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Campionat d'Actius Vallfogona 2021

Last update 19.09.2021 19:13:41, Creator/Last Upload: Xavier Valios Blanco

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.NameRtg1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3  TB4 
1MKMasague Artero Guerau2295 30w1 32b1 10w1 12b1 4w1 2b1 3w½ 11b1 7w18,50404751
2FMGarcia Jimenez Francisco Javier2425 34b1 11w1 3b½ 5w1 14b1 1w0 13b½ 16w1 4b170,54250,554,5
3Ribera Veganzones Serni2099 39b1 23w1 2w½ 17b1 15b1 9w1 1b½ 4w½ 6b½70,54048,552
4Ribera Veganzones Josep Maria2201 31b1 28w1 9b1 14w1 1b0 13w1 5b1 3b½ 2w06,514149,553,5
5Solani Nuñez Joshua2237 38w½ 19b1 18w1 2b0 24w1 6b1 4w0 12b1 17w16,5037,544,548
6Cortiella I Vallés Roger2077 26w1 7b1 17w½ 10b½ 11w½ 5w0 14b1 29b1 3w½6038,545,549,5
7Garreta Crespo Blas1840 48b1 6w0 22b1 9w0 20b1 18w1 15b1 23w1 1b06036,54546,5
8Mares Mario Gabriel1558 25b0 43w1 28b1 32b1 17w0 15w0 30b1 31w1 24b1603035,538,5
9Grau Ferrer Carles2056 22b1 20w1 4w0 7b1 12w1 3b0 16b0 21w1 15b½5,50394651
10Ghenghiu Alex2082 21b1 16w1 1b0 6w½ 18b½ 30w1 11b0 20w1 13b½5,5037,54650
Barranco Mananet Fernando1969 37b1 2b0 29w1 23w1 6b½ 17b½ 10w1 1w0 16b½5,5037,54650
12Porta Isant Lluis1831 50b1 13w1 38b1 1w0 9b0 14w½ 31b1 5w0 23b15,503543,544
13MKCodina Garcia Josep2001 35w1 12b0 42w1 26b1 40w1 4b0 2w½ 17b½ 10w½5,50354245
14Ribera Baztan Jose2197 42w1 41b1 27w1 4b0 2w0 12b½ 6w0 19b1 26w15,5034,541,544,5
MKRafols Albet Josep2089 29w1 27b0 30w1 41b1 3w0 8b1 7w0 18b1 9w½5,5034,541,544,5
16Garreta Nieto Maria1831 45w1 10b0 36w1 40b0 19w1 27b1 9w1 2b0 11w½5,5033,540,543,5
17Quintas Galeano Lluis2266 43b1 25w1 6b½ 3w0 8b1 11w½ 23b½ 13w½ 5b05038,545,548,5
18Garcia Rodriguez Laia1628 24b½ 33w1 5b0 38w1 10w½ 7b0 25b1 15w0 28b1503440,544
19Escudero Ribo Eloi1472 33b1 5w0 23b0 34w1 16b0 43w1 28b1 14w0 31b15031,53841
20Roure Sola Oriol1584 40w1 9b0 24w0 42b1 7w0 46b1 27w1 10b0 29w15030,536,539
21Pascual Morera Jordi1700 10w0 46b1 41w0 28w0 44b1 33b1 40w1 9b0 27w15027,53335,5
22Cristobal Artigas Sergi1675 9w0 45b1 7w0 27b0 25b0 48w1 47b1 34w1 33b150273334,5
23Sastre Martin Daniel1847 46w1 3b0 19w1 11b0 35w1 29b1 17w½ 7b0 12w04,50354244,5
24Parramon Guillaumet Jaume1963 18w½ 38b0 20b1 25w1 5b0 28w0 41w1 32b1 8w04,503238,541,5
25Palau Barrufet Vinyet1949 8w1 17b0 26w0 24b0 22w1 35b½ 18w0 46b1 38w14,5031,537,540
26Salinas Rojas Bryan Sasir1700 6b0 50w1 25b1 13w0 27w0 41b1 32w½ 35b1 14b04,5030,536,537
27Vila Lopez Joan1863 49b1 15w0 14b0 22w1 26b1 16w0 20b0 30w1 21b04034,54042
28Vidal Rosell Jose1895 36w1 4b0 8w0 21b1 29w0 24b1 19w0 42b1 18w04033,54043
29Guiñon Fort Daniel1700 15b0 48w1 11b0 33w1 28b1 23w0 34b1 6w0 20b04032,538,540
30Sola Sendra Francesc1802 1b0 44w1 15b0 37w1 32w1 10b0 8w0 27b0 42w1403240,543,5
31Gonzalez Andrade Jose Antonio1767 4w0 47b1 32w0 36b1 41w1 40b1 12w0 8b0 19w04031,53840
32Rodon Balcells Jaume1944 44b1 1w0 31b1 8w0 30b0 38w1 26b½ 24w0 35b½4030,53942
33Solani Nuñez Joel1909 19w0 18b0 47w1 29b0 39b1 21w0 37w1 36b1 22w04030,535,537,5
34Vidal Bermejo Joan Angel1808 2w0 35b1 40w0 19b0 36w1 37b1 29w0 22b0 44w140303740
35Berge Gallego Pau1666 13b0 34w0 48b1 43w1 23b0 25w½ 38b1 26w0 32w½402833,535
36Fernandez Gomez Izan1340 28b0 39w1 16b0 31w0 34b0 44w1 43b1 33w0 46b14025,53133,5
37Escudero Ribo Alexia1652 11w0 40b0 45w1 30b0 42w1 34w0 33b0 49b1 41w1402530,532,5
38Vaño Perez Jose1788 5b½ 24w1 12w0 18b0 46w1 32b0 35w0 45b1 25b03,5030,53739,5
39Fernandez Juma Oscar1700 3w0 36b0 46w½ 49b1 33w0 42b0 44w0 48b1 47b13,5020,527,529
40Voltes Miret Andreu1951 20b0 37w1 34b1 16w1 13b0 31w0 21b0 -0 -0303237,541,5
41Alba Tarradelles Jose1906 47b1 14w0 21b1 15w0 31b0 26w0 24b0 43w1 37b03030,53638
42Atenza Crevillen Antonio Javier1700 14b0 49w1 13b0 20w0 37b0 39w1 45b1 28w0 30b0302934,536,5
43Baylina Mele Jordi1800 17w0 8b0 49w1 35b0 45w1 19b0 36w0 41b0 50w130263232,5
44De La Fuente Cazacu Miguel Angel1491 32w0 30b0 50w1 46b0 21w0 36b0 39b1 47w1 34b030242929,5
45Casol Pons Joan Baptista1160 16b0 22w0 37b0 47w1 43b0 50b1 42w0 38w0 49b13022,52828,5
46Casol Pons Nicolau Albert1276 23b0 21w0 39b½ 44w1 38b0 20w0 48b1 25w0 36w02,50283334,5
47Berge Sole Jose M.1374 41w0 31w0 33b0 45b0 50w1 49b1 22w0 44b0 39w02022,527,528
48Wangpan Cheryl1242 7w0 29b0 35w0 50b1 49w0 22b0 46w0 39w0 -120222828,5
49Wang Nicolas1321 27w0 42b0 43b0 39w0 48b1 47w0 50b1 37w0 45w020202424,5
50Fabricio Oscar1000 12w0 26b0 44b0 48w0 47b0 45w0 49w0 -1 43b0101924,525

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break4: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)