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Obert Vila Tossa IRT Sub 2200 (263237)

Darrera actualització26.09.2021 11:33:42, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Estanislau Plantada Siurans

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Taula creuada de classificació final després de 7 rondes

OrdreNomElo1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts. Des1  Des2  Des3  Des4 
1Salinas Tomas Daniel2285 43b1 18w1 19b1 7w½ 2b1 12w1 3w½6312825,50
2MKLever Erwan2318 31w1 15b1 8w1 4b1 1w0 9b1 6w½5,5343124,50
3Grezels Florian2229 73b+ 24b1 9w0 27w1 18b1 7w1 1b½5,531,528,522,50
4Clot Chico Arnau2203 61b1 26w1 33b1 2w0 7b½ 32w1 12b15,5292722,50
5Villa Tornero Alex2052 -0 30w1 23b½ 35w1 36b1 20b1 22w15,52723,518,50
6Muratet Lucas2205 34w1 16b1 17w½ 11b1 12b0 10w1 2b½53228,5220
7Valle Luis Leo2198 58w1 42b1 13w1 1b½ 4w½ 3b0 17w15302822,50
8MKParals Marce Luis2197 52b1 14w1 2b0 26w1 10b0 13b1 21w153027,5200
9Vinuesa Sorli Ruben2109 54w1 36b1 3b1 12w0 14b1 2w0 19b1529,527220
10Lozano Casasayas Marc1812 64w1 20b1 21w½ 17b½ 8w1 6b0 24w15282621,50
11Sanchez Aguilar Arnau2134 53w1 41b1 12b½ 6w0 42w1 17b½ 29w1526,52420,50
12Funes Ostos Aitor2259 57w1 25b1 11w½ 9b1 6w1 1b0 4w04,53330,522,50
13Mangues Rubia Alex2016 30b1 23w1 7b0 33w½ 31b1 8w0 37b14,52825190
14AIMBenseny Martinez Guerau1933 56w1 8b0 53w1 22b1 9w0 25b1 20w½4,52724,518,50
15Subira Zurita Marc1979 39b1 2w0 31b0 23w½ 52b1 38w1 33b14,525,523150
16Porta Isant Lluis1926 68b1 6w0 45b1 32w0 40b1 18w½ 31b14,52423170
17Fernandez Climent Albert2075 44b1 38w1 6b½ 10w½ 19b½ 11w½ 7b0430,527,5200
18Boix Redorta Roc1991 50w1 1b0 58w1 41b1 3w0 16b½ 27w½429,527,517,50
19Garcia Martinez Josep2165 59w1 29b1 1w0 24b1 17w½ 21b½ 9w0429,52719,50
20Lorca Cortada David2119 40b1 10w0 36b½ 44w1 33b1 5w0 14b½42926170
21Ortiz Padro Pol2030 46w1 55b½ 10b½ 37w1 32b½ 19w½ 8b0427,525190
22Alcon Llosada Alex2156 45b1 33w0 38b1 14w0 43b1 23w1 5b0427,524,5170
23Prada Villagrasa Adria1798 62w1 13b0 5w½ 15b½ 60w1 22b0 46w1426,52515,50
24David Xapelli Antoni1941 66b1 3w0 52b1 19w0 45b1 28w1 10b0426,524170
25Prada Villagrasa Pau Manel1944 49b1 12w0 43b1 31w½ 28b½ 14w0 45b1426,523,516,50
26Benet Saniger Xavier1943 65w1 4b0 59w1 8b0 34w1 29b0 44w1425,523,5160
27Borras Carbonell Adria1957 51w½ 35b1 55w1 3b0 -0 36w1 18b½425,523170
28Caballero Maytin Jesus2097 -0 46b1 34w1 42b½ 25w½ 24b0 39w14252215,50
29Garcia Rodriguez Laia1859 72b1 19w0 35b½ 51w½ 44b1 26w1 11b0423,52216,50
30Tallada Serret Gerard1648 13w0 5b0 72w1 34b0 47w1 58b1 43w1423,522110
31Compte Auge Lluis1778 2b0 74w+ 15w1 25b½ 13w0 42b1 16w03,528,526150
32MKVilla Izquierdo Roberto2116 -0 51b1 57w1 16b1 21w½ 4b0 -03,527,52516,50
33Jove Albaiges Guillem1868 67w1 22b1 4w0 13b½ 20w0 53b1 15w03,526,525170
34Molina Gil Noah1745 6b0 66w1 28b0 30w1 26b0 40w½ 51b13,52623,5120
35Parra Castano Toni1431 37b1 27w0 29w½ 5b0 58w½ 59b1 42w½3,525,523,513,50
36Mangues Rubia Oriol1801 71b1 9w0 20w½ 55b1 5w0 27b0 54w13,52524,514,50
37Alcon Llosada Jaume1890 35w0 50b1 47w1 21b0 53w½ 54b1 13w03,52421,514,50
38Voegeli Max1802 47w1 17b0 22w0 54b½ 65w1 15b0 53w13,522,520,5130
39Valle Luis Liam1641 15w0 48b0 64w1 58b½ 55w1 41b1 28b03,522,520,5120
40Sanchez Rios Hilario1674 20w0 64b1 42w0 57b1 16w0 34b½ 58w13,521,519,5120
41Ibanez Riquelme Sergio1811 70b1 11w0 63b1 18w0 51b½ 39w0 52b13,52119,514,50
42Herman Gamazo Isaac1886 69b1 7w0 40b1 28w½ 11b0 31w0 35b½327,524,514,50
43Vinolas Puig Joan1772 1w0 65b1 25w0 46b1 22w0 51w1 30b0325,523,5120
44Escudero Ribo Eloi1659 17w0 62b1 48w1 20b0 29w0 57b1 26b0323,522130
45Jurca Szabo Gerard1695 22w0 67b1 16w0 47b1 24w0 63b1 25w032321,5120
46Alcon Beltran Alfred1648 21b0 28w0 67b1 43w0 68b1 61w1 23b032019100
47Gherardi Luca1331 38b0 60w1 37b0 45w0 30b0 68w1 61b13201990
48Pereira Garcia Josep R.1865 -0 39w1 44b0 60b0 54w0 64b1 65w13201890
49Izquierdo Gonzalez Jonas1614 25w0 57b0 -0 71w1 62b1 -0 59w1317,51780
50Delgado Brugue Dani1644 18b0 37w0 -0 -0 71b1 62w1 63w131716,560
51Cavalle Sanchez Arnau1632 27b½ 32w0 61w1 29b½ 41w½ 43b0 34w02,52523120
52Barat Serna Judit1721 8w0 56b1 24w0 65b½ 15w0 55b1 41w02,52422100
53Mallorqui Llop Marc1689 11b0 71w1 14b0 63w1 37b½ 33w0 38b02,522,52211,50
54Escudero Ribo Alexia1664 9b0 63w0 68b1 38w½ 48b1 37w0 36b02,52221100
55Romero Kovina Daniel1794 63b1 21w½ 27b0 36w0 39b0 52w0 68b12,52120110
56Salinas Rodriguez Jose1530 14b0 52w0 71b½ 68w0 63b0 72w1 67b12,513,5135,50
57Sauri Verdaguer Roger1769 12b0 49w1 32b0 40w0 66b1 44w0 -022522,590
58Onate Diaz Manuel1725 7b0 68w1 18b0 39w½ 35b½ 30w0 40b0224,523,59,50
59Descamps Colomer Biel1700 19b0 70w1 26b0 66w1 -0 35w0 49b0223,522100
60Vicente Perales Manel1669 -0 47b0 69w+ 48w1 23b0 -0 -02232190
61Sola Colom Curial1729 4w0 -0 51b0 70w+ 64w1 46b0 47w022119,570
62Armenta Garcia Adrian1260 23b0 44w0 66b0 -1 49w0 50b0 70w1220,51950
63Carrasco Taberner Laia1260 55w0 54b1 41w0 53b0 56w1 45w0 50b0220,51890
64Sosa Acosta Diego1404 10b0 40w0 39b0 67w1 61b0 48w0 71b1219,51950
65Linares Miralles Jordi1596 26b0 43w0 70b1 52w½ 38b0 67w½ 48b0219,51880
66Barat Cunill Pere1561 24w0 34b0 62w1 59b0 57w0 -0 69b1219,51860
67Hijarrubia Alvarez-Cuevas Gonzalo1407 33b0 45w0 46w0 64b0 70w1 65b½ 56w01,517,51640
68Estanyol Fradera Bernat1476 16w0 58b0 54w0 56b1 46w0 47b0 55w01201840
69Tamaeva Kamila1426 42w0 -0 60b- -0 72b1 -0 66w0118,51730
70Audet Furque Tobias1355 41w0 59b0 65w0 61b- 67b0 71w1 62b011413,520
71El Manfaa Marino Mohamed Ismael1323 36w0 53b0 56w½ 49b0 50w0 70b0 64w00,52018,52,50
72Tamaeva Tamila1406 29w0 -0 30b0 -0 69w0 56b0 -0020,519,500
73Navarro Tudela Sergi1766 3w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0017,516,500
Petergova Stella1639 -0 31b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0017,516,500

Desempat1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempat3: Fide Tie-Break
Desempat4: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)