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15th AICFB National Chess Championship for Visually Challenged 2022 - 23 284269/AICFB/2022

Last update 09.04.2022 09:46:54, Creator/Last Upload: Vidhatri Lakshmi

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4  TB5 
1Darpan Inani2124IND 28b1 18w0 32b½ 44w1 36b1 3w0 23b1 10w1 2b½610454930,5005
2Kishan Gangolli2113IND 29w1 19b1 13w1 5b½ 7w1 9b1 11w½ 12b½ 1w½7247,551,538,2505
3Aryan B Joshi1909IND 30b1 21w1 12b½ 9b½ 31w½ 1b1 7w1 5b0 4w½6747,551,532,5004
4Patra Subhendu Kumar1783IND 31w1 23b1 15w1 7b½ 9w½ 11b½ 5w0 21b1 3b½69465030,5004
5Soundarya Kumar Pradhan1749IND 32b1 22w1 18b1 2w½ 12b½ 35w1 4b1 3w1 11b½7,5149,554,544,5006
6Krishna Udupa1733IND 33w1 25b0 34w½ 41b0 47w0 55b1 19w1 36b½ 32w0435374016,0003
7Makwana Ashvin K1729IND 34b1 24w1 25b1 4w½ 2b0 40w1 3b0 31w1 18b05,512454926,5005
8Patel Darshan1680IND 35w0 41b1 33w1 25w0 27b0 45b½ 37w1 34w1 31b15,517374123,5005
9Samant Milind1670IND 36b1 26w1 35b1 3w½ 4b½ 2w0 22b1 18w½ 12w½664851,532,0004
10Prachurya Kumar Pradhan1630IND 37w½ 47b1 11w0 34b½ 41w1 24b1 25w½ 1b0 17w15,514414525,5004
11Swapanil Shah1622IND 38b½ 14w1 10b1 12w½ 25b1 4w½ 2b½ 35w1 5w½6,5348,55236,7504
12Marimuthu K1586IND 39w1 27b1 3w½ 11b½ 5w½ 21b1 31w1 2w½ 9b½6,54475033,5004
13Shashidhar K M1547IND 40b1 44w1 2b0 26w1 35b0 25w0 29b1 22w1 16b05184447,523,0005
14Rajkumar B1488IND 41w½ 11b0 45w½ 43b1 34w1 31b0 33w0 37b- 39b143835,538,514,7503
15Vijay Karia1482IND 42b1 55w1 4b0 35w0 44b½ 32w½ 34b½ 52w0 47b½43338,541,515,5002
16Venkat Reddy S1481IND 43w1 35b0 37w0 47b0 55b1 38w1 32b1 25b1 13w161137,540,525,5006
17Noushad E P1473IND 44b0 40w0 30b1 42w1 38b1 26w1 35b0 47w1 10b052337,540,518,5005
18Somender B L1446IND 45w1 1b1 5w0 31b0 37w1 27w1 40b1 9b½ 7w16,55434732,0006
19Bagayatkar Madan1443IND 46b1 2w0 36b0 38w½ 52b1 44w0 6b0 55w1 43b14,5303637,514,2504
20Shaibu T1434IND 47w0 42b0 49w- 48w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -005524250,0000
21Shidad M1432IND 48b1 3b0 42w1 36w½ 23b1 12w0 44b1 4w0 52b15,515414322,0005
22Hariharan Gandhi1399IND 49w1 5b0 43w1 37b1 40w0 47b1 9w0 13b0 33w1520404218,5005
23Rakesh Narwal1393IND 50b1 4w0 38b½ 32w1 21w0 41b1 1w0 43b1 25w04,52739,54217,2504
24Shambhu Kumar Roy1391IND 51w1 7b0 47w1 40b0 45w1 10w0 36b½ 41b1 44w04,52639,542,518,5004
25Satya Praksah Shrivastava1388IND 52b1 6w1 7w0 8b1 11w0 13b1 10b½ 16w0 23b15,513434726,2505
26Dibakar Pal1379IND 53w1 9b0 54w1 13b0 50w1 17b0 43w½ 44b0 41w03,54435368,2503
27Ganesh Kisku1374IND 54b1 12w0 40b0 49w1 8w1 18b0 47w0 39b1 36w0432394113,5004
28Chirantan C Mesariya1344IND 1w0 43b0 51w1 50b0 48w1 33b½ 41w0 45b½ 42w144130,532,512,0003
29Vaishali Nrendra Salavkar1344IND 2b0 46w1 44b0 52w½ 54b1 36w½ 13w0 42b1 37b043437,53912,2503
30Ramesha A R1304IND 3w0 45b½ 17w0 53b1 33w0 43b0 54b1 38w1 34b½440333411,5003
31Sam Peniel P1302IND 4b0 48w1 55b1 18w1 3b½ 14w1 12b0 7b0 8w04,52543,545,519,0004
32Singh Surypratap1288IND 5w0 49b1 1w½ 23b0 39w1 15b½ 16w0 50b1 6b152437,539,516,5004
33Suryakant Raut1285IND 6b0 50w1 8b0 54w½ 30b1 28w½ 14b1 40w0 22b04393537,514,5003
34Madhukesh Ram1243IND 7w0 51b1 6b½ 10w½ 14b0 42w1 15w½ 8b0 30w½436363914,7502
35Gopi R1242IND 8b1 16w1 9w0 15b1 13w1 5b0 17w1 11b0 40b16846,550,530,5006
36Mrunali Pande1236IND 9w0 53b1 19w1 21b½ 1w0 29b½ 24w½ 6w½ 27b152238,539,518,5003
37Solanki Pragnesh1236IND 10b½ 38w½ 16b1 22w0 18b0 50w1 8b0 14w+ 29w152139,54220,5004
38Megha Chakraborty1232IND 11w½ 37b½ 23w½ 19b½ 17w0 16b0 39w½ 30b0 49b13,542384013,5001
39Viral Trivedi1230IND 12b0 52w0 48b1 55w½ 32b0 54w1 38b½ 27w0 14w034734368,2502
40Shah Saiyam Kamleshbhai1226IND 13w0 17b1 27w1 24w1 22b1 7b0 18w0 33b1 35w051941,545,522,5005
41Rathi Himanshi1177IND 14b½ 8w0 52b1 6w1 10b0 23w0 28b1 24w0 26b14,5293740,518,2504
42Tijan Punaram Gawar1174IND 15w0 20w1 21b0 17b0 53w1 34b0 49b1 29w0 28b034932336,5003
43Vibin Wilson C1166IND 16b0 28w1 22b0 14w0 49b1 30w1 26b½ 23w0 19w03,543363811,7503
44Rafik S1140IND 17w1 13b0 29w1 1b0 15w½ 19b1 21w0 26w1 24b15,51638,54223,5005
45Raj Das1118IND 18b0 30w½ 14b½ 46w1 24b0 8w½ 52b0 28w½ 50w14373637,513,0002
46Ayisha Sainab Ka0IND 19w0 29b0 53w½ 45b0 -1 52w0 50b0 49w½ 51b025327284,0000
47Bharat0IND 20b1 10w0 24b0 16w1 6b1 22w0 27b1 17b0 15w½4,5283841,519,5004
48Binita Teli0IND 21w0 31b0 39w0 20b+ 28b0 53b½ 55w0 51b1 54w02,55228,529,56,0002
49Kanhaiya Lal0IND 22b0 32w0 20b+ 27b0 43w0 51b1 42w0 46b½ 38w02,5513031,56,7502
50Lakhi Pada Bauri0IND 23w0 33b0 -1 28w1 26b0 37b0 46w1 32w0 45b034832,5348,5002
51Sayali Santosh Shitole0IND 24b0 34w0 28b0 -1 -0 49w0 53b1 48w0 46w135024,525,55,0002
52Sourabh Mishra0IND 25w0 39b1 41w0 29b½ 19w0 46b1 45w1 15b1 21w04,5313536,514,5004
53Sunita Shukla0IND 26b0 36w0 46b½ 30w0 42b0 48w½ 51w0 54b0 55b015426,5281,7500
54Vivek Ghuge0IND 27w0 -1 26b0 33b½ 29w0 39b0 30w0 53w1 48b13,54628298,5002
55Vruthi Jain0IND -1 15b0 31w0 39b½ 16w0 6w0 48b1 19b0 53w13,54532338,5002

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break4: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break5: Greater number of victories/games variable