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Campeonato Provincial Individual Huesca Blitz 2022

Última actualización22.01.2022 18:36:41, Propietario/Última carga: FEDERACIÓN ARAGONESA DE AJEDREZ (65)

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No.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1GMCifuentes Parada Roberto 42b1 24w1 16b1 8w½ 12b1 2w½ 28b1 4w1 5b18243,54053
2FMFontana Sotomayor Luis Javier 43w1 23b1 17w1 5b½ 27w1 1b½ 9w1 24b1 13w181454055,5
3FMEscartin Lacasa Jose 44b1 28w1 18b½ 34w1 8b½ 16w1 4b0 14w1 17b174413649,5
4Ereza Vizcarra Fernando 45w1 25b1 19w1 27b0 20w1 5b1 3w1 1b0 24w173443753
5Vallverdu Miret Oscar 46b1 30w1 20b1 2w½ 14b1 4w0 32b½ 22b1 1w06745,535,555
6Inglan Bielsa Fernando 47w1 27b0 49w1 25b0 82b1 34w0 53w1 45b1 28b161734,52742,5
7Barranco Mananet Fernando 48b1 32w0 46b1 28w0 47b1 14w0 58b1 36w1 34b1614372745,5
8Pellicer Cerezuela Miguel 49w1 29b1 22w1 1b½ 3w½ 27b1 24w0 17b0 32w16104334,551,5
9Arrieta Restrepo Steven 50b1 34w0 47b1 30w1 18b1 22w1 2b0 28w1 27b175393446
10Fuentes Espuna Juan Antonio 51w1 37b1 27w0 29b1 19w1 24b0 14b0 46w0 58b0446392847,5
11Carrasquer Alonso Fernando 52b0 56w1 48b1 36w1 22b0 38w½ 51b1 30w1 20b16,5634,52942,5
12Faro Perella Alberto 53w1 39b1 32w½ 41b1 1w0 28w0 52b1 23b0 38w04,53738,529,546,5
13Garcia Estruch Jorge 54b1 36w1 34b½ 18w½ 24b0 40w1 46b1 32w1 2b061240,532,547
14Buil Rello Jose Antonio 55w1 41b½ 21w1 32b1 5w0 7b1 10w1 3b0 23w½61339,533,547,5
15Mendez Agudo Francisco 56b0 60w0 70b1 62w1 46b0 58w0 81b0 71w1 69b1459291631
16Carrasquer Alonso Luis 57w1 67b1 1w0 38b1 25w1 3b0 27w0 61b½ 41w15,51939,53046
17Garcia Alriols Jesus 58b1 38w1 2b0 40w1 28b0 42w1 34b1 8w1 3w061141,53250,5
18Martinez Carnicer Eduardo 59w1 72b1 3w½ 13b½ 9w0 41b½ 39w1 27b0 61w15,51840,529,549
19Rodriguez Aranda Kevin 60b1 40w1 4b0 42w1 10b0 46w0 47b1 48w½ 30b15,522352843
20Garreta Crespo Blas 61w1 74b1 5w0 43w1 4b0 49b½ 41w1 38b1 11w05,520393046
21Rodriguez Leiva Manuel 62b1 52w½ 14b0 58w1 51b0 54w1 38b0 60w1 48b15,52333,52640
22Montoro Mavilla Sergio 63w1 76b1 8b0 60w1 11w1 9b0 48b1 5w0 46b052640,53147
23Casas Chine German 64b+ 2w0 51b½ 52w0 60b1 57b1 43w1 12w1 14b½616362744
24Rosa Garcia Jesus 65w1 1b0 53w1 45b1 13w1 10w1 8b1 2w0 4b069443450,5
25Salas Latorre Jose 66b1 4w0 54b1 6w1 16b0 48w0 60b0 58w0 75b145034,52339,5
26Copping Arthur David William 67w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -007824,5027
27Arino Castan Federico 68b1 6w1 10b1 4w1 2b0 8w0 16b1 18w1 9w068453551
28Agustin De Dios Adrian 69w1 3b0 55w1 7b1 17w1 12b1 1w0 9b0 6w052444,53151,5
29Rodriguez Avellanas Jose Manuel 70b1 8w0 56b1 10w0 48b0 60w0 67b1 62w0 76b1458292032
30Buil Solana Mario 71w1 5b0 57w1 9b0 45w1 43b½ 49w1 11b0 19w04,53639,52645
31Sanclemente Aragues Angel 72b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -007924,5027
32Torrente Gayarre Lorenzo 73w1 7b1 12b½ 14w0 52b1 51w1 5w½ 13b0 8b0527393146
33Jimenez Azlor Hugo 74b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -008024,5027
34Sorinas Citoler Ramon 75w1 9b1 13w½ 3b0 41w½ 6b1 17w0 63b1 7w052542,52949,5
35Gargallo Serrano David 76b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -008124,5027
36Olivares Clusa Francisco Jose 77w1 13b0 63w1 11b0 49w0 59b1 55w1 7b0 56w152836,52442,5
37Canales Navarro Carlos 78b1 10w0 58b½ 82w0 81b1 52w0 54b1 49w0 44b14,5442921,534
38Bonet Herbera Isabel 79w1 17b0 67w1 16w0 50b1 11b½ 21w1 20w0 12b15,52136,52742
39Pardina Baile Martin 80b1 12w0 60b0 67w1 54b½ 82w1 18b0 51w½ 49b153531,523,536,5
40Begue Sasot Fernando 81w1 19b0 72w1 17b0 53w1 13b0 61w0 56b0 74w1451342239,5
41Lopez Pilleux Alejandro 82b1 14w½ 52b1 12w0 34b½ 18w½ 20b0 81w1 16b04,5383726,544
42Romero Brotons Francisco 1w0 61b1 74w1 19b0 56w1 17b0 63w0 57b1 55w152936,52343
43Rodriguez Alegre Oscar 2b0 62w1 76w1 20b0 80b1 30w½ 23b0 52w½ 60b153035,52441,5
44Coronas Cambra Luis 3w0 63b0 59w0 71b1 69w1 61b0 68w1 72b½ 37w03,56032,51536
45Quintilla Alonso Nicolas 4b0 65w1 81b1 24w0 30b0 67w1 80b1 6w0 62b1532342339
46Mendoza Barcia Mateo 5w0 69b1 7w0 61b1 15w1 19b1 13w0 10b1 22w1615372644
47Serra Casas Jaime 6b0 66w1 9w0 63b1 7w0 72b1 19w0 59b0 78w1447381943
48Berges Guillera Fernando 7w0 71b1 11w0 72b1 29w1 25b1 22w0 19b½ 21w04,54036,52442
49Carabantes Otal Laia 8b0 68w1 6b0 74w1 36b1 20w½ 30b0 37b1 39w04,54136,52341
50Olivan Alvira Alejandro 9w0 73b0 69w1 78b1 38w0 63b0 72w0 74b0 54w136529,51434,5
51Ibatullin Romanov Artemiy 10b0 70w1 23w½ 59b1 21w1 32b0 11w0 39b½ 63w½4,539372441,5
52Tierno Rios Nestor 11w1 21b½ 41w0 23b1 32w0 37b1 12w0 43b½ 59w0448372446
53Gimeno Torres Laura 12b0 75w1 24b0 76w1 40b0 68w1 6b0 80w1 82b045431,52036
54Salinas Paz Sandra 13w0 77b1 25w0 73b1 39w½ 21b0 37w0 82w0 50b02,5723316,538
55Belmonte De La Rosa Elias 14b0 78w1 28b0 80w0 74b1 79w1 36b0 75w1 42b0457301935
56Torres Garces Hugo 15w1 11b0 29w0 79b1 42b0 80w0 71b1 40w1 36b0453322036,5
57Vizueta De La Calzada Juan 16b0 80w1 30b0 81w½ 62b1 23w0 82b½ 42w0 79b14523318,539
58Agustin Blanc Adrian 17w0 79b1 37w½ 21b0 59w½ 15b1 7w0 25b1 10w1531352142
59Oliva Tarancon Guillermo 18b0 82w½ 44b1 51w0 58b½ 36w0 79b1 47w1 52b15343319,539,5
60Pricopi David 19w0 15b1 39w1 22b0 23w0 29b1 25w1 21b0 43w044935,52243,5
61Monter Fauquet Ivan 20b0 42w0 75b1 46w0 76b1 44w1 40b1 16w½ 18b04,542352040
62Salinas Paz Luis 21w0 43b0 71w1 15b0 57w0 73b1 74w1 29b1 45w045630,51634,5
63Zarroca Javierre Javier 22b0 44w1 36b0 47w0 75b1 50w1 42b1 34w0 51b½4,5433220,537,5
64Arroyo Palomo Carlos 23w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -008224,5027
65Artigas Arasanz Martin 24b0 45b0 77w½ 66w0 79b0 76w1 69b0 70w1 80b02,57325,59,528
66Blanc Troshchitseva Javier 25w0 47b0 78w0 65b1 72w0 74b0 73w0 -1 71b137122,5925,5
67Bometon Cambra Andres 26b+ 16w0 38b0 39b0 73w1 45b0 29w0 78b0 68w1362321536,5
68Bometon Cambra Marcos 27w0 49b0 79w0 77b1 78w1 53b0 44b0 76w0 67b0276261130,5
69Carceller Carrasquet Hector 28b0 46w0 50b0 70w1 44b0 75w0 65w1 73b1 15w0368271130
70Del Olmo Buil Hugo 29w0 51b0 15w0 69b0 77w0 -1 76b0 65b0 73w017723,5427
71Felis Chesa Manel 30b0 48w0 62b0 44w0 -1 78b1 56w0 15b0 66w027527931,5
72Galindo Blecua Pablo 31w+ 18w0 40b0 48w0 66b1 47w0 50b1 44w½ 81b14,54528,51934
73Gorgojo Diaz Ruben 32b0 50w1 82b0 54w0 67b0 62w0 66b1 69w0 70b1369251228
74Herbera Ortiz Enrique 33w+ 20w0 42b0 49b0 55w0 66w1 62b0 50w1 40b0363311536,5
75Julia Naval Anna 34b0 53b0 61w0 -1 63w0 69b1 77w1 55b0 25w0367291333,5
76Lax Blanco Julia 35w+ 22w0 43b0 53b0 61w0 65b0 70w1 68b1 29w0366291431,5
77Mur Ascaso Nicolas 36b0 54w0 65b½ 68w0 70b1 81w0 75b0 79w0 -12,57420,59,522,5
78Nae Popescu Angel Cristian 37w0 55b0 66b1 50w0 68b0 71w0 -1 67w1 47b037022,51226
79Oliva Tarancon Lorenzo 38b0 58w0 68b1 56w0 65w1 55b0 59w0 77b1 57w0364301434
80Palacio Sarria Jorge 39w0 57b0 -1 55b1 43w0 56b1 45w0 53b0 65w1455311836,5
81Rodellar Toda Maria 40b0 -1 45w0 57b½ 37w0 77b1 15w1 41b0 72w03,561301835,5
82Tolosa Sanchez Nestor 41w0 59b½ 73w1 37b1 6w0 39b0 57w½ 54b1 53w15333321,538,5

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Desempate 2: Fide Tie-Break
Desempate 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)