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Dernière mise à jour 23.05.2021 15:38:02, Créateur/Dernière mise à jour:

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Grille américaine selon rang initial

NomEloFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPtsRg Dep.1  Dep.2  Dep.3 
1Cuttoli Alexandre2012MNC 10w1 9b1 2w1 7b0 4w0 6b1 12w1530532
2Warnier Yanis1964FRA 21b1 20w1 1b0 10w1 5b1 13w1 4b0550528
3Matsumura Cocoro1924FRA 6b0 16w1 10b0 24w1 20b0 18w- 21w-2210221,5
4Belkaid Sohan1819FRA 19b1 6w1 7b1 5w0 1b1 17w1 2w1611631,5
5Lordier Sophia1795FRA 18w1 13b1 12w1 4b1 2w0 7b0 9w1540530
6Auribault Louis1747FRA 3w1 4b0 9w1 12b0 10w1 1w0 20b1460428
7Kien Clovis1683MNC 11w1 17b1 4w0 1w1 8b1 5w1 13b1620630,5
8Berezovsky Fiorina1665MNC 24b0 19w1 22b1 20w1 7w0 9b0 11w03140325
9Huynh Tri Viet1656FRA 14w1 1w0 6b0 15b1 12w1 8w1 5b0470427,5
10Martin Nils1645FRA 1b0 14w1 3w1 2b0 6b0 16w1 17b½3,5120327
11Noerdinger Leo1615FRA 7b0 15w1 20b0 16w0 24b1 22w1 8b1490422,5
12Jacob Eva1539FRA 16b½ 24w1 5b0 6w1 9b0 20w1 1b03,5130325,5
13Fougerat Emma1534FRA 22b1 5w0 23b1 17w1 16b1 2b0 7w0480426
14Grulier Ernest1469FRA 9b0 10b0 18w1 23w1 17b0 19b1 16w14100419
15Barrast Catherine1414FRA 17b0 11b0 19w1 9w0 18b0 23w1 24b13170319
16Kechkekian Chae1366FRA 12w½ 3b0 21w1 11b1 13w0 10b0 14b02,5190223,5
17Sanguinetti Edoardo1312ITA 15w1 7w0 24b1 13b0 14w1 4b0 10w½3,5110328,5
18Facqueur Jordan1295FRA 5b0 22w0 14b0 21b0 15w1 3b+ 19w02220221
19Coutton Aurelien1211FRA 4w0 8b0 15b0 22w1 23b1 14w0 18b13160321,5
20De Martino Daniele0FRA 23w1 2b0 11w1 8b0 3w1 12b0 6w03150323,5
21Pugachev Sergej0MNC 2w0 23b0 16b0 18w1 22b0 24w0 3b+2230216
22Stoyanov Victor0MNC 13w0 18b1 8w0 19b0 21w1 11b0 23w13180318
23Subkhanberdin Janibek0MNC 20b0 21w1 13w0 14b0 19w0 15b0 22b01240121,5
24Vaquero Hito0FRA 8w1 12b0 17w0 3b0 11w0 21b1 15w02200221,5

Départage 1: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)
Départage 2: The greater number of victories (variable)
Départage 3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)