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Olaine Open Rapid Chess Championship 2022 I stage 20.03.

Last update 20.03.2022 18:23:47, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1WFMVidruska Renate1976LAT 22w1 14b1 8w1 7b1 5w1 9b1 4w0 2b½6,523639,51988
2MKGudovskis Konstantins1960LAT 23b1 13w½ 11b1 4w0 15b1 7w1 10b1 1w½633741,51877
3MKMierins Emils Janis1960LAT 24w0 15w1 25b1 18b1 10w½ 12b1 5w0 42b15,5734,538,51618
4IVingris Mikelis1892LAT 25b0 33w1 24b1 2b1 12w½ 16w1 1b1 9w05,5636,5401729
5IJaroshs Maksims1818LAT 26w1 16b1 10w1 9b½ 1b0 13w1 3b1 6w05,553841,51842
6MKMilovs Daniels1807LAT 27b1 17w1 9b0 13w0 29b1 33w1 22b1 5b1643336,51681
7IKuznecova Marija1758LAT 28w1 18b1 12w1 1w0 11b1 2b0 9w0 21b151038401744
8IVisnevskis Valdis1746LAT 29b1 19w1 1b0 17w1 16b½ 10w0 11b0 27w03,52732,535,51501
9NMMaklakova Nellija1738LAT 30w1 20b1 6w1 5w½ 13b1 1w0 7b1 4b16,5137411952
10IVasiljeva Sofja1657LAT 31b1 24w1 5b0 20w1 3b½ 8b1 2w0 13w15,5833,5371789
11MKBarinovs Vitalijs1651LAT 32w1 42b1 2w0 22b1 7w0 30b0 8w1 33b151131341542
12MKAfanasjevs Aleksandrs1641LAT 33b1 25w1 7b0 27w1 4b½ 3w0 16b1 22w15,5932,5361685
13IPaikens Reinis1637LAT 34w1 2b½ 36w1 6b1 9w0 5b0 30w1 10b04,51336,539,51601
14MKNemkovs Vjaceslavs1590LAT 35b1 1w0 27b0 15w0 31b0 39w1 41b½ 28w13,53126,528,51267
15IJansone Melanija Luize1523LAT 36w½ 3b0 32w1 14b1 2w0 42b½ 25w1 30b151230,533,51521
16IIvanovskis Sergejs1509LAT 37b1 5w0 28b1 42w1 8w½ 4b0 12w0 18b03,52832341445
17ISeruks Andris1497LAT 38w1 6b0 30w1 8b0 33w0 18b1 26w½ 23b03,52930311362
18ICoat Sven1496FRA 39b1 7w0 29b1 3w0 27b½ 17w0 36b1 16w14,51629311467
19IRogulis Uldis1441LAT 40w1 8b0 42w0 36b½ 23w0 32b½ 20w0 39w133624,524,51140
20IIVingris Janis1423LAT 41b1 9w0 31b1 10b0 30w0 29w0 19b1 34w14233032,51358
21IStankevics Roberts1420LAT 42w0 36b0 38w1 30b0 32b1 31w1 29b1 7w042527,528,51239
22IIJansons Kristers Roberts1396LAT 1b0 35w1 37b1 11w0 34b1 36w1 6w0 12b042032341418
23IIMierina Lauma1375LAT 2w0 32b½ 26w0 38b1 19b1 27w0 28b1 17w14,51725,526,51428
24IBeniosev Daniel1359LAT 3b1 10b0 4w0 31w1 36b0 34w1 33b0 37w142230,533,51396
25IAleksejevs Daniils1325LAT 4w1 12b0 3w0 33b0 35w1 37b1 15b0 36w142131,533,51416
26IBirjukovs Anatolijs1325LAT 5b0 37w0 23b1 35w1 42b0 41w1 17b½ 29w03,53027,529,51216
27IKalinin Oleg1319LAT 6w0 34b1 14w1 12b0 18w½ 23b1 42w0 8b14,51432351518
28IISuvorovs Aleksandrs1307LAT 7b0 39w1 16w0 34b0 37w0 35b1 23w0 14b023824,526,51114
29IIkstena Sarlote1304LAT 8w0 38b1 18w0 37b1 6w0 20b1 21w0 26b142428,529,51402
30IPetrovs Arsenijs1297LAT 9b0 41w1 17b0 21w1 20b1 11w1 13b0 15w041932,5351486
31IIBodaks Maksimilians1278LAT 10w0 40b1 20w0 24b0 14w1 21b0 32w1 41b142626,526,51335
32IISokolovs Maksimilians1229LAT 11b0 23w½ 15b0 39b1 21w0 19w½ 31b0 40w133327,527,51249
33IILiepina Daniela Nikola1192LAT 12w0 4b0 39w1 25w1 17b1 6b0 24w1 11w041833,535,51522
34IIApine Emilija1146LAT 13b0 27w0 41b1 28w1 22w0 24b0 35w1 20b033425,527,51228
35IVGozs Arons1079LAT 14w0 22b0 40w1 26b0 25b0 28w0 34b0 38w124021211068
36IIKukushkin Ivan1043LAT 15b½ 21w1 13b0 19w½ 24w1 22b0 18w0 25b033230331363
37IIIljins Kirils0LAT 16w0 26b1 22w0 29w0 28b1 25w0 40b1 24b033525251229
38IIMierina Liva0LAT 17b0 29w0 21b0 23w0 41b0 40w1 39b0 35b014122,522,5887
39IIICehovals Grigorijs0LAT 18w0 28b0 33b0 32w0 40w1 14b0 38w1 19b023921211089
40IIIMikalausks Valerijs0LAT 19b0 31w0 35b0 41w0 39b0 38b0 37w0 32b004219,520,5328
41IIIOrlovskis Jaroslavs0LAT 20w0 30b0 34w0 40b1 38w1 26b0 14w½ 31w02,53723231116
42IIBriedis Juris0LAT 21b1 11w0 19b1 16b0 26w1 15w½ 27b1 3w04,51531341562

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable With parameter)