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Memorialul Mihai Molodoi Editia a XII-a

Last update 19.09.2021 10:47:07, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastian Volcinsche

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Vasile Marian2049ROU 36w1 20b1 15w0 32b1 17w1 10b½ 13w15,5502230
2Albu George2008ROU 37b1 21w½ 9b1 23w1 10b1 7w0 11b15,52023,533
3Strugari Vasile1839ROU 38w1 22b1 17w0 34b1 15w1 14b0 36w159020,529,5
4Bejan Sergiu1827MDA 39b½ 18w1 21b½ 63w1 29b1 11w½ 5b04,51402432
5Dinca Ovidiu1822ROU 40w1 23b½ 26w1 14b½ 20w1 13b½ 4w15,5402231
6Prisacaru Stefan-Emilian1754ROU 41b1 25w1 29b1 11w1 7b0 21w0 30b15802332,5
7Sachilaru Alexandru1746ROU 42w1 24b1 34w1 15b1 6w1 2b1 14w½6,5102129,5
8Vornicu Neculai1724ROU 43b1 29w0 23w0 45b1 38w0 26b0 52w1343017,524,5
9Afloarei Jenica1711ROU 44w1 26b½ 2w0 19b0 18w1 16b1 12w14,519016,524,5
10Tablan Matei-Christian1704ROU 45b1 31w1 33b1 17b1 2w0 1w½ 21b½57024,532,5
11Axinia Adrian-Daniel1702ROU 46w1 30b1 67w1 6b0 22w1 4b½ 2w04,51602129,5
12Huma Ioan1692ROU 47b1 33w0 37b1 31w1 21b0 30w0 9b0337020,528,5
13Andries Ionut-Stelian1670ROU 48w1 34b0 38w1 36b1 28w1 5w½ 1b04,517020,529
14Martinenco Sergiu1660MDA 49b1 35w1 63b½ 5w½ 67b1 3w1 7b½5,53022,531
15Pirici Gheorghe1654ROU 50w1 53b1 1b1 7w0 3b0 31w1 33b0420023,532
16Avasilcai Adrian1632ROU 51b1 63w0 40b1 33w½ 39b0 9w0 64b13,535020,528,5
17Dumitras Adrian1632ROU 52w1 62b1 3b1 10w0 1b0 34w1 38w½4,51502229,5
18Madin Ovidiu-Andrei1588ROU 53b0 4b0 60w1 47w½ 9b0 45w- -01,565016,523
19Cretu Ioan1584ROU 54w1 67b0 42w0 9w1 44b0 46b0 57w½2,554016,523
20Gavrilas Florin1577ROU 55b1 1w0 41b1 42w1 5b0 44w1 67b1510020,528
21Tablan Andrei-Damian1554ROU 56w1 2b½ 4w½ 46b1 12w1 6b1 10w½5,56020,529
22Durac Eugen1544ROU 57b1 3w0 43b1 44w1 11b0 53w+ 39w042402027,5
23Popovici Constantin-Daniel1528ROU 58w1 5w½ 8b1 2b0 63w½ 36b0 26w142502026,5
24Adam Ioan1516ROU 59b1 7w0 44b0 49w1 33b0 56w1 40b033901825,5
25Turcu Vasile1515ROU 60w1 6b0 46w0 50b1 48w1 38b0 41w0348016,523,5
26Dascalescu Petru1457ROU 61b1 9w½ 5b0 39w0 47b1 8w1 23b03,53601925
27Alistar Emil-Sorin1454ROU 62w0 52b1 48w0 55b1 46w1 63b0 43w143301521
28IIPortariuc Gheorghe1451ROU 63b0 39w1 45b1 53w1 13b0 67w0 44b0338020,528
29Ailincai Doru-Cosmin1440ROU 64w1 8b1 6w0 48b1 4w0 66b1 63w1513017,525,5
30Toma Stefan1436ROU 65b1 11w0 47b1 67w0 42b1 12b1 6w042801723,5
31IIMaftei Constantin-Eugen1430ROU 66w1 10b0 50w1 12b0 52w1 15b0 46w143201522
32Ranceanu Ilie1424ROU 67b0 51w1 49b1 1w0 53b0 62w0 47b1342017,525
33Rusu Lucas1382ROU 68w1 12b1 10w0 16b½ 24w1 39b½ 15w1511018,525
34Vasai Alexandru-Nicusor1364ROU 69b1 13w1 7b0 3w0 56b1 17b0 53w+42302028,5
35IIBaban Neculai1340ROU 70w1 14b0 53w0 52b0 54w1 48b1 66w143401421,5
36Cazacu Iustin-Nicolas1305ROU 1b0 54w1 62b1 13w0 64b1 23w1 3b0422020,528
37Toma Adrian1303ROU 2w0 56b1 12w0 59b1 66w0 49b1 62w035101521,5
38Ciomaga Andrei1264ROU 3b0 55w1 13b0 62w1 8b1 25w1 17b½4,51801926
39Sprincean Lukas George1259ROU 4w½ 28b0 51w1 26b1 16w1 33w½ 22b151201826
40Martinenco Nicolae1195MDA 5b0 57w1 16w0 56b0 55w1 51b1 24w143101522,5
41Apostol Andrei E1189ROU 6w0 58b1 20w0 64b0 57w1 52b1 25b1430015,521,5
42IINenciulescu Luca-Stefan1170ROU 7b0 59w1 19b1 20b0 30w0 64w0 54b1347016,524
43Mutu Alexandra-Stefania1169ROU 8w0 60b1 22w0 66b0 58w1 68w1 27b035301318
44Visan David1159ROU 9b0 61w1 24w1 22b0 19w1 20b0 28w1429016,522
45Nistor Eduard-Constantin1155ROU 10w0 64b1 28w0 8w0 62b0 18b+ 55b135001521,5
46IICostianu Claudiu1152ROU 11b0 65w1 25b1 21w0 27b0 19w1 31b034101825
47Cristea Razvan Andrei1152ROU 12w0 66b1 30w0 18b½ 26w0 50b1 32w02,55501521
48IIFlorea Phillip-Stefan1135ROU 13b0 68w1 27b1 29w0 25b0 35w0 60w1344017,524
49Cazacu Maria-Sofia1119ROU 14w0 70b1 32w0 24b0 59w1 37w0 56b026101420,5
50Dumitru Rucsandra Sofia1096ROU 15b0 69w1 31b0 25w0 68b0 47w0 58b126201318
51Tcaciuc Smaranda-Maria1060ROU 16w0 32b0 39b0 60w1 69b1 40w0 68b1352014,521
52Lamatic Dumitru Octavian1014ROU 17b0 27w0 61b1 35w1 31b0 41w0 8b025701924
53ITeodoriu Victor1228ROU 18w1 15w0 35b1 28b0 32w1 22b- 34b-34001825
54IVAnici Patricia-Stefania1033ROU 19b0 36b0 64w0 69w1 35b0 59w1 42w0259014,519,5
55David Damian Petru1011ROU 20w0 38b0 65w1 27w0 40b0 58b1 45w0258016,522,5
56IVTeslariu Alexandru-Mihail1002ROU 21b0 37w0 68b1 40w1 34w0 24b0 49w1349015,522,5
57Baltatescu Gabriel1001ROU 22w0 40b0 66w0 65b1 41b0 69w1 19b½2,55601520,5
58Bandi Dumitru1001ROU 23b0 41w0 69b0 61w1 43b0 55w0 50w016701317,5
59Cojocaru Cosmin-Petros1001ROU 24w0 42b0 70w1 37w0 49b0 54b0 69w016801217
60Dumitras Andrei-Mihail1001ROU 25b0 43w0 18b0 51b0 61w1 65w1 48b026301316,5
61Iacob Codrin-Mihai1001ROU 26w0 44b0 52w0 58b0 60b0 70w½ 65b00,57001116
62Iacob Ivan-Alexandru1001ROU 27b1 17w0 36w0 38b0 45w1 32b1 37b1427018,525,5
63Jitaru Georgel1001ROU 28w1 16b1 14w½ 4b0 23b½ 27w1 29b042102129,5
64Merticariu Vlad-Stefan1001ROU 29b0 45w0 54b1 41w1 36w0 42b1 16w034501724
65Miron Robert-Iulian1001ROU 30w0 46b0 55b0 57w0 -0 60b0 61w1169011,516
66Popa-Apreutesei Adrian1001ROU 31b0 47w0 57b1 43w1 37b1 29w0 35b0346016,524
67Popescu Denis1001ROU 32w1 19w1 11b0 30b1 14w0 28b1 20w0426019,527,5
68Racoveanu Iustin-Marian1001ROU 33b0 48b0 56w0 -1 50w1 43b0 51w026001420,5
69Sitaru Mircea-Andrei1001ROU 34w0 50b0 58w1 54b0 51w0 57b0 59b1264010,515
70Vitelaru Tudor1001ROU 35b0 49w0 59b0 -0 -0 61b½ -11,5660812,5

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel With parameter)