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Rīgas Šaha federācijas open līdz 1800

Last update 27.02.2022 15:26:09, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1ISavicevs Arsenijs1682LAT 32w1 7b1 5w1 4b1 3w0 6b1 2w1630,533,51746
2IFrancs Marats1762LAT 26b1 19w1 13b1 20w½ 4b1 3w1 1b05,527301725
3ITabors Emils1682LAT 6b½ 12w1 25b1 11w1 1b1 2b0 5w½53033,51615
4IRezniks Roberts1557LAT 10w1 16b1 11b1 1w0 2w0 24b1 13b152932,51635
5IVasiljeva Sofja1479LAT 28b1 35w1 1b0 12w1 7b1 10w½ 3b½52830,51447
6IISmirnovs Artjoms1110LAT 3w½ 14b1 29b1 15w1 20b1 1w0 8b½527,530,51745
7IAndrusevics Jegors1343LAT 27b1 1w0 21b1 13w1 5w0 15b1 19w1526291556
8IFilipovs Sergejs1383LAT 37b1 11w0 23b1 27w1 9w½ 22b1 6w½524,526,51376
9MKAfanasjevs Aleksandrs1497LAT 12b0 28w1 26b1 35w1 8b½ 20w1 10b½523,5261349
10IIOrlovs Vladimirs1090LAT 4b0 43w1 38b1 29w1 19b1 5b½ 9w½523,5241574
11MKAlipovs Anatolijs1786LAT 24w1 8b1 4w0 3b0 26w1 19b½ 22w14,525,528,51450
12IIBeniosev Daniel0LAT 9w1 3b0 16w1 5b0 14w1 27b½ 17w½427301446
13IAleidzans Vadims1504LAT 22w1 18b1 2w0 7b0 30w1 21b1 4w0426,529,51354
14WMKDombrovska Stefanija1535LAT 21b½ 6w0 30b½ 17w1 12b0 28w1 20b1423261198
15IRizihs Valerijs1665LAT 23b1 38w1 20b0 6b0 32w1 7w0 31b1423251286
16IAntjufejevs Vsevolods1296LAT 43b1 4w0 12b0 23w½ 30b1 26w1421,5221206
17IVizulis Alfreds1286LAT 39w0 42b1 22w½ 14b0 25b1 35w1 12b½41920,51219
18IPavlovs Ostins1275LAT 41b1 13w0 27b0 28w1 21b0 33w1 32b141920,51147
19IPlatonovs Nikolajs1402LAT 34w1 2b0 31w1 24b1 10w0 11w½ 7b03,526,529,51341
20ITolmacevs Romans1492LAT 42w1 39b1 15w1 2b½ 6w0 9b0 14w03,52526,51367
21IAleksejevs Daniils1054LAT 14w½ 31b½ 7w0 36b1 18w1 13w0 24b½3,523,5261294
22IPetrovs Arsenijs1042LAT 13b0 41w1 17b½ 25w1 38b1 8w0 11b03,52324,51378
23IILiepina Daniela Nikola1094LAT 15w0 33b1 8w0 16b½ 31w0 37b1 36w13,521231218
24IGaidis Edvards1220LAT 11b0 37w1 40b1 19w0 33b1 4w0 21w½3,52122,51257
25WMKZalcmane Vija1380LAT 36w½ 30b1 3w0 22b0 17w0 42b1 27w13,52122,51158
26IIVorobjovs Nils1149LAT 2w0 34b1 9w0 39b1 11b0 29w1 16b032526,51381
27ISinicina Jevgenija0LAT 7w0 32b1 18w1 8b0 35b½ 12w½ 25b0324,5271197
28IIDiners Kirils0LAT 5w0 9b0 36w1 18b0 41w1 14b0 40w132223,51205
29IBirjukovs Anatolijs1673LAT 30w½ 36b1 6w0 10b0 26b0 35w1321,5241055
30IITolmaceva Alona1095LAT 29b½ 25w0 14w½ 34b1 13b0 16w0 39b1321,5231291
31IIKalinin Oleg1183LAT 21w½ 19b0 33w0 23b1 34b1 15w032123,51146
32IIGuminskaya Daria1123LAT 1b0 27w0 37b1 40w1 15b0 38w1 18w032122,51225
33IIVarhotovs Vladimirs0LAT 38b0 23w0 -1 31b1 24w0 18b0 42w131819,51055
34IIGuminskiy Gregory0LAT 19b0 26w0 41b1 30w0 40b1 31w0 38b131617,51112
35IISkreitule Undine1226LAT 40w1 5b0 39w1 9b0 27w½ 17b0 29b02,521,5231174
36IIMieze Natalja0LAT 25b½ 29w0 28b0 21w0 39w1 41b1 23b02,51819,51070
37IILescenko Maksims0LAT 8w0 24b0 32w0 43b1 42w½ 23w0 -12,51818,5944
38IPomahs Ziedonis1305LAT 33w1 15b0 10w0 42b1 22w0 32b0 34w022122,5973
39IIIJutans Raivo0LAT 17b1 20w0 35b0 26w0 36b0 -1 30w0218,520935
40IIIMikalausks Valerijs0LAT 35b0 -1 24w0 32b0 34w0 43w1 28b0217,518822
41IIIMartinovs Luka0LAT 18w0 22b0 34w0 -1 28b0 36w0 43b1217,518780
42IIDankovs Ruslans0LAT 20b0 17w0 43b1 38w0 37b½ 25w0 33b01,517,518979
43IIIGaidis Bozens0LAT 16w0 10b0 42w0 37w0 -1 40b0 41w0115,516,5264

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable With parameter)