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Olaines Šaha pavasaris 2022 Turnīrs visiem

Last update 08.05.2022 15:26:23, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 8 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMLevchenkov Vitaly2006LAT 34b1 25w1 13b1 5w1 3b½ 2w1 7b1 4w½739,543,52145
2MKMierins Emils Janis1953LAT 39w1 12b1 14w1 4b1 6w1 1b0 3w1 8w½6,540,543,52038
3MKLibensons Julijs1684LAT 54b1 17w1 24b1 6b1 1w½ 5w½ 2b0 10w1639,541,52005
4WFMVidruska Renate1849LAT 31b1 30w1 10b1 2w0 15b1 9w1 5b½ 1b½638,542,51983
5MKSaveljevs Aleksandrs1864LAT 41w1 23b1 21w1 1b0 14w1 3b½ 4w½ 12b1637,540,51924
6ISavicevs Arsenijs1933LAT 28b1 9w1 11b1 3w0 2b0 24w1 23b1 16w1635,539,51853
7WGMBerzina Ilze2083LAT 19b0 48w1 50b1 26w1 13b1 11b1 1w0 9w1633,5361841
8NMGudovskis Konstantins1869LAT 16b1 26w0 28b1 9w0 38w1 37b1 25w1 2b½5,531,534,51755
9MKBarinovs Vitalijs1664LAT 51w1 6b0 39w1 8b1 18w1 4b0 20w1 7b0536,5391851
10MKLagerborg Krister2019SWE 29w1 33b1 4w0 20b1 11w0 14b1 21w1 3b0535,539,51856
11MKMilovs Daniels1845LAT 22w1 27b1 6w0 32b1 10b1 7w0 16b0 24w1534,538,51767
12ILaishevkin Mykhaylo1732UKR 47b1 2w0 49b1 15w0 28b1 17w1 13b1 5w0534,5371773
13MKMelderis Uldis1860LAT 44w1 38b1 1w0 22b1 7w0 29b1 12w0 21b1534371753
14IPaikens Reinis1831LAT 48b1 19w1 2b0 37w1 5b0 10w0 36b1 26w153335,51706
15MKDijokas Linas1971LTU 32w1 21b0 18w1 12b1 4w0 25b0 29w1 27b1532,536,51778
16IOtrohovs Maksims1365LAT 8w0 55b1 33w1 21b0 27w1 38b1 11w1 6b0532331770
17IVingris Mikelis1899LAT 42w1 3b0 29w1 27b1 21w0 12b0 32w1 23b1531,534,51675
18MKKurpnieks Vairis1960LAT 50b1 24w½ 15b0 36w1 9b0 31w½ 30b1 33w1529,5321655
19IKalnins Aleksandrs Alans1520LAT 7w1 14b0 40w½ 23b0 22w½ 41b1 37w1 36b1529321599
20MKPogrebnojs Dmitrijs1862LAT 49b1 37w1 26b½ 10w0 24b½ 30w1 9b0 25w152931,51745
21IJaroshs Maksims1768LAT 46b1 15w1 5b0 16w1 17b1 23w½ 10b0 13w04,535381774
22IILisovskis Dmitrijs1296LAT 11b0 56w1 30b1 13w0 19b½ 36w0 31b1 37w14,529,529,51508
23IVaicuks Jazeps1659LAT 36b1 5w0 31b½ 19w1 26b1 21b½ 6w0 17w0434,5381625
24MKAfanasjevs Aleksandrs1723LAT 35w1 18b½ 3w0 40b1 20w½ 6b0 39w1 11b0434371630
25IKuznecova Marija1747LAT 40w1 1b0 32w0 44b1 39w1 15w1 8b0 20b0432,535,51627
26ISobolevs Antons1630LAT 55w1 8b1 20w½ 7b0 23w0 40b½ 35w1 14b0432,533,51588
27IPlatonovs Nikolajs1551LAT 56b1 11w0 45b1 17w0 16b0 28w1 34b1 15w0431311487
28IVarchenko Yegor1388LAT 6w0 51b1 8w0 35b1 12w0 27b0 38w1 43b1430,5331495
29IJablonskaja Anastasija1455LAT 10b0 53w1 17b0 49w1 33b1 13w0 15b0 41w1429,531,51675
30IEglitis Roberts1547LAT 43w1 4b0 22w0 53b1 42w1 20b0 18w0 40b1429,531,51472
31ISmirnovs Artjoms1299LAT 4w0 43b1 23w½ 38b0 51w1 18b½ 22w0 39b1428,5311483
32IStankevics Roberts1404LAT 15b0 46w1 25b1 11w0 37b0 48w1 17b0 45w142830,51561
33NMMaklakova Nellija1791LAT 53w1 10w0 16b0 41b1 29w0 42b1 40w1 18b0428301491
34ISarsuns Stanislavs1429LAT 1w0 40b0 35w0 43b1 52w1 53b1 27w0 44b1426,528,51307
35IILescenko Maksims1165LAT 24b0 50w0 34b1 28w0 49b1 51w1 26b0 42b142426,51421
36IShomin Dmytro1088UKR 23w0 41b1 38w½ 18b0 44w1 22b1 14w0 19w03,529,532,51521
37MKBreikss Peteris1559LAT 52w1 20b0 42w1 14b0 32w1 8w0 19b0 22b033234,51434
38IAntjufejevs Vsevolods1607LAT 45b1 13w0 36b½ 31w1 8b0 16w0 28b0 48w½33032,51304
39IIJansons Kristers Roberts1395LAT 2b0 47w1 9b0 46w1 25b0 45w1 24b0 31w0329,532,51384
40IILabecka Maria1195LAT 25b0 34w1 19b½ 24w0 50b1 26w½ 33b0 30w032931,51511
41IAleksejevs Daniils1322LAT 5b0 36w0 54b1 33w0 46b1 19w0 53w1 29b0327,529,51320
42IIDundurs Edgars1387LAT 17b0 54w1 37b0 45w1 30b0 33w0 48b1 35w0325,527,51328
43Valters Markuss Janis0LAT 30b0 31w0 47b1 34w0 48b0 46w1 50b1 28w0324,5271251
44IIHops Roberts1313LAT 13b0 45w0 56b1 25w0 36b0 47w1 54b1 34w0324,524,51213
45IIGeidans Vilnis0LAT 38w0 44b1 27w0 42b0 55w1 39b0 49w1 32b0322,523,51289
46IIIOrlovskis Jaroslavs1210LAT 21w0 32b0 52w1 39b0 41w0 43b0 56b1 54w1322221162
47IISilins Miks1174LAT 12w0 39b0 43w0 52b0 56w1 44b0 55w1 53b1319,519,51126
48IITuhtijevs Ruslans1257LAT 14w0 7b0 51w0 55b1 43w1 32b0 42w0 38b½2,526,527,51290
49IPetrovs Arsenijs1314LAT 20w0 52b1 12w0 29b0 35w0 50w1 45b0 51b½2,52628,51198
50IIVingris Janis1398LAT 18w0 35b1 7w0 51b½ 40w0 49b0 43w0 55b12,526271216
51IIJaresko Timurs1099LAT 9b0 28w0 48b1 50w½ 31b0 35b0 52w½ 49w½2,524,5271170
52Banga Anna0LAT 37b0 49w0 46b0 47w1 34b0 54w0 51b½ 56w12,520201095
53IILiepina Daniela Nikola1225LAT 33b0 29b0 55w1 30w0 54b1 34w0 41b0 47w0224251164
54IIKokina Elizabete1101LAT 3w0 42b0 41w0 56b1 53w0 52b1 44w0 46b0222,522,51075
55IIVidrusks Arturs1039LAT 26b0 16w0 53b0 48w0 45b0 56w1 47b0 50w012222934
56Jeljasevica Jevgenija0LAT 27w0 22b0 44w0 54w0 47b0 55b0 46w0 52b002223411

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable With parameter)