0 6w0 35b16,58585,51822
20MKKrums Ilmars1896LAT 32b1 1w0 23b1 11b1 4w0 12w0 21b1 30w0 24b1 9w0 14b0 27w1 26w½6,58488,51799
21IKalinauskas Rolandas1833LTU 35w1 5b½ 12b0 17w1 13w1 7b0 20w0 19b0 6w0 33b1 23w1 18b0 32w16,57979,51728
22IMitenieks Matiss1712LAT 4b0 31w½ 8w0 34b1 17b0 33w1 24b1 29w1 13b0 14w0 25b1 12w0 -16,576,5781654
23WMKDombrovska Stefanija1594LAT 5w0 33b1 20w0 24b0 25b1 31w½ 26b1 17w0 28b1 16w0 21b0 -1 30w16,57477,51585
24IRezniks Roberts1433LAT 18b0 27w0 30b1 23w1 15w0 16b1 22w0 31b1 20w0 32b1 26w½ 17b0 33w16,57275,51646
25IRomanovskis Davis0LAT -1 12w½ 18b0 8b0 23w0 28b1 30w0 34w1 14b0 35b1 22w0 33w1 31b16,567,5681603
26MKKane Marta1713LAT 10w0 34b1 13w0 29b0 32w1 30b½ 23w0 16b0 -1 28w1 24b½ 35w1 20b½6,566,5671639
27MKAlipovs Anatolijs1678LAT 6w0 24b1 16w0 33b1 11w0 13b0 17w0 -1 32b0 34w1 30b1 20b0 29w167273,51664
28MKBreikss Peteris1549LAT 12b0 15b½ 29w0 31w1 19b0 25w0 -1 33b1 23w0 26b0 35w1 32b½ 34b166363,51510
29MKKapce Viesturs1876LAT 17b½ 19w0 28b1 26w1 10w½ 6b0 8w0 22b0 15w0 -1 34b1 31w½ 27b05,576,5781678
30IZarovs Aleksandrs1527LAT 13w0 7b0 24w0 -1 35b1 26w½ 25b1 20b1 11w0 15b0 27w0 34w1 23b05,57272,51566
31IRandma Urmas1461EST 16w0 22b½ 15w½ 28b0 33w½ 23b½ 34b1 24w0 35w1 19b0 -1 29b½ 25w05,565,5661485
32IEglitis Roberts1432LAT 20w0 14b0 34w1 15b0 26b0 -1 16w0 35b1 27w1 24w0 33b½ 28w½ 21b056767,51490
33IAzarkevics Aleksejs1334LAT 2b0 23w0 -1 27w0 31b½ 22b0 35w1 28w0 34b1 21w0 32w½ 25b0 24b046868,51332
34IGolikovs Nikita1506LAT 9b0 26w0 32b0 22w0 -1 35b1 31w0 25b0 33w0 27b0 29w0 30b0 28w0263,5641140
35IIIBalta Hugo Kristians1011LAT 21b0 -1 7w0 14b0 30w0 34w0 33b0 32w0 31b0 25w0 28b0 26b0 19w016970,5762

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable With parameter)