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IM Turnier Graz Mai 2022

Last update 31.05.2022 21:17:13, Creator: HR. ERICH GIGERL,Last Upload: Steirischer Landesverband (Eloreferent)

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Starting rank

1FMKristoferitsch Daniel1642650AUT2306
2Kölber Daniel1643380AUT2149
3WFMTrippold Denise1625594AUT2147
4FMFrosch Erich1602217AUT2184
5Dotzer Lukas1666975AUT2180
6Bratkovic Sham14608715SLO2178
7Schernthaner David1649574AUT2279
8IMNemeth Miklos720232HUN2446
9IMBaidetskyi Valentin14142317UKR2435
10IMBakalarz Mietek4000749LUX2255
11IMSchachinger Mario1616773AUT2391