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Olaines Vasaras blics 23.07.2021.

Last update 23.07.2021 18:59:06, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 11 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1NMSmorodinskis Igors2164LAT 18w1 7b½ 12w½ 8b1 6w1 2b½ 11w1 3b1 4w1 10b1 5w½971,577,553
2FMLevchenkov Vitaly1929LAT 25b1 23w1 13b1 5w1 3b½ 1w½ 4w1 6b1 12w½ 7b1 8w08,569,574,557
3MKGudovskis Konstantins1929LAT 38w1 10b1 14w1 22b1 2w½ 4b0 12w1 1w0 5b½ 8b1 13w186972,551
4MKLaizans Aivars2071LAT 29b1 15w1 5b0 7b1 22w1 3w1 2b0 14w1 1b0 12b1 6w½7,569,57448,5
5MKMelderis Uldis1877LAT 31w1 16b1 4w1 2b0 11w½ 12b0 8w1 7b1 3w½ 6b½ 1b½772,576,545,5
6MKKrums Ilmars1864LAT 17b1 14w0 19b1 13w1 1b0 10w1 16b1 2w0 9b1 5w½ 4b½77075,543,5
7MKMierins Emils Janis1755LAT 30b1 1w½ 21b1 4w0 16b½ 29w1 9b1 5w0 14b1 2w0 15b1766,570,543,5
8ILazdina Ingrida1586LAT 32b1 9w0 24b1 1w0 19b1 17w1 5b0 29w1 16b1 3w0 2b1766,570,541
9IVingris Mikelis1976LAT 19w1 8b1 22w0 10b1 15w1 11b0 7w0 21b1 6w0 17b1 12w17636843
10IGranovska Elisa1489LAT 33b1 3w0 34b1 9w0 25b1 6b0 30w1 13w1 15b1 1w0 14b17626440
11MKAfanasjevs Aleksandrs1706LAT 21b0 30w1 25b1 29w1 5b½ 9w1 1b0 12b0 22w1 15w0 20w16,5616540,5
12MKSinauridze Simons1926LAT 24b1 13w0 1b½ 21w1 23b1 5w1 3b0 11w1 2b½ 4w0 9b0669,574,542
13MKBreikss Peteris1517LAT 26w1 12b1 2w0 6b0 38w1 22b0 17w1 10b0 27w1 16w1 3b0663,56738
14IMaklakova Naomi1383LAT 34w1 6b1 3b0 15w0 24b1 18w1 22w1 4b0 7w0 26b1 10w0663,565,541
15NMMaklakova Nellija1743LAT 27w1 4b0 31w1 14b1 9b0 16w0 25b1 24w1 10w0 11b1 7w06626639
16IAdamovics Aleksejs1379LAT 37b1 5w0 33b1 23w½ 7w½ 15b1 6w0 22b1 8w0 13b0 21w16596238,5
17IMende Alise1148LAT 6w0 26b0 18w1 35b1 21w1 8b0 13b0 23w1 29b1 9w0 24b1657,56032
18IAleksejevs Daniils1376LAT 1b0 21w½ 17b0 32w1 20w1 14b0 38w½ 30b1 26w0 28b1 22w165558,529,5
19IJansons Kristers Roberts1337LAT 9b0 32w1 6w0 36b1 8w0 23b½ 21w0 38b1 20b0 31w1 26w15,55456,528
20IGubanovs Ivo1558LAT -0 -0 33w1 18b0 21b0 36w1 28b1 19w1 23w1 11b05,552,55526,5
21IIMierina Lauma1029LAT 11w1 18b½ 7w0 12b0 17b0 20w1 19b1 9w0 24b1 29w½ 16b0561,56631
22IVijups Dans1812LAT 36w1 35b1 9b1 3w0 4b0 13w1 14b0 16w0 11b0 25w1 18b0560,56338
23IRogulis Uldis1690LAT 28w1 2b0 26w1 16b½ 12w0 19w½ 24b0 17b0 30w1 20b0 32w15576131
24ISidass Dmitrijs1252LAT 12w0 28b1 8w0 26b1 14w0 33b1 23w1 15b0 21w0 27b1 17w0555,559,531
25IIVingris Janis1301LAT 2w0 27b1 11w0 28b1 10w0 31b1 15w0 26b0 32w1 22b0 30w1555,559,528
26IStankevics Roberts0LAT 13b0 17w1 23b0 24w0 36w1 38b1 29b0 25w1 18b1 14w0 19b0552,55530
27IIGansone Aiga1045LAT 15b0 25w0 30b0 37w1 33b0 34w1 32b1 31w1 13b0 24w0 29b1545,547,524
28IILiepina Daniela Nikola1026LAT 23b0 24w0 -1 25w0 34b1 30w0 35b1 20w0 31b1 18w0 37b15454725
29IIBroks Adrians1375LAT 4w0 36b1 35w1 11b0 31w1 7b0 26w1 8b0 17w0 21b½ 27w04,555,55832
30IIKokina Elizabete1085LAT 7w0 11b0 27w1 38b0 35w1 28b1 10b0 18w0 23b0 37w1 25b0452,55524
31IVGravere Justine Elza1196LAT 5b0 37w1 15b0 34w1 29b0 25w0 33w1 27b0 28w0 19b0 35b14474924
32IIIMaklakova Dafne1014LAT 8w0 19b0 38w0 18b0 37w1 36b1 27w0 35b1 25b0 33w1 23b0446,54919
33IIIvulans Patriks0LAT 10w0 38b1 16w0 20b0 27w1 24w0 31b0 37b0 36w1 32b0 34w1446,548,521
34IVLazdina Adrija0LAT 14b0 -1 10w0 31b0 28w0 27b0 37w0 36b0 35w1 38b+ 33b034345,515
35IVZommers Ralfs0LAT -1 22w0 29b0 17w0 30b0 37b1 28w0 32w0 34b0 36b1 31w0342,544,519
36IIVaicuka Marija1131LAT 22b0 29w0 37b1 19w0 26b0 32w0 20b0 34w1 33b0 35w0 -13424414
37IVLazdina Keitija0LAT 16w0 31b0 36w0 27b0 32b0 35w0 34b1 33w1 38w1 30b0 28w03404212
38INapins Vadims1259LAT 3b0 33w0 32b1 30w1 13b0 26w0 18b½ 19w0 37b0 34w- -02,5505319,5

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break