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Last update 01.08.2021 13:54:42, Creator: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 268),Last Upload: ESCOBAR DOMINGUEZ, Daniel

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMGrigoryan KarenTR 40b1 22w1 12b1 8w1 5b1 3w½ 2b16,5131,535,527
2GMStarostits IlmarsTR 41w1 21b1 11w½ 9b1 13w1 4b1 1w05,553033,524,5
3IMMartinez Ramirez LennisTR 42b1 24w1 14b1 10w1 23b1 1b½ 5w05,5431,533,526
4IMCruz Estrada FilemonTR 43w1 23b0 39w1 27b1 21w1 2w0 18b15112628,520
5IMAlshameary Puente IsmaelSE 44b1 26w1 16b1 18w1 1w0 11b1 3b162303425
6FMEsquivias Quintero Luis ManuelSE 45w1 25b1 15w1 23b0 11w½ 19b1 17w04,51827,53021,5
7FMSilva Lucena CristianSE 46b1 28w1 18b0 11b0 47w1 29b1 22w1514242719
8FMHerrera Delgado AlejandroSE 47w1 27b1 17w1 1b0 25w1 12b½ 10b04,51531,534,522
9FMDiaz Castro SergioSE 48b1 30w1 34b1 2w0 16b1 23w½ 14b04,51728,531,522
10Tadevosyan AspetSE 49w1 29b1 19w1 3b0 41w1 15b1 8w16326,528,524
11Rodriguez Morales AlbertoSE 50b1 32w1 2b½ 7w1 6b½ 5w0 27b15928,531,522
12Diaz Castro IsmaelSE 51w1 31b1 1w0 29b1 55w1 8w½ 23b15,5626,528,522
13WIMPerera Borrego Maria AdelaSE 52b1 34w0 44b1 28w1 2b0 32w1 38b1513252819
14Zarandieta Lopera Jose LuisSE 53w1 33b1 3w0 31b½ 39w1 35b1 9w15,57262921
15Chacon Perez JuanSE 54b1 36w1 6b0 32w1 18b1 10w0 28b1512252821
16FMSantos Izquierdo Francisco JavierCA 55w1 35b1 5w0 33b1 9w0 37b1 25w151026,53020
17Oñate Mendez EliasCA 56b1 38w1 8b0 34w½ 22b1 31w1 6b15,5824,527,521
18Romero Romero SebastianSE 57w1 37b1 7w1 5b0 15w0 33b1 4w0421293220
19Carretero Ortiz FranciscoSE 58b1 79w1 10b0 35w½ 34b1 6w0 40b03,5392628,518
20Fernandez Montero Francisco ManuelCA 59w1 39b½ 23w0 30b1 31w0 43b1 35w½4272426,516,5
21Zarandieta Lopera VictorSE 60b1 2w0 46b1 36w1 4b0 38w0 34b½3,54124,52516,5
22Garrido Collantes Jose ManuelCA 61w1 1b0 47w1 37b1 17w0 41b1 7b0422283018
23Infantes Gonzalez DavidHU 62b1 4w1 20b1 6w1 3w0 9b½ 12w04,516293223
24Villodres Maldonado Jose ManuelTR 63w1 3b0 50w1 41b0 35b0 58w1 44b034524,527,514
25Gentes Benito MauricioCA 64b1 6w0 52b1 38w1 8b0 36w1 16b0425242718
26Bedoya Roman FranciscoCA 65w1 5b0 51w1 55b0 50w0 75w1 47b1435212315
27Sanjuan Garcia MiguelMA 66b1 8w0 54b1 4w0 46b1 50b1 11w043123,52517
28Anillo Fernandez Isabel MariaSE 67w1 7b0 53w1 13b0 61w1 55b1 15w042923,525,517
29Ramos Suria FelixSE 68b1 10w0 56b1 12w0 48b1 7w0 50b142425,527,516
30Herrera Vidal RafaelSE 69w1 9b0 55w0 20w0 68b1 57b1 62w1436202113
31Coba Moncada JacintoSE 70b1 12w0 58b1 14w½ 20b1 17b0 39w03,5382829,517
32Vicente Puyana Alberto JesusCA 71w1 11b0 61w1 15b0 62w1 13b0 55w½3,54223,52415,5
33Infantes Gonzalez MariaHU 72b1 14w0 62b1 16w0 54b1 18w0 56b143023,525,516
34Bermudez Ureba Jose MariaCA 73w1 13b1 9w0 17b½ 19w0 59b1 21w½42325,528,517,5
35Villanueva Marquez SantiagoCA 74b1 16w0 64b1 19b½ 24w1 14w0 20b½4262426,517,5
36Montoro Guerrero RaulSE 75w1 15b0 67w1 21b0 73w1 25b0 63w0348232515
37Lopez Cabello JulioSE 76b1 18w0 68b1 22w0 56b1 16w0 79w143421,523,516
38Oñate Gomez IldefonsoCA 77w1 17b0 78w1 25b0 79w1 21b1 13w04332222,517
39Mena Lorente LuisCA 78b1 20w½ 4b0 59w1 14b0 74w1 31b14,5192425,517
40Najib Rodriguez IsmaelCA 1w0 59b½ 43w0 49b1 51w1 45b1 19w14,52020,522,513
41AIMGuardia Bencomo TomasCA 2b0 60w1 79b1 24w1 10b0 22w0 76w14282424,516
42Fernandez Parrilla Jose AntonioCA 3w0 61b0 69w0 63b0 72b1 68w0 77b127516,5174
43Lopez Cueto JulioSE 4b0 62w0 40b1 64w1 74b½ 20w0 75b02,5622325,510,5
44Correa Roque YaniraCA 5w0 63b1 13w0 62b0 67w1 61b1 24w1432232512
45Jimenez Rosa Juan AntonioTR 6b0 64w0 66b1 68w1 75b½ 40w0 46b02,56420,52210,5
46Vallecillos Olvera FerminCA 7w0 65b1 21w0 67b1 27w0 62b0 45w1353202211
47Gutierrez Garcia FernandoCA 8b0 66w1 22b0 70w1 7b0 64w1 26w03492223,512
48Verhoeven RudigerCA 9w0 67b0 71w1 69b1 29w0 63b0 61w135817,51810
49Rete Rete MarcelinoCA 10b0 68w0 70b0 40w0 60b1 71w1 58b027017,5185
50Gutierrez Toro RaulTR 11w0 69b1 24b0 72w1 26b1 27w0 29w0350222313
51Gil Fernandez DanielaCA 12b0 70w1 26b0 74w0 40b0 72w1 64b026621,5238
52Baron Martinez FranciscoCA 13w0 71b1 25w0 73b0 69w1 76b0 65w13561818,510
53Fuentes Toscano Manuel JesusHU 14b0 72w1 28b0 75w0 59b0 70w1 66b13542021,59
54Gomez López JorgeCA 15w0 73b1 27w0 77b1 33w0 79b0 67w135220,52111
55Sequeira Fernandez GuillermoHU 16b0 74w1 30b1 26w1 12b0 28w0 32b½3,5402628,515,5
56Leiva Raya NicolasCO 17w0 75b1 29w0 78b1 37w0 73b1 33w03462425,512
57Gil Garcia JoseCA 18b0 76w0 72b0 66w1 70b1 30w0 68b135916,5188
58Pinto Sancha IvanTR 19w0 77b1 31w0 79b0 78w1 24b0 49w13611616,510
59Collazos Moreno Juan AndresCA 20b0 40w½ 76b1 39b0 53w1 34w0 74b13,5432325,512
60Raya Fernandez Jose LuisCO 21w0 41b0 73w0 65b0 49w0 -1 72b017916,5172
61Garcia Gonzalez AngelaCA 22b0 42w1 32b0 76w1 28b0 44w0 48b026521,523,510
62Palomino Lopez Juan CarlosCA 23w0 43b1 33w0 44w1 32b0 46w1 30b03472325,512
63Herrera Garcia RafaelSE 24b0 44w0 74b0 42w1 71b1 48w1 36b143717,51810
64Gutierrez Toro DavidTR 25w0 45b1 35w0 43b0 77w1 47b0 51w13571818,510
65Sequeira Melgarejo TomasHU 26b0 46w0 75b0 60w1 76b0 77w1 52b02711717,56
66Forjan Ruiz Ramon JesusCA 27w0 47b0 45w0 57b0 -1 69b1 53w027416,517,55
67Martin Martinez Pedro JoseCA 28b0 48w1 36b0 46w0 44b0 78w1 54b02672021,58
68Irisarri Torres JorgeCA 29w0 49b1 37w0 45b0 30w0 42b1 57w026819,521,58
69Palomino Magri Juan CarlosTR 30b0 50w0 42b1 48w0 52b0 66w0 78b017816,5185
70Muñoz Lopez NicolasTR 31w0 51b0 49w1 47b0 57w0 53b0 -127316,517,56
71Palacios Navarro ManuelCA 32b0 52w0 48b0 -1 63w0 49b0 73w017618,5204
72Ariza Villegas PabloTR 33w0 53b0 57w1 50b0 42w0 51b0 60w12721717,56
73Beato Martinez PabloCA 34b0 54w0 60b1 52w1 36b0 56w0 71b136016,51710
74Boren FerdinandTR 35w0 55b0 63w1 51b1 43w½ 39b0 59w02,563222410,5
75Castro Perez DavidTR 36b0 56w0 65w1 53b1 45w½ 26b0 43w13,544182011,5
76Etxeberria Argudo EnekoTR 37w0 57b1 59w0 61b0 65w1 52w1 41b035519,521,511
77Garcia Garcia MiguelCA 38b0 58w0 -1 54w0 64b0 65b0 42w017717195
78Jimenez Suarez GuillermoSE 39w0 -1 38b0 56w0 58b0 67b0 69w126919207
79Mancebo Moreno Francisco JavierTR -1 19b0 41w0 58w1 38b0 54w1 37b035121,524,513

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Fide Tie-Break