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Dr Lupusoru 2022 Cup

Ultima actualizare18.04.2022 08:19:23, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastian Volcinsche

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Diagrama initiala

Nr.NumeleRtg.FED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPct.Loc TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Dubic Roman2059ROU 41w1 22b1 12w1 10b0 16w1 14b0 21w1 75b1 8w175405135
2Vasile Marian2027ROU 42b1 21w1 11b1 15w1 4b0 10w0 23b1 17w1 3b06941,55435
3FMCalin Alexandru2009ROU 43w1 24b1 14w1 17b1 10w1 4w½ 12b0 8b½ 2w1724355,539
4Zubcu Vlad-George2002ROU 44b1 23w1 13b1 35w1 2w1 3b½ 14w1 10b1 5w½81425342,5
5Lazar Ionut-Flavius1972ROU 45w1 26b1 18w½ 20b½ 17w½ 22b1 42w1 12w1 4b½7340,553,535,5
6Done Stefan-Daniel1962ROU 46b1 25w1 15b0 30b1 20w1 11w½ 10b0 29w1 19b16,57374733
7Galatanu Iulian-Marinica1896ROU 47w1 28b1 20w½ 18b1 8w½ 12b0 25w1 24b1 14w061238,549,534
8Gavrila Petrisor1870ROU 48b1 27w1 17b0 28w1 7b½ 19w1 11b1 3w½ 1b061139,550,533,5
9Chis Bogdan-Vasile1868ROU 49w1 30b½ 35b0 41w1 33b1 42w- -0 -0 -03,55934,54424
10Illes Sandor-Ferenc1846ROU 50b1 29w1 19b1 1w1 3b0 2b1 6w1 4w0 12b06843,555,537
11Dinca Ovidiu1823ROU 51w1 32b1 2w0 34b1 75w1 6b½ 8w0 20b0 39b15,52037,54831
12Yarmolenko Roman1804UKR 52b1 31w1 1b0 27w1 15b1 7w1 3w1 5b0 10w17638,549,536
13Popa Denis-Marius1784ROU 53w1 34b1 4w0 36b½ 30w1 18b0 26w½ 45b0 44w0445385026,5
14Ienasoaie Rafael1778ROU 54b1 33w1 3b0 29w1 35b1 1w1 4b0 37w1 7b1744052,535
15Raduica Remus1758ROU 55w1 36b1 6w1 2b0 12w0 35b1 75w0 30b½ 34w04,537394929
16Bulgaru Daniel-Alexandru1740ROU 56b1 35w0 44b1 31w1 1b0 37w0 34w0 49b1 46w153033,54425
17Ienasoaie Gabriel1740ROU 57w1 38b1 8w1 3w0 5b½ 24b1 18w1 2b0 20w½610405134
18Bajenaru Leonard1722ROU 58b1 37w1 5b½ 7w0 25b1 13w1 17b0 42w1 21b05,5193847,531,5
19Axinte Aurel1714ROU 59w1 40b1 10w0 38b½ 36w1 8b0 39w1 34b1 6w05,52137,54730
20Oasenegre Mircea1714ROU 60b1 81w1 7b½ 5w½ 6b0 68w1 29b½ 11w1 17b½61435,544,531,5
21Sulschi Gheorghe1691ROU 61w1 2b0 43w0 57b1 46w1 38b1 1b0 47w1 18w161534,545,527
22Anitei Ion1681ROU 62b1 1w0 46b1 33w½ 40b1 5w0 37b0 54w½ 47b152635,545,526
23Andries Ionut-Stelian1664ROU 63w1 4b0 45w1 40b½ 38w½ 43b1 2w0 46b1 75w161335,546,528,5
24Pacrita Virgil-Aurelian1661ROU 64b1 3w0 48b1 42w½ 54b1 17w0 78b1 7w0 40b04,53935,544,527
25Vornicu Neculai1658ROU 65w1 6b0 47w1 43b1 18w0 48b1 7b0 50w1 37b052735,54528
26Istrate Ioan1649ROU 66b1 5w0 50b1 54w½ 42b0 44w1 13b½ 48b1 43w161832,541,527,5
27Iorga Mihai1648ROU 67w1 8b0 51w1 12b0 47w0 55b1 46w0 53b0 59w1454293921
28Huma Ioan1641ROU 68b1 7w0 52b1 8b0 48w0 56w1 50b0 78w1 54b½4,5433140,522,5
29Iorga Corneliu1628ROU 69w1 10b0 53w1 14b0 49w1 47b1 20w½ 6b0 42b04,540354526,5
30Bratu Gheorghe1615ROU 70b1 9w½ 39b1 6w0 13b0 40w1 54b1 15w½ 45b161733,54329
31Bejan Silvestru1557ROU 71w1 12b0 55w1 16b0 53w1 75b0 47w0 51b1 48w04523037,523
32Miron Itzhak1543ROU 72b1 11w0 54b0 56w0 39b0 70w1 63b1 68w½ 78b14,54426,53518
33Negrut Janica1537ROU 73w1 14b0 57w1 22b½ 9w0 39b0 51w1 40w0 68b14,542324223
34Ghita Levi1527ROU 74b1 13w0 60b1 11w0 50b1 78w½ 16b1 19w0 15b15,52429,53727
35Calcea Ioan1515ROU 75w1 16b1 9w1 4b0 14w0 15w0 52b0 57b1 53w1528354727
36Turcan Gheorghe1493ROU 76b1 15w0 68b1 13w½ 19b0 54w0 41b½ 56w1 50b1534293823,5
37Turony Stefan1490NOR 77w1 18b0 75w0 61b1 55w1 16b1 22w1 14b0 25w161633,543,528
38Durac Eugen1483ROU 78b1 17w0 81b1 19w½ 23b½ 21w0 61b0 77w1 52b153133,542,524,5
39Zbarcea Tudor1475ROU 79w1 41b½ 30w0 75b0 32w1 33w1 19b0 61b1 11w04,541344124
40Ailincai Doru-Cosmin1467ROU 80b1 19w0 78b1 23w½ 22w0 30b0 67w1 33b1 24w15,5233340,525
41Beuran Liviu1462ROU 1b0 39w½ 77w1 9b0 68b0 58w1 36w½ 59b1 61w045329,53918,5
42Toma Stefan1453ROU 2w0 61b1 80w1 24b½ 26w1 9b+ 5b0 18b0 29w15,52236,54528
43Adam Ioan1442ROU 3b0 62w1 21b1 25w0 56b1 23w0 68b1 52w1 26b052934,544,525
44Adragai Virgil1418ROU 4w0 63b1 16w0 69b1 81w1 26b0 48w0 73b1 13b153329,540,522
45Dascalescu Petru1406ROU 5b0 64w1 23b0 60w1 78b0 57w1 81b1 13w1 30w0535293823
46Rachita Maricel1396ROU 6w0 65b1 22w0 73b1 21b0 59w1 27b1 23w0 16b04463241,521
47ACMVasai Alexandru-Nicusor1375ROU 7b0 66w1 25b0 64w1 27b1 29w0 31b1 21b0 22w045030,538,522
48Portariuc Gheorghe1325ROU 8w0 67b1 24w0 77b1 28b1 25w0 44b1 26w0 31b1532334223
49Toma Adrian1305ROU 9b0 68w0 66b1 70w1 29b0 61w0 65b1 16w0 72b½3,56227,53516,5
50Dumitrascu Costel-Emanuel1250ROU 10w0 69b1 26w0 80b1 34w0 73b1 28w1 25b0 36w04473239,521
51Costianu Claudiu1184ROU 11b0 70w1 27b0 68w0 72b1 69w1 33b0 31w0 74b145725,53418
52Florea Phillip-Stefan1142ROU 12w0 71b1 28w0 81b0 65w1 77b1 35w1 43b0 38w04552936,520
53Ceruta Alexandra1121MDA 13b0 72w1 29b0 74w1 31b0 81w0 69b1 27w1 35b045626,534,519
54Haineala Iustin-Petru1079ROU 14w0 73b1 32w1 26b½ 24w0 36b1 30w0 22b½ 28w½4,53835,545,523,5
55Constantinescu Denis-Petrisor1039ROU 15b0 74w1 31b0 72w1 37b0 27w0 77b0 65w1 81b036825,534,516
56Ionascu Darius Alexandru1162ROU 16w0 75b0 67w1 32b1 43w0 28b0 74w1 36b0 73w1449313917
57IIBuruiana Petru1001ROU 17b0 76w1 33b0 21w0 70b1 45b0 79w1 35w0 77b145130,537,517
58Axinte Matei-Christian1001ROU 18w0 77b0 69w0 67b½ 80w1 41b0 73w0 76b0 71w12,57322,528,59
59Bejenaru David-Marian1001ROU 19b0 78w0 70b0 66w1 74b1 46b0 80w1 41w0 27b037123,530,514
60Buhosu Victor-Iustin1001ROU 20w0 79b1 34w0 45b0 69w0 67b0 70w0 71b1 76w027625,53210
61Caldare Valerian-Ioan1001ROU 21b0 42w0 71b1 37w0 79b1 49b1 38w1 39w0 41b15362935,520
62Coseraru Daria-Ecaterina1001ROU 22w0 43b0 73w0 76b1 77w0 79b- -0 -0 -018024316
63Deacu Ilinca1001ROU 23b0 44w0 72b0 78w0 -1 76b1 32w0 79b1 67w½3,56326,533,511,5
64Dumitrascu Dragos-Iulian1001ROU 24w0 45b0 79w1 47b0 73w0 80b0 76w½ 66b½ 70w027822289,5
65Elisei Nicolae1001ROU 25b0 46w0 74b0 71w1 52b0 72w1 49w0 55b0 79w13722227,511
66Elisei Teodora1001ROU 26w0 47b0 49w0 59b0 67w0 -1 72b0 64w½ 80w12,57421,5296
67Gradinaru Emanuel1001ROU 27b0 48w0 56b0 58w½ 66b1 60w1 40b0 81w1 63b½4582431,514,5
68Iancu Constantin1001ROU 28w0 49b1 36w0 51b1 41w1 20b0 43w0 32b½ 33w03,56131,54120
69Jufa Lucian1001ROU 29b0 50w0 58b1 44w0 60b1 51b0 53w0 -0 -027525,532,512
70Lupes Andreea1001ROU 30w0 51b0 59w1 49b0 57w0 32b0 60b1 74w0 64b1369243211
71Macarie Luca1001ROU 31b0 52w0 61w0 65b0 76w0 74b0 -1 60w0 58b018122,528,53
72Maxim Darius-Christian1001ROU 32w0 53b0 63w1 55b0 51w0 65b0 66w1 80b1 49w½3,56422,528,512,5
73Maxim Rares-Mihai1001ROU 33b0 54w0 62b1 46w0 64b1 50w0 58b1 44w0 56b036726,533,515
74Merticariu Calin1001ROU 34w0 55b0 65w1 53b0 59w0 71w1 56b0 70b1 51w0370243013
75Miclaus Valentin1001ROU 35b0 56w1 37b1 39w1 11b0 31w1 15b1 1w0 23b052535,546,528
76Pintilescu Alexandru-Stefan1001ROU 36w0 57b0 -0 62w0 71b1 63w0 64b½ 58w1 60b13,56520,5269,5
77Saulea Ioana-Denisa1181ROU 37b0 58w1 41b0 48w0 62b1 52w0 55w1 38b0 57w03662836,516
78Savin Dragos-Marian1001ROU 38w0 59b1 40w0 63b1 45w1 34b½ 24w0 28b0 32w03,5603240,521
79Soroaga David-Andrei1001ROU 39b0 60w0 64b0 -1 61w0 62w+ 57b0 63w0 65b027921,528,510
80Vasai Vanessa-Maria1001ROU 40w0 -1 42b0 50w0 58b0 64w1 59b0 72w0 66b027723,53112
81Vicol Gheorghe1001ROU -1 20b0 38w0 52w1 44b0 53b1 45w0 67b0 55w1448314020

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break