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Torneo Metropolitano Girón 391 años - NORGTECH

Last update 16.01.2022 00:17:48, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Final Ranking crosstable after 6 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1FMMartinez Julian2142SAN 8w1 28b1 9w1 11b1 6w1 4b½5,502730
2FMRuiz Aguilar Pablo Alexander2171SAN 10w1 23b1 13w1 4b½ 11w1 6b½5026,529,5
3Parada Julian Fernando1625SAN 5b1 38w1 6b0 18w1 10w1 9b1502628
4Sanchez Castellanos German Alex2117VEN 30b1 25w1 36b1 2w½ 12b1 1w½5025,527,5
5Rico Hernandez Edgar1744SAN 3w0 29b1 35w1 27b1 22w1 8w1502325,5
6Gonzalez Delgado Hugo Andres1873SAN 22w1 21b1 3w1 19b1 1b0 2w½4,5026,529,5
7Florez Caceres Rafael Omar1586SAN 15b- 38b1 37w1 19w1 14b14,502123
8Morales Wagner Gabriel Alfonso1352ANT 1b0 52w1 32b1 16w1 21w1 5b04024,525,5
9Gonzalez Suarez Nelson1463SAN 39b1 43w1 1b0 25w1 15b1 3w04023,525,5
10Rueda Rojas Richard Alejandro1501SAN 2b0 50w1 24b+ 33w1 3b0 25w1402324,5
11Moreno Hernandez Andres Mauricio1703SAN 51b1 40w1 18b1 1w0 2b0 29w1402324
12Morales Guerrero Andres Felipe1811SAN 17b1 24w1 27b1 -0 4w0 23b1402225
13Gonzalez Bolivar Juan Jose1477SAN 55w+ 31w1 2b0 23w1 14b0 24w1402222
14Perez Leon Sergio Andres1600SAN 44w1 26b1 13w1 7w04021,523,5
15Romero Villamizar Carlos Alirio1561SAN 7w+ 18w0 43b1 36w+ 9w0 26b1402123
16Forero Fabian0COL 20w1 8b0 27w1 22b14020,523,5
17Velandia Rodriguez John Freddy1640SAN 12w0 57b1 21w- 35b1 28w1 21b14019,519,5
18Uzcategui Romina0COL 47w1 15b1 11w0 3b0 34w1 20b½3,502325
19Carreno Acevedo Jhonatan Roberto1881SAN 54w1 37b+ 6w0 7b0 35b13,502020,5
20Jimenez Meneses Nicolas Zamir1600SAN 36b0 49w1 16b0 47w1 32b1 18w½3,501820
21Barbosa Diego Alejandro0COL 49b1 6w0 17b+ 30w1 8b0 17w03022,524,5
22Garcia Rios Daniel Felipe1647SAN 6b0 48w1 40b1 31w1 5b0 16w03021,523,5
23Sequeda Hernandez Daniel Arturo1500SAN 33b1 2w0 41b+ 13b0 41w1 12w0302123
24Velandia Perez Hannah Isabella1206SAN 46w1 12b0 10w- 42b1 30w1 13b0302022
25Baron Cabrera Julian Enrique1340SAN 42w1 4b0 45w1 9b0 39w1 10b0302022
26Castellanos Juan Sebastian0COL 51b+ 14w0 33b1 15w0302021
27Barajas Tavera Guillermo Andres1583SAN 56w+ 45b1 12w0 5w0 16b0 42b1302020
28Sanchez Fonseca Alejandro1286SAN 48b1 1w0 30b0 38w1 17b0 39w13019,521,5
29Caceres Araque Jesus Daniel1458SAN 31b0 5w0 48b+ 44b1 45w1 11b0301921
30Melo Suarez Cristopher Andres1229SAN 4w0 53b1 28w1 21b0 24b0 44w1301920
31Jauregui Jose Gregorio0COL 29w1 13b0 34w1 22b0 35w0 40b13018,520,5
32Bejarano Santiago0COL 8w0 46b1 20w0 45b13018,520,5
33Duarte Zuniga Jimy1549SAN 23w0 42b1 46w1 10b0 26w0 41b1301719
34Reyes Sanabria Cesar Gabriel1568SAN 37b0 39w1 31b0 43w1 18b0 46w13015,517,5
35Pabon Emmanuel0COL 50b1 37w½ 5b0 17w0 31b1 19w02,502021,5
36Sierra Contreras Alden Ronaldo1686NS 20w1 44b1 4w0 15b- -0 -02020,522,5
37Dominguez Rodriguez Andres1598BOY 34w1 35b½ 19w- 7b0 40w0 49b½2017,519,5
38Sanchez Gomez Anthony0COL 57w1 3b0 7w0 28b0 42w0 53b12017,517,5
39Vergel Santiago0COL 9w0 34b0 57w+ 40w1 25b0 28b0201717
40Caceres Araque Juan David0COL 41w1 11b0 22w0 39b0 37b1 31w0201618
41Sanchez Eliel0COL 40b0 -1 23w- 53w1 23b0 33w0201617
42Martínez David0COL 25b0 33w0 52b1 24w0 38b1 27w0201617
43Rueda Parra Juan David0COL 53w1 9b0 15w0 34b0 44w0 52b1201617
44Gomez Elvis Naid0COL 58b1 36w0 14b0 29w0 43b1 30b0201616
45Sanchez Gomez Yonny0COL 52b1 27w0 25b0 50w1 29b0 32w02015,516,5
46Mejia Juan Guillermo0COL 24b0 58w1 33b0 32w0 53b1 34b0201515
47Forero Tomas Camilo0COL 18b0 51w0 50b+ 20b0 49w½ 48b½2014,515,5
48Martinez Diego Alejandro0COL 28w0 22b0 29w- 57w1 50b½ 47w½2014,514,5
49Mora Arevalo Walter0COL 21w0 20b0 53w- 52w1 47b½ 37w½2013,514,5
50Baron Alex0COL 35w0 10b0 47w- 45b0 48w½ -11,501517
51Pilonieta Forero Andres Felipe1603SAN 11w0 47b1 26w- -0 -0 -0101719
52Diaz Bayona Tomas Felipe0COL 45w0 8b0 42w0 49b0 57b+ 43w0101313
53Bohorquez Santiago0COL 43b0 30w0 49b+ 41b0 46w0 38w0101214
54Camacho Garcia Michael Stiven0COL 19b0 58w- -0 -0 -00,501616
55Peinado Edwin Halley2164SAN 13b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0001619
56Acosta Cruz Luis Ivan1682SAN 27b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0001518
57Caceres Roa Juan Esteban0COL 38b0 17w0 39b- 48b0 52w- -0001314
58Tarazona Villalba Juan Pablo1476SAN 44w0 46b0 54b- -0 -0 -0001313,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)