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Latvian Rapid Chess Championship 2021 V Ventspils Juris Neimanis memorial

Last update 01.08.2021 13:27:39, Creator/Last Upload: Riga Chess federation

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Starting rank crosstable

No.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.RdPts.Rk. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMMiezis Normunds2439LAT 25b1 14w1 10b1 4w1 3b½ 6w1 9b0 2w0 16b1 8w1 18b18,5272,578,52280
2GMLanka Zigurds2388LAT 26w1 13b0 7w½ 19b1 23w1 11b1 5w1 1b1 3w½ 4b½ 6w18,537075,52279
3FMMustaps Matiss2370LAT 27b1 16w1 12b1 6w1 1w½ 7b½ 4b½ 9w1 2b½ 10w1 14b19171,577,52348
4FMZuckovs Aleksejs2274LAT 28w1 15b1 11w1 1b0 13w1 20b1 3w½ 7b½ 10w1 2w½ 9b07,5571752201
5WGMSafranska Anda2173FRA 29b1 18w0 30b1 8w0 31b1 22w1 2b0 26w1 17b1 9w0 10b17865691977
6MKBatashevs Arsens2149LAT 30w1 17b1 23w1 3b0 11w1 1b0 20w1 10b0 13w1 7b1 2b07669742139
7IMAntoms Guntars2126LAT 31b1 20w½ 2b½ 18w1 10b1 3w½ 8b½ 4w½ 9b½ 6w0 13b½6,51072762116
8MKLaizans Aivars2089LAT 32w1 19b½ 13w1 5b1 20w½ 9b0 7w½ 14b½ 15w1 1b0 23w17768732063
9FMDzjuba Vsevolod2042LAT 33b1 22w1 18b1 20w0 17b1 8w1 1w1 3b0 7w½ 5b1 4w18,5469,574,52246
10MKKolesnikovs Ivans2026LAT 34w1 21b1 1w0 22b1 7w0 26b1 33w1 6w1 4b0 3b0 5w061567722021
11MKSaveljevs Aleksandrs1995LAT 35b1 24w1 4b0 29w1 6b0 2w0 27b1 18w0 25b1 22w½ 17b05,52665,569,51859
12MKGudovskis Konstantins1991LAT 36w1 49b1 3w0 21b½ 26w½ 33b0 24w1 20b½ 32w1 13b0 19w½62060,5611727
13WFMVidruska Renate1964LAT 37b1 2w1 8b0 24w1 4b0 27w1 14b½ 29w½ 6b0 12w1 7w½6,51168732001
14MKKurpnieks Vairis1950LAT 38w1 1b0 32w1 23b½ 21w½ 34b1 13w½ 8w½ 29b1 20b1 3w07964,569,51936
15MKSeglins Juris1937LAT 39b1 4w0 31b0 36w1 30b1 29w0 32b1 22w1 8b0 17w½ 25b½62158621737
16MKMelderis Uldis1908LAT 40w1 3b0 34w1 26b0 32w½ 23b½ 30w1 21b1 1w0 24b½ 20w½61862651796
17MKFeldmanis Arturs1906LAT 41b1 6w0 35b1 31w1 9w0 21b½ 26w½ 23b1 5w0 15b½ 11w16,51259,563,51841
18IMuravjovs Andrejs1857LAT 42w1 5b1 9w0 7b0 33w0 36b1 34w1 11b1 20w0 21b1 1w061762,5671833
19NMMaklakova Nellija1823LAT 43b1 8w½ 20b0 2w0 39b1 32w0 25b0 40w1 31b1 26w1 12b½62555,5581685
20IBazilius Augustinas1815LTU 44w1 7b½ 19w1 9b1 8b½ 4w0 6b0 12w½ 18b1 14w0 16b½61467,572,51964
21MKIsakovs Janis1799LAT 45b1 10w0 36b1 12w½ 14b½ 17w½ 29b½ 16w0 27b1 18w0 26b053061651685
22MKNeimanis Viesturs1797LAT 46w1 9b0 38w1 10w0 35b1 5b0 45w1 15b0 33w1 11b½ 24w05,5275860,51642
23MKKane Marta1763LAT 47b1 25w1 6b0 14w½ 2b0 16w½ 37b1 17w0 35b1 29w1 8b061663661796
24MKSteinbergs Viktors1749LAT 48w1 11b0 44w1 13b0 34w0 38b1 12b0 37w1 45b1 16w½ 22b16,51354581584
25IMulevicius Andrius1708LTU 1w0 23b0 42w1 38b0 44w½ 46b1 19w1 33b1 11w0 32b1 15w½6225759,51610
26ISinyavin Roman1677RUS 2b0 37w1 48b1 16w1 12b½ 10w0 17b½ 5b0 34w1 19b0 21w161961651836
27IVernuks Vjaceslavs1649LAT 3w0 38b0 28w1 44b1 45w1 13b0 11w0 36b1 21w0 34b1 33w162456601617
28MKKronlaks Olafs1642LAT 4b0 39w½ 27b0 45w0 43b1 37w0 -1 -0 -0 -0 -02,5464749,51216
29IMucenieks Marks1637LAT 5w0 40b1 49w1 11b0 38w1 15b1 21w½ 13b½ 14w0 23b0 44w162356,5571668
30MKNovozhenins Jurijs1614LAT 6b0 41w1 5w0 47b1 15w0 42b1 16b0 45w0 38b½ 31w½ 35b153452,555,51459
31WMKSudmale Galina1589LAT 7w0 42b1 15w1 17b0 5w0 41b1 44w½ 32b0 19w0 30b½ 38w04395761,51487
32IBagirov Eldar1540LAT 8b0 43w1 14b0 37w1 16b½ 19b1 15w0 31w1 12b0 25w0 36b½53158,5611657
33WMKBurkevica Ilze1535LAT 9w0 44b0 39b1 41w1 18b1 12w1 10b0 25w0 22b0 45w1 27b053257,561,51543
34ISteinbergs Raivo1496LAT 10b0 45w1 16b0 48w1 24b1 14w0 18b0 38w1 26b0 27w0 39b153357611538
35IIReiha Ance1334LAT 11w0 46b1 17w0 49b1 22w0 45b0 41w1 44b1 23w0 36b0 30w04415050,51305
36IIkstena Sarlote1328LAT 12b0 47w1 21w0 15b0 46b1 18w0 40b1 27w0 39b1 35w1 32w½5,5294850,51494
37IGorbants Gunars1289LAT 13w0 26b0 43w1 32b0 47w1 28b1 23w0 24b0 42w1 44b0 49w15364949,51360
38IICherepanov Daniil A1267NED 14b0 27w1 22b0 25w1 29b0 24w0 42w1 34b0 30w½ 41w1 31b15,52856601571
39IFeldmanis Kristers1229LAT 15w0 28b½ 33w0 40b1 19w0 44b0 43w1 41b½ 36w0 49b1 34w044246,5471257
40IIVidrusks Jekabs1100LAT 16b0 29w0 45b0 39w0 -1 49b1 36w0 19b0 43w0 42b½ 46b13,5434444,51102
41IIProscenko Mihails1075LAT 17w0 30b0 46w1 33b0 48b1 31w0 35b0 39w½ 49w1 38b0 43w14,5384343,51252
42IIVidrusks Arturs1015LAT 18b0 31w0 25b0 43b1 49w1 30w0 38b0 46w1 37b0 40w½ 45b14,53743,5441247
43IIISiders Samuels Stefans1011LAT 19w0 32b0 37b0 42w0 28w0 -1 39b0 49w1 40b1 46w0 41b03454141,51031
44IIEglitis Roberts0LAT 20b0 33w1 24b0 27w0 25b½ 39w1 31b½ 35w0 46b1 37w1 29b053552,5551467
45IIFolkmanis Valters0LAT 21w0 34b0 40w1 28b1 27b0 35w1 22b0 30b1 24w0 33b0 42w044050,553,51419
46IIIOdincovs Maksims0LAT 22b0 35w0 41b0 -1 36w0 25w0 49b1 42b0 44w0 43b1 40w03444444,5997
47IIITavars Frenks0LAT 23w0 36b0 -1 30w0 37b0 48w0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -014942,544,5599
48IIITavars Henrijs0LAT 24b0 -1 26w0 34b0 41w0 47b1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -024746,549,51159
49IIITreigute Lea0LAT -1 12w0 29b0 35w0 42b0 40w0 46w0 43b0 41b0 39w0 37b014844,547468

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Performance (variable with parameter)