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Last update 25.05.2007 15:57:53, Creator/Last Upload: SC Währing (Hr.Kurt Schmied)

Starting rank list of players

1OEMZetthofer GeraldAUT2228Wiener Sv Laudon
3Wiedermann DanielAUT2060Sk Niederabsdorf
5Proksch Gerhard Mag.AUT2010Währing/Polyglott
7Hampel Otfried Mag.AUT1936Aljechin/Wieden
8Kunschek HorstAUT1881Amateure/Simmering/Schwec
6Kuert ErnstAUT1879Oemv/Wienstrom
2Cuba ErwinAUT1842Oemv/Wienstrom
4Gruber KarlAUT1841Oemv/Wienstrom