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The 100th Irish Championships 2021: First weekender

Last update 05.08.2021 20:58:11, Creator/Last Upload: IvanBaburin

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Final Ranking crosstable after 5 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Sheahan Gavin980IRL 43b1 27w1 13b1 6b½ 2w14,50414
2Liu Jason913IRL 31b1 15w1 14b1 9w1 1b040416
3Beatty Sean809IRL 25b1 8w1 6w0 18b1 12w140416
4Allen-Coghlan Matthew700IRL 42b1 23w1 7b0 29w1 13b140412
5Milligan Kyle700IRL 12w0 44b1 22w1 30b1 26w140410,5
6Liu Wenle1162IRL 11b1 37w1 3b1 1w½ 7b½40317
7Scarry James804IRL 18w½ 32b1 4w1 20b1 6w½40315,5
8Morgan-Doyle Noah700IRL -1 3b0 38w1 28w1 14b140312
9Barry Suzanne1375IRL 28b1 29w1 2b0 20w13,50314
10Quirke Leon700IRL 16b1 21w0 27b1 26w½ 23b13,50312,5
11Hennessy Eoin700IRL 6w0 24b½ 44w1 35b1 21b13,50311,5
12Mkrtichyan Milena783IRL 5b1 13w0 15b1 21w1 3b030316,5
13Nielsen Robert700IRL 35w1 12b1 1w0 37b1 4w030314
14Fitzpatrick Kevin1463IRL 44w1 22b1 2w0 34b1 8w030313
15Coulton Dillon Luke700IRL 30w1 2b0 12w0 39b1 34w130311,5
16O'Connell Saul777IRL 10w0 18b0 40w1 41b1 31w130310,5
17Donnelly Ultan700IRL 38w1 20b0 28b0 27w1 29b13039,5
18Ryan Joshua700IRL 7b½ 16w1 26b½ 3w0 28b130215,5
19Goussot Merrill700IRL 20w0 36b1 35w½ 22b½ 30w13029,5
20Phelan Adam700IRL 19b1 17w1 21b½ 7w0 9b02,50216
21Brophy Karl1133IRL 39w1 10b1 20w½ 12b0 11w02,50213,5
22Luna Boris700IRL 33b1 14w0 5b0 19w½ 36b12,50213,5
23O'Connell Elliot873IRL 41w1 4b0 34w½ 24b1 10w02,50213
24Singhal Vivaan700IRL 27b0 11w½ 42b1 23w0 37w12,5029,5
25Kennedy James700IRL 3w0 38b0 36w½ 40b1 35w12,5029
26Ryan Paul1269IRL 36w1 34b½ 18w½ 10b½ 5b02,50114
27Feerick Cyril700IRL 24w1 1b0 10w0 17b0 41w120214,5
28Nunan Denis700IRL 9w0 40b1 17w1 8b0 18w020214
29Linehan Charlie700IRL 40w1 9b0 41w1 4b0 17w020212,5
30Collins Brendan746IRL 15b0 43w+ 39w1 5w0 19b020212,5
31Stack George700IRL 2w0 35b0 32w1 38b1 16b020211,5
32O'Connell Charlie967IRL 34w0 7w0 31b0 42w1 39b12029,5
33Pu Pei Lin Oisin700IRL 22w0 39b0 43w1 36b0 38w12027
34McPartlin Finn700IRL 32b1 26w½ 23b½ 14w0 15b020113
35Ducker Chris700IRL 13b0 31w1 19b½ 11w0 25b01,50114
36Gormally Whittaker Dylan700IRL 26b0 19w0 25b½ 33w1 22w01,50112,5
37McCarthy Conor700IRL -1 6b0 13w0 24b01,50014
38Walsh Conor700IRL 17b0 25w1 8b0 31w0 33b010113
39Kinsella Euan700IRL 21b0 33w1 30b0 15w0 32w010111
40Fitzpatrick Peter700IRL 29b0 28w0 16b0 25w0 43b110110,5
41Browne Henry700IRL 23b0 42w1 29b0 16w0 27b010110
42Srivastava Aarush700IRL 4w0 41b0 24w0 32b0 -11009,5
43McClean Finn700IRL 1w0 30b- 33b0 40w00,50011
44Brophy David700IRL 14b0 5w0 11b0 -0 -000013

Tie Break1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Tie Break2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)