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Última actualización11.07.2021 19:17:35, Propietario/Última carga: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

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Cuadro cruzado por clasificación final después de 8 rondas

Rk.NombreFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd Des 1  Des 2  Des 3  Des 4 
1Cardozo Stid JafharTOL 73b1 19w½ 45b1 7w1 5w1 18b1 4w1 3b½742,562284
2IMZuluaga CesarCAL 58w1 66b1 31w1 6b1 4w0 41b1 11b1 9w173972288
3FMGallego Julian AndresRIS 52b1 57w1 21b1 11w0 32w1 8b1 6w1 1w½6,541,562147
4FMLopez Idarraga Daniel EduardoQUI 47w1 42b1 65w1 17b1 2b1 11w½ 1b0 13w16,54162182
5FMMunoz Galvez Jhon EdisonCAL 26b1 48w1 7b½ 34w1 1b0 37w1 35b1 11w16,54162138
6Molina GildardoVAL 69b1 51w1 10b1 2w0 23b1 19w1 3b0 22w1641,562119
7Salazar Andres FelipeCAL 38w1 46b1 5w½ 1b0 34w½ 33b1 24w1 18b164151994
8CMHernandez Pinzon HelvertCAL 56b1 12w0 84b1 61w1 14b1 3w0 20b1 19w163761886
9Gomez Loaiza Jhon FredyCAL 33w0 83b1 53w1 42b1 20w1 17b1 36w1 2b063661897
10Gonzalez WalterRIS 71w1 80b1 6w0 46b1 17w0 34b1 27w1 31b1634,561836
11CMCorredor Rengifo Luis FernandoTOL 16w1 63b1 24w1 3b1 18w1 4b½ 2w0 5b05,545,552136
12Salazar Grisales Juan JoseVAL -1 8b1 41w1 18b0 31w½ 32b0 57w1 36b15,53642062
13Zuluaga A Ernesto UrielCAL 54w1 24b0 60w1 43b1 65w1 36b½ 32w1 4b05,53551996
14Osorio Pedro LuisVAL 74w1 31b0 27w1 77b1 8w0 45b1 17w½ 32b15,534,551884
15Giraldo Aristizabal MarlonCOL 81w1 34b0 67b1 33w0 60b1 38w1 35w15,53151773
16Patino Castaneda Jose IgnacioCAL 11b0 94w+ 29w½ 58b1 77w½ 44w1 23b½ 37w15,53031998
17Villamizar Diego FernandoCAL 55b1 28w1 44b1 4w0 10b1 9w0 14b½ 23w½54241964
18Buitrago MauricioRIS 53b1 40w1 23b1 12w1 11b0 1w0 43b1 7w0541,551931
19CMCoca Cubillos Jesus AlbertoCAL 39w1 1b½ 33w1 36b½ 24w1 6b0 42w1 8b0541,541894
20Nunez Basante FranciscoVAL 22w0 -1 26b1 40w1 9b0 53b1 8w0 44w1538,541873
21Ramirez Jorge AlonsoCAL 49w1 22b1 3w0 24b0 60w½ 59b1 33w1 29b½53741845
22Quintero Sepulveda Juan EstebanCAL 20b1 21w0 25b0 49w1 48w1 65b1 41w1 6b053651842
23Uribe Fajardo Juan FelipeCAL 76b1 25w1 18w0 63b1 6w0 68b1 16w½ 17b½53641876
24Ballesteros Lopez WilliamQUI 93b+ 13w1 11b0 21w1 19b0 25w1 7b0 50w153641868
25Hurtado Sarmiento Juan SebastianTOL 30w1 23b0 22w1 48b1 36w0 24b0 66w1 57b153551962
26Hernandez Bermudez ManuelaRIS 5w0 78b1 20w0 71b1 30w1 43b0 45w1 42b153451742
27Gonzalez Aguirre Oscar JavierCAL 68b1 44w0 14b0 81w1 70b1 28w1 10b0 43w153351769
28Ochoa CarlosCAL 85w1 17b0 38w1 31b0 79w1 27b0 68w1 41b1530,551671
29Loaiza AlejandroCAL 62b0 76w1 16b½ 59w0 67b1 69w1 58b1 21w½53041759
30Calle Edwin FernandoCAL 25b0 70w0 78b1 75w1 26b0 72w1 73b1 52w1528,551556
31Nieto AgustinCAL 72b1 14w1 2b0 28w1 12b½ 35w0 40b1 10w04,54141918
32Rosero Zapata Luis FernandoRIS 75b1 34w½ 37b1 35w1 3b0 12w1 13b0 14w04,539,541906
33Ceballos Castellanos IsabelaCAL 9b1 37w½ 19b0 57w1 15b1 7w0 21b0 63w14,53941949
34Sanchez Bonilla John HenryRIS 88w1 32b½ 15w1 5b0 7b½ 10w0 63b½ 62w14,537,531834
35Alzate JorgeCAL 60w1 43b1 36w½ 32b0 59w1 31b1 5w0 15b04,536,541954
36Castano Julian MarceloCAL 70b1 84w1 35b½ 19w½ 25b1 13w½ 9b0 12w04,536,531869
37CMTorres Jorge EmilioCAL 83w1 33b½ 32w0 39b1 47w1 5b0 61w1 16b04,53541762
38Lopez Londono AlejandroVAL 7b0 86w1 28b0 88w1 51b1 61w½ 15b0 59w14,531,541665
39Montoya RicardoCAL 19b0 73w1 59b½ 37w0 62b1 57w0 77w1 61b14,52941775
40Zambrano KarinaCAL 95w1 18b0 54w1 20b0 69w½ 47b1 31w0 58b14,52941703
41Martinez CristianCAL 90b1 61w1 12b0 51w1 44b1 2w0 22b0 28w0435,541821
42Gomez V Duvan LeandroTOL 89b1 4w0 72b1 9w0 55b1 50w1 19b0 26w0435,541694
43Gutierrez Jhon JaimeCAL 64b1 35w0 90b1 13w0 54b1 26w1 18w0 27b043441714
44Londono Lopez DonaldoRIS 79w1 27b1 17w0 69b1 41w0 16b0 46w1 20b043441509
45Cortes Castro JhonnyVAL 84w- 49b1 1w0 83b1 46w1 14w0 26b0 69w1432,541695
46Alvarez Moncada Carlos AlbertoCAL 86b1 7w0 70b1 10w0 45b0 56w1 44b0 67w143241707
47Lopez Hernandez Edwin AlfonsoCAL 4b0 64w1 57b½ 62w1 37b0 40w0 67b½ 73w143231689
48Badillo Julio CesarCOL 78w1 5b0 91w+ 25w0 22b0 55w1 50b0 72w143131533
49Beltran Grizales DanielCAL 21b0 45w0 64b1 22b0 86w1 51w1 59b0 68w143041708
50Sanchez Aragon Michael AlejandroTOL 65w0 58b0 85w1 53b1 63w1 42b0 48w1 24b042941728
51Paniagua Fabio De JesusANT 92w1 6b0 55w1 41b0 38w0 49b0 83w1 70b1428,541641
52Figueroa Salcedo Reinaldo ArturoCAL 3w0 67b½ 77w0 76b½ 71w1 79b1 65w1 30b0428,531648
53Molina Valdes Luisa FernandaCAL 18w0 95b1 9b0 50w0 78b1 20w0 79w1 76b142841413
54Munoz Guzman GermanTOL 13b0 89w1 40b0 87w1 43w0 66b0 85w1 65b142641673
55Villamil AlejandroCAL 17w0 93b+ 51b0 92b1 42w0 48b0 74w1 66b142431658
56Gomez Saenz ManuelaCAL 8w0 74b0 95w1 66b0 92w1 46b0 82w1 77b142241580
57CMPalacio Pablo PersiCAL 67w1 3b0 47w½ 33b0 80w1 39b1 12b0 25w03,535,531634
58Velez Andres FelipeCAL 2b0 50w1 62b½ 16w0 81b1 77b1 29w0 40w03,534,531615
59Rios DavidCAL 80w0 71b1 39w½ 29b1 35b0 21w0 49w1 38b03,53331617
60Vanegas JosueCAL 35b0 87w1 13b0 70w1 21b½ 15w0 62b0 78w13,531,531610
61AIMZapata AlvaroCAL 82w1 41b0 80w1 8b0 74w1 38b½ 37b0 39w03,531,531520
62Barahona Urrego Lenier DavidCAL 29w1 65b0 58w½ 47b0 39w0 90b1 60w1 34b03,529,531676
63Pacheco Juan DiegoCAL 94b+ 11w0 75b1 23w0 50b0 83b1 34w½ 33b03,528,521503
64Moncada Salguero CarlosCAL 43w0 47b0 49w0 82b1 72b0 75w½ 80b1 83w13,52531453
65Castano NestorRIS 50b1 62w1 4b0 68w1 13b0 22w0 52b0 54w0335,531615
66Montoya DuvanCAL 87b1 2w0 69b0 56w1 68b0 54w1 25b0 55w033231565
67Alzate Bravo JosephCAL 57b0 52w½ 81b1 15w0 29w0 74b1 47w½ 46b0331,521491
68Uribe Fajardo AlquiberCAL 27w0 79b1 74w1 65b0 66w1 23w0 28b0 49b0330,531430
69Zuluaga Alzate GustavoCAL 6w0 92b1 66w1 44w0 40b½ 29b0 76w½ 45b0330,521730
70Echavarria Jorge IvanCAL 36w0 30b1 46w0 60b0 27w0 92b1 84w+ 51w032921499
71Quevedo Bonilla Paula ThalianaTOL 10b0 59w0 73b1 26w0 52b0 78w½ 75b½ 86w132921374
72Pena Mora CarlosTOL 31w0 82b1 42w0 74b0 64w1 30b0 87w1 48b0328,531435
73Benavides Arteaga Miguel AngelCAL 1w0 39b0 71w0 95b1 75b1 84w+ 30w0 47b0328,521441
74Cipagauta Guevara GersonVAL 14b0 56w1 68b0 72w1 61b0 67w0 55b0 89w132831560
75Arguelles Ochoa Julio CesarTOL 32w0 88b1 63w0 30b0 73w0 64b½ 71w½ 85b1326,521362
76Angulo Soto DanielaCAL 23w0 29b0 92w0 52w½ 95b1 80b+ 69b½ 53w0324,511536
77Jaramillo Carlos OrlandoRIS 52b1 14w0 16b½ 58w0 39b0 56w02,53511457
78Lara Aguirre Maria CamilaTOL 48b0 26w0 30w0 85b1 53w0 71b½ 90w1 60b02,52821473
79Lopez Mahecha NataliaTOL 44b0 68w0 86b1 84w1 28b0 52w0 53b0 82w½2,526,521409
80Londono Tejedor Leidy JohanaCAL 59b1 10w0 61b0 90w½ 57b0 76w- 64w0 92b12,525,521609
81Gonzalez Cortez Joshtin MatiasVAL 15b0 67w0 27b0 58w0 85b0 95w1 87b12,52521297
82Ascencio Gomez Jhonathan EduardoTOL 61b0 72w0 87b0 64w0 -1 95w+ 56b0 79b½2,522,501034
83Jaramillo AmparoCAL 37b0 9w0 89b1 45w0 88b1 63w0 51b0 64b0229,521509
84Dabraccio GuillermoCAL 45b+ 36b0 8w0 79b0 87w1 73b- 70b- -022911327
85Abello Quintero David AlejandroTOL 28b0 90w0 50b0 78w0 89b1 81w1 54b0 75w0224,521212
86Giraldo Guevara Juan DiegoCAL 46w0 38b0 79w0 89w1 49b0 87b0 92w1 71b022321208
87Carrillo Riano Karen SofiaTOL 66w0 60b0 82w1 54b0 84b0 86w1 72b0 81w0222,521242
88Ramirez Juan FelipeCAL 34b0 75w0 -1 38b0 83w0 89w- 89w0 95b122211281
89Jimenez SamuelCAL 42w0 54b0 83w0 86b0 85w0 88b+ 88b1 74b02211997
90Rodriguez Zuluaga Gabriel AndresCAL 41w0 85b1 43w0 80b½ -0 62w0 78b0 -01,526,511344
91Molano Walter ReneRIS 48b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -013200
92Castaneda Guarin SimonCAL 51b0 69w0 76b1 55w0 56b0 70w0 86b0 80w0125,511169
93Velasquez Juan DavidVAL 24w- 55w- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -003300
Arroyo Bravo Jaime HumbertoCAL 63w- 16b- -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -003300
95Giraldo Mejia CarlosCAL 40b0 53w0 56b0 73w0 76w0 82b- 81b0 88w0025,50544

Desempate 1: points (game-points)
Desempate 2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 3: The greater number of victories (variable)
Desempate 4: Performance (variable with parameter)