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Šaha Ceturtdiena -2022-XIV 19.05.2022.

Last update 19.05.2022 20:03:58, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMShirov Alexei2634ESP 16w1 8b1 3w1 2b½ 5w1 4b1 7w1 10b17,5235,538,52376
2IMLarkin Vladyslav2248UKR 17b1 9w1 7b1 1w½ 4b1 3b1 8w1 5b17,5136,5402426
3IMAntoms Guntars2131LAT 18w1 10b1 1b0 9w1 22b1 2w0 12b1 8w½5,5337,541,52007
4MKKrilovs Nikolajs1995LAT 19b1 11w½ 13b1 14b1 2w0 1w0 10b0 28w03,52036,539,51743
5MKLaizans Aivars1979LAT 20w0 28b1 15w1 13b1 1b0 19w½ 9b1 2w04,583537,51756
6MKMierins Emils Janis1953LAT 21b1 13w0 19b1 22w0 10w0 24b1 23w1 11b15728311584
7ISavicevs Arsenijs1933LAT 22w1 15b1 2w0 20b1 8w0 14b1 1b0 12w1553537,51890
8MKGudovskis Konstantins1869LAT 23b1 1w0 21b½ 11w1 7b1 10w1 2b0 3b½543841,51999
9MKMelderis Uldis1860LAT 24w1 2b0 18w1 3b0 20w1 22b1 5w0 14b15633361762
10MKMilovs Daniels1845LAT 25b1 3w0 23b½ 21w1 6b1 8b0 4w1 1w04,5934361843
11IPaikens Reinis1831LAT 26w1 4b½ 14w0 8b0 24w½ 20b1 19b1 6w041728,5301581
12MKKaverins Nikita1773LAT 20w0 18b1 16w1 23b1 3w0 7b041429,532,51597
13MKPavlucenko Aleksejs1706LAT 27b1 6b1 4w0 5w0 19b0 17w½ 28b½ 23w03233032,51426
14MKMachevskis Edmunds1653LAT 28w½ 20b1 11b1 4w0 23b½ 7w0 17b1 9w041330331592
15IKalnins Aleksandrs Alans1520LAT 29b1 7w0 5b0 19w0 21b1 18w0 27w0 -13252627,51277
16IRezniks Roberts1457LAT 1b0 23w0 29b1 27w1 12b0 28w0 20b0 26w13242728,51327
17IKalinin Oleg1455LAT 2w0 24b½ 22w0 26b1 25w1 13b½ 14w0 27b141926,5281452
18WMKZalcmane Vija1401LAT 3b0 25w1 9b0 12w0 29w1 15b1 22w1 19b041827,5291520
19IPavlovs Ostins1369LAT 4w0 26b1 6w0 15b1 13w1 5b½ 11w0 18w14,51026,5281740
20IOtrohovs Maksims1365LAT 5b1 14w0 12b1 7w0 9b0 11w0 16w1 24b032230331631
21IIKakurin Artem1312FID 6w0 27b1 8w½ 10b0 15w0 29b1 25w1 22b03,52125,5271426
22IISokolovs Maksimilians1298LAT 7b0 29w1 17b1 6b1 3w0 9w0 18b0 21w14123233,51631
23IILisovskis Dmitrijs1296LAT 8w0 16b1 10w½ 24b1 14w½ 12w0 6b0 13b141629321689
24IIArums Juris1257LAT 9b0 17w½ 28b1 23w0 11b½ 6w0 -1 20w141529,5321487
25IIIOrlovskis Jaroslavs1210LAT 10w0 18b0 26w1 28w½ 17b0 -1 21b0 29w02,52724,5261084
26IIIFreimanis Emils1188LAT 11b0 19w0 25b0 17w0 -1 27b0 29w1 16b022821,5231030
27IIPodgornijs Bogdans1054LAT 13w0 21w0 -1 16b0 28b0 26w1 15b1 17w03262324,51219
28IAzarkevics Aleksejs0LAT 14b½ 5w0 24w0 25b½ 27w1 16b1 13w½ 4b14,51124261582
29IIBrilovs Ilja0LAT 15w0 22b0 16w0 -1 18b0 21w0 26b0 25b12292122,51032

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)