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Armed Forces Chess Championship 2021

Last update 15.09.2021 23:54:52, Creator/Last Upload: igord

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Final Ranking crosstable after 7 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Tenin Alex1300ENG 10b1 15w1 11w½ 9b1 3w1 2b1 7w16,5025,511304
2Kelly Richard1818ENG 35b1 22w1 13b1 3b1 7w½ 1w0 4b½502410653
3CMThurlow Kevin J2058ENG 28b1 16w1 8b1 2w0 1b0 15w1 12b150219865
4Chwieseni Edward I1795ENG 21w½ 24b1 17w½ 16b1 5w½ 20b1 2w½50209422
5Morrison Munroe L1675ENG 30b1 6w½ 10w1 4b½ 14b½ 11w150209072
6Graham Frazer1923ENG 24w½ 33b1 5b½ 13w1 8b½ 7b½ 14w15019,510404
7Tucker David S2095ENG 25w1 37b1 9w½ 11b1 2b½ 6w½ 1b04,502210326
8Geddis Dickie1758ENG 19w1 31b1 3w0 17b1 6w½ 11b½ 10b½4,502010517
9O'Byrne Danny1743ENG 29b1 32w1 7b½ 1w0 12b½ 13w½ 22b14,50199375
10Watson Paul R1795ENG 1w0 20b1 26w1 5b0 19w1 17b1 8w½4,5016,58879
11Sherpa Ngadi1795ENG 23b1 12w1 1b½ 7w0 15b1 8w½ 5b04019,59999
12Kohli Sameer1458ENG 18w1 11b0 19w1 14b½ 9w½ 31b1 3w04017,510018
13Dray-Pearce Tristan1699ENG 27b1 36w1 2w0 6b0 18w1 9b½ 16w½4017,58267
14Ross David C (Snr)1764ENG 32b0 27w1 28b1 12w½ 21b1 5w½ 6b040179051
15Millener Richard P1713ENG 40w1 1b0 25w1 18b1 11w0 3b0 20w140177707
16Tutty Wayne S1683ENG 34w1 3b0 35w1 4w0 28b1 13b½4016,58370
17Pun Magar Bijay1488ENG 20w½ 21b1 4b½ 8w0 32b1 10w0 27b140169008
18Rai Samir0ENG 12b0 29w1 22b1 15w0 13b0 32w1 34w140148793
19Woolf Ben1200ENG 8b0 39w1 12b0 36w1 10b0 28w1 26w140137904
20Nembang Prabesh0ENG 17b½ 10w0 24w1 37b1 31b1 4w0 15b03,5015,59842
21Parsons Ben D1360ENG 4b½ 17w0 33w1 23b1 14w0 26b½ 24w½3,50149316
22Nelder Alan J1623ENG 41w1 2b0 18w0 32w½ 37b1 23b1 9w03,50147654
23Mubiru Richard1300ENG 11w0 41b1 21w0 38b1 22w0 31w13,5012,56236
24Charles Steven R1398ENG 6b½ 4w0 20b0 33w½ 30b1 38w1 21b½3,50116491
25Thomas Jacob1454ENG 7b0 38w1 15b0 27w0 29b½ 36w1 33w13,5010,57421
26O'Neill Stephen G1458ENG 36b0 30w1 10b0 29w1 27b½ 21w½ 19b03012,56555
27Rose David1100ENG 13w0 14b0 41w1 25b1 26w½ 33b½ 17w03011,59276
28Thapa Magar Dinesh1435ENG 3w0 40b1 14w0 34b1 16w0 19b0 38w130118905
29Cooper Liam1100ENG 9w0 18b0 30w1 26b0 25w½ 35b½ 39b1308,56038
30Davidson-Phillips Joseph0ENG 5w0 26b0 29b0 39w1 24w0 40b1 36b13076731
31Field Daniel1458ENG 39b1 8w0 36b1 20w0 12w0 23b02,50144516
32Duesbury Brad1200ENG 14w1 9b0 37w½ 22b½ 17w0 18b02,50128211
33Blair Jimmy1413ENG 6w0 21b0 24b½ 40w1 27w½ 25b02,509,57235
34Wride Edward1100ENG 16b0 35w0 39b1 28w0 37w1 18b02,508,56094
35Eddershaw John Ht1383ENG 2w0 34b1 16b0 38w0 36b0 29w½ 41b12,5085701
36Tamang Shishir0ENG 26w1 13b0 31w0 19b0 35w1 25b0 30w020108652
37Chapman Chas1593ENG 38b1 7w0 32b½ 20w0 22w0 34b0 40w½20107118
38Mulvaney Wesley0ENG 37w0 25b0 40w1 35b1 23w0 24b0 28b02098563
39Rai Navin0ENG 31w0 19b0 34w0 30b0 41b1 -1 29w02054858
40Payne James1100ENG 15b0 28w0 38b0 41w1 33b0 30w0 37b½1,504,56154
41Kumar Mellacheruvu Phani0ENG 22b0 23w0 27b0 40b0 39w0 35w00,5016506

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break2: Fide Tie-Break
Tie Break3: Sum Of the ratings Of the opponents (whithout one result)