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Última actualización20.06.2021 18:51:08, Propietario/Última carga: FEDERACIÓN ARAGONESA DE AJEDREZ (65)

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Cuadro cruzado por ranking inicial

No.Nombre1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.RdPts.Rk. Des 1  Des 2  Des 3 
1AIMAntonano Fedz-Quincoces Avelino 10b1 8w0 2b1 4w½ 9b1 5w1 3b15,5223200
2Pes Mateo Angel 12w+ 5b½ 1w0 10b1 8w1 3b1 4w15,5123,5200
3Hernandez Delgado Gabriel 13b1 16w1 4b½ 8w½ 15b1 2w0 1w0462420,50
4Sarto Ramos Angel 14w1 7b1 3w½ 1b½ 5w½ 6b1 2b04,5424210
5Sanchez Valles Jose Maria 15b1 2w½ 8b½ 19w1 4b½ 1b0 14w14,5524190
6Castera Montagud Rafael 16w- 9b1 -0 13w1 11b1 4w0 7b14820,5140
7Garcia Artal Obdulio 17b1 4w0 15b0 18w1 19b1 -0 6w031120,5140
8Navarro Castan Jesus 18w1 1b1 5w½ 3b½ 2b0 14w1 15b1532320,50
9Pellicer Sancho Rafael Jose 19b1 6w0 -0 17b1 1w0 18b1 -14920140
10Lorente Latorre Antonio 1w0 14b0 12w+ 2w0 13b1 11w0 18w½2,51419,58,50
11Argueso Palomino Manuel -0 15w0 18b1 16w+ 6w0 10b1 13w141017,5120
12Dominguez Velazquez Jesus 2b- 17w0 10b- -0 -0 -0 -001913,500
13Ubeda Gimeno Angel 3w0 18b1 19w0 6b0 10w0 -1 11b021517,580
14Lopez Carcas Jesus 4b0 10w1 16b1 15w0 17w1 8b0 5b031220,5140
15Lasierra Arceiz Javier 5w0 11b1 7w1 14b1 3w0 19b1 8w04721170
16Burillo Lazaro Amelia 6b+ 3b0 14w0 11b- -0 17b- -011816,570
17Pinilla Alvarez Jose Carlos 7w0 12b1 -0 9w0 14b0 16w+ 19w021617,580
18Modrego Oro Aurelio 8b0 13w0 11w0 7b0 -1 9w0 10b½1,51718,53,50
19Castillo Picapeo Francisco 9w0 -1 13b1 5b0 7w0 15w0 17b131318,5120

Desempate 1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Desempate 2: Fide Tie-Break
Desempate 3: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)