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1st ΛΙΝΤΟ HERAKLION CHESS ΟΠΕΝ, 13/10-20/11/2021

Last update 21.11.2021 00:16:10, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Stoumbos Konstantinos2169GRE 20w1 9b1 6w+ 5w0 8b1 11w1520522,5
2Papadopoulos Argirios2165GRE 24b1 10w1 5b0 13w0 -0 -02230221
3IMLirindzakis Timotheos2155GRE 14w1 12b1 7w½ 4b1 5b½ 8w1530424,5
4Klokas Konstantinos2125GRE 28b1 11w1 8b½ 3w0 13b1 10w14,540419,5
5Marinakis Hristos2050GRE 19w1 16b1 2w1 1b1 3w½ 14b15,510521,5
6Kotsinis Alexandros2031GRE 22b1 13w1 1b- -0 -0 23b13130320
7Disha Beshim2019ALB 21b1 15w1 3b½ 8w0 17b½ 13w1480322
8FMMaris Ioannis1875GRE 23w1 31b1 4w½ 7b1 1w0 3b03,5101323,5
9Konstantinomanolakis Stavros1490GRE 25b1 1w0 17b½ 15w0 30b1 12w½3180220,5
10Galanakis Nikos1446GRE 26w1 2b0 19w1 16b0 23w1 4b03160317
11Dagkonaki Aspasia1436GRE 29w1 4b0 23w1 21b1 16w1 1b0470416,5
12Markomihelakis Dimitris1422GRE 27b1 3w0 21b- 31b½ 18w1 9b½3200218
13Papalevyzakis Emmanouil1372GRE 30w1 6b0 27w1 2b1 4w0 7b03120320
14Tsapaki Asimenia1361GRE 3b0 17w1 22b+ 24w1 15b1 5w0450424
15Saklampanakis Dimitrios1264GRE 32w1 7b0 31w1 9b1 14w0 19b1460419,5
16Kavouras Kosmas1261GRE -1 5w0 33b1 10w1 11b0 17w03190219,5
17Diamantis Angelos1223GRE 33w1 14b0 9w½ 18b1 7w½ 16b1490315
18Nyktaris Minas1152GRE 31w0 26b½ 29w1 17w0 12b0 30b01,5290116
19Kalaitzakis Emmanouil1131GRE 5b0 25w1 10b0 27w1 24b1 15w03140319
20Melessanakis Georgios Alexandros1127GRE 1b0 27w- -0 25w1 29b1 24w02250215,5
21Chatzipanagiotis Alexandros1126GRE 7w0 29b1 12w+ 11w0 32b1 31b03150317
22Kotsinis Vasileios1095GRE 6w0 30b1 14w- -0 -0 -01310118
23Haritakis Ioannis1081GRE 8b0 28w1 11b0 33w1 10b0 6w02240216,5
24Lantzourakis Nikolaos1053GRE 2w0 32b1 26w1 14b0 19w0 20b13170317
25Bakalis Konstantinos1025GRE 9w0 19b0 32w0 20b0 28b1 29w12280213
26Nyktari Anna Maria1003GRE 10b0 18w½ 24b0 30w0 33b1 32w+2,5220212
27Tzanetis Emmanouil1013GRE 12w0 20b+ 13b0 19b0 31w0 33w12260215,5
28Maniadaki Myrto933GRE 4w0 23b0 30w½ 32b0 25w0 -11,5300014
29Saklampanaki Eleni830GRE 11b0 21w0 18b0 -1 20w0 25b01320014
30Bakalis Efthymios0GRE 13b0 22w0 28b½ 26b1 9w0 18w12,5211213,5
31Gavaletakis Marios0GRE 18b1 8w0 15b0 12w½ 27b1 21w13,5110316,5
32Papazoglou Georgios0GRE 15b0 24w0 25b1 28w1 21w0 26b-2270215,5
33Tripias Aggelos0GRE 17b0 -1 16w0 23b0 26w0 27b01330014

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)