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16th Thailand Junior Chess Championship 2021 - U16+U18

Last update 14.11.2021 08:17:17, Creator/Last Upload: Sahapol Nakvanich

Starting rank list of players

9Jingjang Shin6206794THA1801
7Plakwongsirikul Sakkaranant6204414THA1569
5Taulananda Anon6205860THA1543
1Kunanantakul Kunawach6209777THA1405
4Saokham Siwabannakorn6204953THA1357
8Phisitkul Victor Djasli6205631THA1220
10Ariyasoonthorn WitchittchaiTHA0
6Mongkoltawephun ChanonTHA0
2Ngamdeethae Wimok6214495THA0
3Santipornwit ChalermkwanTHA0