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XVIII Obert Internacional d'Escacs Ràpid "Ciutat de Cervera"

Darrera actualització25.09.2021 18:34:19, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Joan Mora Amella

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Taula creuada pel rànquing inicial

Núm.NomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.RdPts.Ordre Des1  Des2  Des3 
1FMTrepat Herranz Joan2435Cat 30w1 16b1 14w1 8b1 2w½ 22b1 3b0 9w16,5439,5440
2FMFernández Díaz Cristian2385Cat 31b1 17w1 20b1 21w1 1b½ 3w0 16b1 8w16,524043,50
3Masagué Artero Guerau2295Cat 33w1 18b1 22w1 28b1 6w1 2b1 1w1 21b½7,5137,5410
4CMMenac Comas Joan Ramon2156Cat 34b1 19w1 21b0 9w1 24b1 13w0 20b1 22w16536390
5Sole Gonzalez Edgar2095Cat 35w1 20b0 32w1 24b0 29w0 38b0 45w1 47b14312729,51
6Aubanell Ber Sergi2087Cat 36b1 21w0 31b1 25w1 3b0 32w1 22b0 42w15113639,50
7Freixas Bosch Josep2064Cat 37w1 22b0 33w1 26b0 31w½ 43b1 18w1 14b15,5830,533,50
8Palau Cabases Albert2053Cat 38b1 23w1 25b1 1w0 26b1 21w0 27w1 2b051037,540,50
9Pique Safont Joan Manel2015Cat 39w1 24b½ 12w1 4b0 10w1 27b½ 29w1 1b05123538,50
10Torralba Sanz Josep2008Cat 40b1 25w0 35b½ 23w1 9b0 33w1 17b1 16w04,5223033,50
11Montoliu Daroca Imma2005Cat 41w1 26b1 28w0 30b0 32w0 39b½ 43w0 45b13,53630,5330
12CMCodina Garcia Josep2001Cat 42b1 27w½ 9b0 40w1 35b1 16w0 41b½ 24w15153235,50
13Aranzana Areste Alberto1982Cat 43w1 28b0 37w1 39b1 30w1 4b1 21w0 26w16634,537,50
14Gensana Berzunces Joan1977Cat 44b1 29w1 1b0 27w0 34b1 41w½ 40b1 7w04,51932,5350
15Parramon Guillaumet Jaime1963Cat 45w0 47b1 39w0 18b1 -0 -0 -0 -025425,5280
16Voltes Miret Andreu1951Cat 46b1 1w0 38b1 29w1 27b½ 12b1 2w0 10b15,5734,537,50
17Palau Barrufet Vinyet1949Cat 47w1 2b0 41w0 38b1 33w½ 31b1 10w0 30b03,53530,533,50
18Rodon Balcells Jaume1944Cat 48b1 3w0 40b½ 15w0 59b1 35w1 7b0 31w½4253234,50
19Garcia Millan Hector1925Cat 49w+ 4b0 43w0 42w1 36b1 48w1 26b0 41w151730,533,50
20Siso Ribes Genis Alfred1909Cat 50b1 5w1 2w0 41b0 39w1 28b1 4w0 29b15163234,50
21Lambert Pont Michael1905Cat 51w1 6b1 4w1 2b0 28w1 8b1 13b1 3w½6,5340430
22Tornay Haizea1889ESP 52b1 7w1 3b0 43w1 41b1 1w0 6w1 4b05939430
23Aynes Riu Lluis1883Cat 53w1 8b0 45w½ 10b0 48b0 50w1 35b1 40w03,53925,5280
24Sastre Martin Daniel1847Cat 54b1 9w½ 27b½ 5w1 4w0 29b0 38w1 12b04263233,50
25Aleksanyan Israilyan Nicolas1833Cat 55w1 10b1 8w0 6b0 43b½ 40w0 36b1 33w14,52130,5320
26Porta Isant Lluis1831Cat 56b1 11w0 51b1 7w1 8w0 30b1 19w1 13b051432,5340
27Benseny Martinez Guerau1780Cat 57w1 12b½ 24w½ 14b1 16w½ 9w½ 8b0 28b151333340
28Ribera Caro Joan1772Cat 58b1 13w1 11b1 3w0 21b0 20w0 46b1 27w042436,538,50
29Niubo Parramon Edgar1766Cat 59w1 14b0 53w1 16b0 5b1 24w1 9b0 20w042930,5330
30Ribes Gonzalez Jose Ramon1761Cat 1b0 44w1 59b1 11w1 13b0 26w0 48b1 17w15183032,50
31Lambert Paul1736Cat 2w0 45b1 6w0 47b1 7b½ 17w0 39w1 18b½4273133,50
32Mestre Bentanachs Manel1700ESP -0 46w1 5b0 44w1 11b1 6b0 42w0 51w14322729,50
33Pacual Morera Jordi1700Cat 3b0 48w1 7b0 51w1 17b½ 10b0 44w1 25b03,53431,5340
34Sole Chimeno Joan1675Cat 4w0 51b0 50w1 53b1 14w0 42b0 52w0 54b134526,5280
35Berge Gallego Pau1666Cat 5b0 50w1 10w½ 45b1 12w0 18b0 23w0 59b13,5382628,50
36Llinares Pampols Samuel1659Cat 6w0 53b0 52w1 56b1 19w0 44b½ 25w0 50b13,54025,5270
37Farre Mestre Josep1653Cat 7b0 52w1 13b0 48w0 51b1 46w0 47b0 44w134327,5300
38Escudero Ribo Alexia1652Cat 8w0 55b1 16w0 17w0 58b1 5w1 24b0 43b034128,5300
39Trullols Vizcarra Eduard1646Cat 9b0 54w1 15b1 13w0 20b0 11w½ 31b0 48w13,53730,5320
40Lambert Pont James1590Cat 10w0 57b1 18w½ 12b0 45w1 25b1 14w0 23b14,52328,529,50
41Roure Sola Oriol1584Cat 11b0 56w1 17b1 20w1 22w0 14b½ 12w½ 19b04283132,50
42Massot Fernandez Ian1580Cat 12w0 59b0 54w1 19b0 47w1 34w1 32b1 6b043027,5290
43Ribo Irla Martina1541Cat 13b0 58w1 19b1 22b0 25w½ 7w0 11b1 38w14,52032340
44Torres Diez Marc1483Cat 14w0 30b0 55w1 32b0 52w1 36w½ 33b0 37b02,5482829,50
45Escudero Ribo Eloi1472Cat 15b1 31w0 23b½ 35w0 40b0 59w1 5b0 11w02,5492729,50
46Bosch Carrera Laia1471Cat 16w0 32b0 56w0 55b1 53w1 37b1 28w0 52b03462526,50
47Garcia Iahn Nil1463Cat 17b0 15w0 58b1 31w0 42b0 54b1 37w1 5w034724,5260
48Torres Diez Pau1457Cat 18w0 33b0 57w1 37b1 23w1 19b0 30w0 39b034427280
49Das Das Saptarshi1432Cat 19b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -005921220
50Navarro Pedrós Lluc1428Cat 20w0 35b0 34b0 59w½ 56w1 23b0 58b1 36w02,5512324,50
51Oliach Aranda Biel1424Cat 21b0 34w1 26w0 33b0 37w0 56b1 53w1 32b03422829,50
52Mulet Polo Pau1416Cat 22w0 37b0 36b0 57w1 44b0 55w1 34b1 46w143321,522,50
53Solana Olalla Biel1409Cat 23b0 36w1 29b0 34w0 46b0 58w½ 51b0 57w12,55222230
54Farre Gonzalez Max1371Cat 24w0 39b0 42b0 58w0 57b1 47w0 -1 34w025621220
55Navarro Pedrós Pau1340Cat 25b0 38w0 44b0 46w0 -1 52b0 59w0 56b12552122,50
56Clerc Oceane1312Cat 26w0 41b0 46b1 36w0 50b0 51w0 57b½ 55w01,55722,523,50
57Llobet Planes Jordi1288Cat 27b0 40w0 48b0 52b0 54w0 -1 56w½ 53b01,55822230
58Hernández Martínez Pol1279Cat 28w0 43b0 47w0 54b1 38w0 53b½ 50w0 -12,5532122,50
59Trullols Vizcarra Arnau1272Cat 29b0 42w1 30w0 50b½ 18w0 45b0 55b1 35w02,55025,5270

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)